I wanted to pick out all the people supporting Israel and post cricitizing responses to them, but there was (surprisingly) too many of them to do so, and so I'll just state the facts.
Israel took Palestine BY FORCE. Palestine belongs to the Palestinians, Israel is not a real country. The Israeli's walked into Palestine destroying hundreds of thousands of homes and killing thousands. Israel is also using illegal elements on the Palestinians, burning and permenantly damaging the population, and the "UN" or US aren't doing anything about it. The whole of it just makes me sick.
That's what they get for being complete idiots.
I completely agree with whats Israel is doing.
You ignorant fool, Palestine belonged to the Palestinians originally, Israel has no right to be doing this to them.
Personally, i support the bombing of the Gaza Strip 100%. The Hamas are a dangerous threat to the Middle East and the world, they need to be eliminated.
Ricador? I must say I am surprised. Hamas are pretty much just retaliating to what Israel has done to Palestine, a resistance group is not a dangerous threat to a complete region or more so the world. Israel is just using that as an excuse to continue dominating Palestine and eventually wiping them out of existance, look at the big picture and you will see it. What's the matter? Can't Israel handle a couple of holes in their "beautiful homes" after what they did to the entire country? I think it's an extremely small price to pay.
I don't support the death of them, i think it is sad they have to die.
They don't have to die! Israelis are purposely shooting children (I saw an unbiased news report showing hundreds of children with bullet holes through their heads or heart, I'd say well aimed. Israel denies hard proof.
But if a dangerous organization like that, that is threatening to more than a thousand civilians, then it must be done.
Oh my, is it right for Israel to kill off all Palestinians to eliminate Hamas? Over 1,000 innocent Palestinians have been killed and over 4,000 wounded and less than 100 were members of Hamas, these statistics not good enough for you?
Hamas pulled off terrorist acts that killed 4x times the amount of civilians that are dieing now, isn't that a raw deal?
4x the amount of Israeli civilians dying now? That would be... 4-10? Do thousands of innocent palestinians have to die for the sake of such a low number? Israel is simply looking for an excuse to attack and take over Gaza.
"It's all for the greater good".
The greater good? As in the extinction of Palestinians? I see.
-Skyla <3 I will be posting a lot more on this subject but it's 4 AM and I'm extremely tired at the moment.
Thank you very much woody, for making this topic, I just got on ArmorGames to see if there had been a topic made.