ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
618 posts


There is a marijuana plant that you can't get high off of. At least this marijuana should be legalized!

You need to be educated about what your talking about so here it is straight from the hemp maker's mouth:

Help people to understand that industrial hemp and marijuana are different breeds of Cannabis sativa. Industrial hemp will not get you high like its cousin marijuana.

LOL@NoNameC68 - Just so as to make sure you understand. Hemp is a family of plants and in that family there's one plant we call marijuana. There's another TOTALLY different plant species that was used in American History for making things. The video you tried to sell as FACT starts telling lies trying to make these two TOTALLY differnet plants as the same one for making rope for the colonists. There knot.

So reason number 2 is out of the way. The only thing you got is one reason. The drug in marijuana is good for medicine. Wake up Fred, they've been using that drug legally for years!

So reason number 1 is out. Wow. You had two reasons, then I subtracted 2, leaving you without any reasons whatsoevah!

Here's some things to thing about. If marijuana is legal because it's just a plant, then that means all drugs from plants should be legal. Suppose you legalize all drugs and it turns lots of people into druggies. Now the whole world can't run no more because there's no economy because no one wants to work. So what do they do? They just start a bunch of crime to get more drugs and the governments say, Whoa, we better make these drugs illegal again then there's WORLD WAR III! So, if you love PEACE, then that's a good reason to keep it illegal. Besides, it's a sin, and who wants to burn in hell for doing something so stupid? I do....NOT!
185 posts

The main issue with having marijuana illegal, is the fact that it is completely legal to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, pound pure caffeine into your face, or just the pure and simple fact that fat people are like the stoners of McDonalds.

600 posts

It's more addicting than tobacco and it screws the mind if you take a lot of it, so banning it is for the benefit of everyone else.

Marijuana is not addictive, it is impossible for the human body to develop a dependence on it.
5,043 posts

here is a marijuana plant that you can't get high off of.

I should have said Cannabis. You are right.

Now why is it that industrial hemp has such insanely high standards of growth (basically making it next to impossible to grow legally)?

You assumed that I was talking about all marijuana here. I understand, I used poor word choice. But why is it that industrial hemp is either illegal to grow or so damn hard to grow without super expensive regulations?

You didn't disprove anything.

The video you tried to sell as FACT starts telling lies trying to make these two TOTALLY differnet plants as the same one for making rope for the colonists.

I used my source, now it's time for you to use a source. PROVE IT.

Marijuana and Marinol both share very similar effects. Marijuana, however, will work more immediately than Marinol when smoked (5 min compared to an hour). Marinol also contains less cannabinoids than marijuana, so marinol may not offer the same benefits as marijuana.

If marijuana is consumed orally, then it will take as long as Marinol to work.

So which one is better? Both of them offer similar effects and smoking marijuana will almost immediately work at the cost of possible respiratory effects.

Marinol is very costly to create and to buy. Marijuana would be cheaper. Marinol is almost three times more expensive than medical marijuana.

So how have you proved me wrong? Sure, I said marijuana rather than cannabis, but that's it. You provided no reason why marijuana should be illegal except for your last ignorant paragraph.

Here's some things to thing about. If marijuana is legal because it's just a plant, then that means all drugs from plants should be legal. I never said it should be legal just because it's a plant. Suppose you legalize all drugs and it turns lots of people into druggies. Now the whole world can't run no more because there's no economy because no one wants to work. That's why I don't support the legalization of all drugs. Would you smoke marijuana if it was legalized? Many people wouldn't. Those who would smoke it would not become lazy unless they were high. People who smoke weed aren't necessarily lazy all the time. It's just that some people who are lazy all the time choose to smoke weed. It's only coincidence. People who get drunk are stupid, only while they are drunk. So what do they do? They just start a bunch of crime to get more drugs and the governments say, Whoa, we better make these drugs illegal again then there's WORLD WAR III! This never happened when we made alcohol legal. The Alcohol prohibition raised crime rates because people wanted to drink it. How often do people murder other's for beer? It just doesn't happen. The same for marijuana. People who have a business in selling marijuana commit crimes such as murders and gang violence. If marijuana was legal and people wanted it, they would buy it! They wouldn't kill for it. Now them Klondike Bars... those are a different story. Don't be ignorant. So, if you love PEACE, then that's a good reason to keep it illegal. Besides, it's a sin, and who wants to burn in hell for doing something so stupid? I do....NOT! Too bad marijuana doesn't cause violence. Keeping something that people want illegal and an underground market for cash creates violence.


Besides, it's a sin, and who wants to burn in hell for doing something so stupid?

There is no god.


Prove it


At least 3 sources, the bible counts as 1 and we need 2 more.

Have a nice day. Enjoy life.

There is no God.
9,821 posts

Marijuana isn't dangerous to smoke for people who are of a certain age, and currently, billions of dollars and thousands of lives are lost to its illegality each year. If it's legalized, or at least decriminalized, then the black market will no longer have so much pressure on it and people won't be killed over illegal transactions or interaction with marijuana cartels anymore, so less people will die due to the black market. Also, we can use the billions of dollars otherwise used to help police the stuff for things that're actually important.

Here's some things to thing about. If marijuana is legal because it's just a plant, then that means all drugs from plants should be legal. Suppose you legalize all drugs and it turns lots of people into druggies. Now the whole world can't run no more because there's no economy because no one wants to work. So what do they do? They just start a bunch of crime to get more drugs and the governments say, Whoa, we better make these drugs illegal again then there's WORLD WAR III! So, if you love PEACE, then that's a good reason to keep it illegal. Besides, it's a sin, and who wants to burn in hell for doing something so stupid? I do....NOT!

This is a stupid paragraph. Not everyone will do illegal drugs if they're legalized, just like not everyone smokes cigarettes or drinks alcohol. Rendering your entire anecdote completely useless and false. Also, keep religion out of this. Religion is not completely proven, so it is not definite that you will go to hell for breaking Christianity's moral guidelines. We have to be completely morally objective in these types of decisions.
618 posts

You assumed that I was talking about all marijuana here. I understand, I used poor word choice.

I can see your odvious mistake, because your UNION video source FAILED in the same way. It mixed up the words marijuana with cannibus time and time again trying to spread lies against common knowledge and fact - Union Video Quotes:
marijuana which is also cannibus which can also be hemp.

cannibus hemp was the largest agricultural crop in the world.

the first marijuana log ordered people to grow hemp.


Medicine. I'm sure there are other medicines out there being tested for canniboids and THC and getting in to your body faster so there's still no reason to legalize it. Another thing is this, cigarettes and alcohol are causing a lot of problems, and you just add more if you add more drugs, so it's healthier for society just to keep them out, and besides, whenever someone says marijuana don't cause addiction should take this test:

Marijuana - Take the Quiz to see if your Addicted

Who wants millions of new addicts and new lives destroyed by the evils of marijuana and other druggie plants? I sure don't!

Prove GOD? That's just your Faith. But whatever. A lot of people get religious from fighting through their marijuana addictions. They see the light. But I can't use any of there testimonies as sources. So let's see??? If you now anything about physics then you already got the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics as 2 sources. You could also go with all the stuff that you use, where did all that come form? It had to come from God, the only question left is when will Jesus return? Actually I just thought of two more sources: Easter and Christmas. So that's a bunch of sources and this is off the topic so I have to stop there, as there are other threads for this sort of thing, not having to do with Marijuana Legalization but the burning torment of brimstone that may await the person who smokes it!
1,714 posts

We can make hemp paper (like the Declaration of Independence)

Sorry, but the Declaration of Independence is written on sheepskin, not hemp.
1,714 posts

Who wants millions of new addicts and new lives destroyed by the evils of marijuana and other druggie plants? I sure don't!

It is next to impossible to be addicted to marijuana. It is not evil and does not destroy lives. Your statement is obviously the result of media brainwashing.
618 posts

Moe, you need to look at that quiz testimonials cause they disagree with you or whatever.

USER 1: That was a good quiz.
I personally dealt with being an âaddictâ ages ago, but for me that particular revelation did not help so much.

USER 2: I have fooled myself for years that pot is a good treatment for my bi polar disorder and that I just do it because it is fun. Well, itâs a lieâ¦it can seem fun sometimes and I have had great times with good friendsâ¦but it reaches a point where I have to ask what it has cost me compared to what it has caused me to lose.

USER 3: Wow, I had no idea that I was addicted to something. After sending my sister to rehab for drinking who would have thought that I would need to recover from something myself.

USER 4: So Iâve been wanting to quit but I donât know if I can. My boyfriend is severely addicted to it, even more than meâ¦because I have those feelings in the back of my head. It really hurts the way I donât go to work

This is from

If you or a loved one smokes a lot of pot then you already know the marijuana information that the short-term memory of the user can be limited and judgment impaired. Addiction is also a very real consequence that is evident when the user is unable to stop on his or her own. The body adapts to the presence of marijuana and becomes use to it, in fact requires it to feel pleasure thus continuing use.

Spencer Recovery Centers has combined the best of medical, therapeutic and educational services to help clients recover from marijuana addiction. In comfortable facilities on the beaches of Southern California and Florida, many clients who were not able to quit on their own have found a new life free of the bondage of marijuana.

If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction to marijuana, please give us a call today for a private consultation about our services and your options.

Why are those people going to all that effort to help others get educated on being addicted to something that is next to impossible to addicted to? What was it that was destroying the lives of those addicts if not marijuana???

So maybe YOUR opinion is the one that was obviously formed form brainwashing!
1,633 posts

Prove GOD? That's just your Faith. But whatever. A lot of people get religious from fighting through their marijuana addictions. They see the light. But I can't use any of there testimonies as sources. So let's see??? If you now anything about physics then you already got the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics as 2 sources. You could also go with all the stuff that you use, where did all that come form? It had to come from God, the only question left is when will Jesus return? Actually I just thought of two more sources: Easter and Christmas. So that's a bunch of sources and this is off the topic so I have to stop there, as there are other threads for this sort of thing, not having to do with Marijuana Legalization but the burning torment of brimstone that may await the person who smokes it!

lolz... Easter and Christmas as proof of God! lol
how does the 1st and 2ed laws of thermodynamics prove anything about God? Matter can not be created nor destroyed only transformed into heat and energy. Creation violates this because Matter can not be created.

any way back on topic...
It is next to impossible to be addicted to marijuana. It is not evil and does not destroy lives. Your statement is obviously the result of media brainwashing.


do you not see those pot heads at your school?! *assuming that you are in high school or were in high school* Marijuana, alcohol, and prescription drugs can ruin lives. If one takes those drugs enough times, frequently enough, there probably will be a psychological addiction to it. People abuse things. And some people abuse Marijuana.
5,043 posts

Taken from the marijuana addiction site.

Over 11 million people smoked marijuana last month. Many may not have severe marijuana side effects from taking the drug but many people will. Scare tactic. Marijuana side effects include physical problems like breathing difficulties Only when you smoke marijuana, and that's because of the smoke! It isn't because of the chemicals. and deteriorating physical abilities. There is no evidence to support that claim. Despite a popular belief, marijuana side effects speed up the heart, blood and breathing rate. This can be a problem if you have high blood pressure, but otherwise this isn't a real problem. This happens when you run. This also happens when you watch scary movies. The body is taxed more and this speeds up the aging process just like methamphetamines do. Did they just compare marijuana to meth?! Who the fuck is this douche bag? Marijuana does not harm your skin NEALY as much as meth! Another scare tactic! The marijuana side effects from this extra exertion on the body include a higher risk for lung cancer, heart attacks and strokes. Smoking anything is bad for you. Lung cancer may occur simply because of the smoke. You can get high off marijuana by mixing it into food. I have never seen any evidence that eating marijuana causes cancer. Of course marijuana can cause heart attacks and strokes, if you have high blood pressure.

I never said marijuana couldn't be abused, but you have to have serious problems to have a heart attack or stroke from smoking marijuana at a young age.

Marijuana can be addicting. However, it doesn't have a very strong hook when it comes to chemical addiction like cigarettes.

Marijuana side effects also wreak havoc on the brain when the drug is used habitually. The natural chemical balance of the brain is disrupted affecting the pleasure centers and regulatory systems. The ability to learn, remember and adapt quickly to changes is impaired by marijuana use. They forgot to add that this only happens while a person is high. Those manipulative assholes. Depression often occurs with marijuana usage, which feeds into the cycle of more drug use to treat the pain created by drug use. Depression often causes people to smoke pot. Then they smoke more because nothing else in their life seems to be working out for them. This is one of the instances where marijuana can be addicting. Of course, the solution to the problem is dealing with stress, not their addiction! That's psychology right there. People who aren't stressed very rarely become marijuana addicts. This cycle of addiction is very powerful and users soon find that they cannot stop using the drug even if they want to. I had this happen to me before... except it was World of Warcraft.

Spencer Recovery Centers has been successfully treating the disease of marijuana addiction for many years. Nationwide, intake for marijuana addiction has doubled for drug rehabilitation facilities. Many people are realizing that marijuana side effects are not to be taken lightly and need to be addressed by professionals.

Spencer Recovery Centers brings together the best treatments of the medical community and the therapeutic sciences. Our professional staff and facilities have treated thousands of clients suffering from the effects of marijuana addiction. We have also conducted many successful interventions on initially reluctant clients who have gone on to live sober lives. Recovery does not need to be fully accepting at first to be effective. But it does take action so call us today for a private consultation of our services.

No wonder, it's a bussiness! Of course they are going to tell you that drugs are bad! It's like tobacco companies telling you that smoking isn't as dangerous as what people tell you.

When people go to rehab, they LIE. Of course those once upon a time drug users admitted they had a problem! Either they were convinced they had a bigger problem than what it really was, or they were just telling BS because they were in a rehab center. Plus, imagine how many people said "I still don't think marijuana was bad." The people who said that were excluded from the list!

I did my research. I have studied both sides of the argument. Yes, there are some people I would encourage not to smoke weed. In fact, I would go out of the way to make sure certain people didn't start smoking weed. However, I don't think the government should have a say in these personal matters of our lives. That's just BS.

Marijuana should be a choice! I don't care if you smoke marijuana or not. But it's things like "But, God says..." NO! God never said anything. Where in the bible does it specifically say that smoking was a sin? Alright, maybe it is. However, your beliefs should stick to you and those who share those beliefs. Stop letting your beliefs infringe on our rights!

I have never smoked tobacco. The last time I smoked weed was over a year ago. I smoked 4 times in my life. I have no urge to smoke again what-so-ever. If marijuana is as addicting as you say, then why is it that I'm not addicted? Of course, I could be an acception. That is, after all, just me. Maybe you should talk to people who smoke weed, or used to smoke it. Or is it a sin to talk to those who do drugs?
1,026 posts

Creation violates this because Matter can not be created.

God can violate any "laws" known to mankind, after all he is God.
259 posts

God can violate any "laws" known to mankind, after all he is God.

So can the flying spaghetti monster =)
259 posts

Megalize Larijuana!!!!!!!

5,552 posts

Megalize Larijuana!!!!!!!

Was this a typo or a really bad joke about spaghetti and meatballs?
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