Interesting. Apparently I stand corrected. In my haste I failed to read all of the posts, and inferred some information from the context of your posts as well as your tone. You made references to being in Turkey, and talking about it as if you live there. Yet you say you live in Belgium. Although I find your tone and choice of words highly misleading in most of your posts I was mistaken in thinking you had outright admitted to living there, although you admitted that you are there now, even if it is only a visit.
No, it is mainly it's religion, no muslim country has ever been accepted into the E.U. and it will be a big step for Diversity if Turkey does get in.
Its not the muslim thing people mind, since turkey is secular, its more the fact that most people simply dont think of turks as europeans and so dont think they belong in the eu.
Its not the muslim thing people mind, since turkey is secular, its more the fact that most people simply dont think of turks as europeans and so dont think they belong in the eu
Well that will slowly change, they will have to adapt sooner or later i guess =/
I see no reason why Turkey should not be in the EU even though only a small percentage is in europe its the Europeon union and Turkey is in Europe.If the dont let them in at least let the province of Turkey that is in Europe in to represnt them.
Not really. Regret is a negative emotional reaction to your past behaviors. I avoid negative emotions as they serve no productive purpose. I can admit when I am in error, but that does not mean that I need to inflict emotional and psychological suffering upon myself for my errors. I simply learn from them and move on.
Not really. Regret is a negative emotional reaction to your past behaviors. I avoid negative emotions as they serve no productive purpose. I can admit when I am in error, but that does not mean that I need to inflict emotional and psychological suffering upon myself for my errors. I simply learn from them and move on.
If the dont let them in at least let the province of Turkey that is in Europe in to represnt them.
That's a lovely idea but I'm afraid it would create too much conflict and problems. We will get in one day, when we fix our mistakes and issues, it doesn't matter when but I will die a very sad man if it is not in my lifetime. It's really important to us, and to me in specific =/
I see no reason why Turkey should not be in the EU even though only a small percentage is in europe its the Europeon union and Turkey is in Europe.If the dont let them in at least let the province of Turkey that is in Europe in to represnt them.
Read the entire thread my friend, THEN and only then, post a comment. That way your not questioning something which has already been answered.
As both MRWalker & myself have pointed out, because of the attack on Cyprus back in the 70's/80's and the fact Turkey refuse to give back Cyprus's Land, they have been exempt from joining the EU for sometime. Even if they were to be voted in all EU countries have to agree for them to be accepted. The chances of Cyprus giving their two cents for Turkey to join, is about as much chance as finding Dog Sh*t in the queens Handbag.
they have been exempt from joining the EU for sometime.
They didn't receive an official time penalty, they were just rejected by a minority of the voting countries. But as I said, that will all be fixed soon anyways so it's not a huge issue.
And MRWALKER, here is a paragraph taken directly from 'Northern Cyprus Wikipedia'
Attempts to reach a solution to the dispute have so far been unsuccessful. In 2004 a fifth revision of the UN Annan Plan to settle the Cyprus dispute was accepted by a majority of Turkish Cypriots in a referendum, but rejected by a majority of Greek Cypriots.
Seems like some people don't want the affair to be resolved, that's really weird O_O
Btw WTF is up with Northern Cyprus, a self-proclaimed state?
It was proclaimed an independent state after the military coup in the 70s in which Turkish forces invaded the island and displaced nearly 200,000 Greek Cypriots from their homes. Also, this action violated the Geneva Convention as well as several UN Resolutions. And, not surprisingly, the only nation that even recognizes this "Northern Cyprus" is Turkey. Every other nation, as well as the UN, have declared that Cyprus has de facto rights to all territories on the island. This is why it has been a major stumbling block to Turkey's accession to the EU
Btw WTF is up with Northern Cyprus, a self-proclaimed state?
It was proclaimed an independent state after the military coup in the 70s in which Turkish forces invaded the island and displaced nearly 200,000 Greek Cypriots from their homes. Also, this action violated the Geneva Convention as well as several UN Resolutions. And, not surprisingly, the only nation that even recognizes this "Northern Cyprus" is Turkey. Every other nation, as well as the UN, have declared that Cyprus has de facto rights to all territories on the island. This is why it has been a major stumbling block to Turkey's accession to the EU
Read the entire thread my friend, THEN and only then, post a comment. That way your not questioning something which has already been answered.
Well i have not read it all but from the information i had that would of been a simple soloution.
As both MRWalker & myself have pointed out, because of the attack on Cyprus back in the 70's/80's and the fact Turkey refuse to give back Cyprus's Land
And how long did England,France,USA and Russia have Germany for compared to this.