ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
618 posts

You assume that anybody who smokes marijuana will be lazy, uncoordinated, and addicted.

That's not even true. At lease you could follow the discussion. I used 10% from your own position on depression and stress.
618 posts

It's easy to want marijuana to be illegal because it is morally wrong and plain stupid to you.

Again, that's not my position, and you need to quit misrepresenting it.
5,043 posts

People can be an alcoholic and do construction when there sober, but would you want a drug user making snap judgements and complicated decisions when the life of your little baby is hanging in the balance, even if there sober on that day?

As long as they are qualified to do their job, sure. Marijuana doesn't make you stupid. You might be a little out there and dumb while on marijuana, otherwise you regain every ounce of smarts when sobered up.
5,043 posts

[quote]It's easy to want marijuana to be illegal because it is morally wrong and plain stupid to you.

Again, that's not my position, and you need to quit misrepresenting it.[/quote]

I do apologize for that. Unlike many people in some of these debates, you actually do read through what everyone says and give each sentence some thought.

So it was unfair for me to make the assumption that that was the reasoning behind your statements.
201 posts

I think that legalizing it would be beneficial. It would help the economy if they put a tax on the sale of it, like on alcohol.

It would make jobs for people. Yes, it would probably put drug dealers out of buisness, but it would create more jobs than people would lose.

Also, from experience, I think it's actually beneficial to mental health. It helped me get out of depression and helps me control my anger. When I did have a problem with those things, when nothing else worked for me, I tried it and it worked. It relieves you of all the stresses of life and lets you take a mental vacation. So, if it was legalized, I think there would be less of a problem with those types of issues.

I would also like to say that although it impairs your judgement and movement, it is not as bad as alcohol. Alcohol, (depending on your tolerance level) makes you much more messed up than weed. Also, alcohol damages your liver and can create other problems whereas weed does not. The only thing that can happen to your body when you smoke weed is an injury you could get by making a bad decision. Alcohol is worse than weed in multiple ways and yet it is legal. Why not make pot legal too?

Also, if any of you haven't noticed, they sell bowls, bongs, papers, and pretty much anything you would need to smoke weed (except weed) in a lot of stores and gas stations. There isn't much of an effort to stop weed smoking anyway, and corporate America is actually sort of enabling it, so there wouldn't be much of a difference.

Also, I agree with the statement earlier that most people that smoke weed are not idiots. They just act like idiots when they are high. I know a lot of highly intelligent people that smoke that are not lazy and are responsible.

185 posts

Also, I agree with the statement earlier that most people that smoke weed are not idiots. They just act like idiots when they are high. I know a lot of highly intelligent people that smoke that are not lazy and are responsible.

This is a very level-headed statement and i give you much respect for it, I have no problem admitting i smoke weed. Most people assume the worst right out of the gate but then realize that i, even while smoking weed on a close to daily basis for nearing 10 years now, still remain sharper faster and more responsible than 90% of my peers. I don't smoke cigarettes, drink heavily or anything besides smoke a little mj everyday, and im going to tell you all that i am likely more productive than you and your parents combined.
1,026 posts

WTF dude, you smoke weed? If you don't like our country's laws enough to break them, just move to another country okay?

5,043 posts

WTF dude, you smoke weed? If you don't like our country's laws enough to break them, just move to another country okay?

Almost everybody has a sip of alcohol before they are 21 years old. That's illegal. Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it's wrong.

Go back a few pages and read the debates. Do some research on marijuana yourself rather than automatically assuming it's bad just because it's what you've been told.
1,026 posts

I've learned about pot in health class, so I know enough to know that it is disgusting.
Besides, if you're going to bring up the "it's the same as tobacco" arguement, tobacco is legal because a lot of people do it and it's hard for them to quit. However, you say pot isn't addictive, so there's no reason for it to be legalized.

1,026 posts

I've learned about pot in health class, so I know enough to know that it is disgusting.
Besides, if you're going to bring up the "it's the same as tobacco" arguement, tobacco is legal because a lot of people do it and it's hard for them to quit. However, you say pot isn't addictive, so there's no reason for it to be legalized.

1,026 posts

I've learned about pot in health class, so I know enough to know that it is disgusting.
Besides, if you're going to bring up the "it's the same as tobacco" arguement, tobacco is legal because a lot of people do it and it's hard for them to quit. However, you say pot isn't addictive, so there's no reason for it to be legalized.

1,026 posts

Um, whoa. Sorry about that, Safari was acting realllly slow.

618 posts

As a representative of AG you shouldn't be saying that it's ok to break any laws of our land. Even if you think a law is wrong, it's still against the law to break it, and as a AG moderator you should be more careful in your responses.

600 posts

I've learned about pot in health class, so I know enough to know that it is disgusting.
Besides, if you're going to bring up the "it's the same as tobacco" argument, tobacco is legal because a lot of people do it and it's hard for them to quit. However, you say pot isn't addictive, so there's no reason for it to be legalized.

Tobacco is legal because of tax dollars and lobbyists, not because of addiction, addiction is one of the arguments against pot, you can't use it as an excuse to keep something legal and another thing illegal.

As a representative of AG you shouldn't be saying that it's ok to break any laws of our land. Even if you think a law is wrong, it's still against the law to break it, and as a AG moderator you should be more careful in your responses.

When did NoName say its okay to break laws?
'Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it's wrong.' does not equal 'Its ok to brake laws'.
1 posts

first off sorry to tell u but Marijuana is a lot more likely to attract kids if it is illegal. mainly cause it says "look im a badass"

second, crap like "drug deals gone bad and leaves 3 dead" would not happen as much. and even if they would legalize Marijuana there would be licens, restrictions and age laws just like ciggrets, beer, and any thing else.

finaly, we could be gaining money importing exporting and distrubiting. Marijuana sales go about more than 1 million a month and USA has some good quality weed to sell to other countrys. and finaly if you can find any thing else weed dose bad than ciggrets or beer tell me
p.s. sorry i can't spell to good dislexic since 6 years old but i know my stuff

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