ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
3,880 posts

Besides, if you're going to bring up the "it's the same as tobacco" argument, tobacco is legal because a lot of people do it and it's hard for them to quit. However, you say pot isn't addictive, so there's no reason for it to be legalized.

Marijuana is actually a lot safer then alcohol and cigarettes.

Marijuana is the least addictive of the drugs, while nicotine is the highest.

How can you say tobacco should be legal because people are addicted to it? So someone that is actually more harmful and more addictive for you should be legalized?

tobacco is legal because a lot of people do it and it's hard for them to quit.

lot of people do pot. Hell, a lot of people do sugar. Sugar isn't addictive either, should it be illegal?
618 posts

He says it's ok to break the law as kids. Look:

WoodyGuthrie said - realize that i, even while smoking weed on a close to daily basis for nearing 10 years now,

NoNameC68 said - Almost everybody has a sip of alcohol before they are 21 years old. That's illegal. Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it's wrong.

Sorry, but breaking the law is just wrong especially for kids. It's wrong for kids to drink alcohol and is wrong for kids to smoke marijuana. This WoodyGuthrie's been smoking since he was 13, and NoNameC68 was defending him by saying that lots of kids do illegal things and that doesn't make it wrong!! Doesn't NoNameC68 care about kids? He says parents should watch there kids. He doesn't really believe that if he's saying is ok for kids do do illegal things like drinking and smoking marijuana!!!
1,287 posts

He says it's ok to break the law as kids.

When did NoName say its okay to break laws?
'Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it's wrong.' does not equal 'Its ok to brake laws'.

Deserteagle is right.

He did not encourage illegal activity. he never said it was ok. He said just because something is illegal doesn't mean it's wrong.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

The law is not always correct, when we don't represent the law we have the right to decide to follow it or not, if we decide not to follow it we must be ready for the consequences.

16 posts

Legalizing it would actually put a much bigger strain on an already fragile economy. There are tens of thousands of people who in one way or another sustain their lives economically through selling or growing it. Legalize it and thats tens of thousands more taxing our welfare system that is already over abused by the lazy and ignorant

1,633 posts

Deserteagle is right.

I didn't say that... noname did... look at the names.. not just the aramtar. =p

Sorry, but breaking the law is just wrong especially for kids. It's wrong for kids to drink alcohol and is wrong for kids to smoke marijuana. This WoodyGuthrie's been smoking since he was 13, and NoNameC68 was defending him by saying that lots of kids do illegal things and that doesn't make it wrong!! Doesn't NoNameC68 care about kids? He says parents should watch there kids. He doesn't really believe that if he's saying is ok for kids do do illegal things like drinking and smoking marijuana!!!

Dude... your a Christian right? You drink wine every Sunday during Communion. So technically you should be in jail for underage drinking.

We all break the law at some point in our lives. Am I going to Hell for having a Beer even though I'm under 21? No.

As Noname said; a lot of responsible, hard working people smoke pot. They aren't unemployed and abuse the drug. They take it in moderation. Does smoking pot make them bad people? no. Does drinking a beer make you a bad person? no.

There is nothing wring with drinking beer. It becomes wrong when you don't know when to stop and don't drink in moderation. THAT is wrong.
1,287 posts

I didn't say that... noname did... look at the names.. not just the aramtar. =p

3,880 posts

Legalize it and thats tens of thousands more taxing our welfare system that is already over abused by the lazy and ignorant

that made no sense
1,714 posts

I've learned about pot in health class, so I know enough to know that it is disgusting.

You learned about pot in a gov't approved class. The gov't is against marijuana. I wonder how accurate the "information" you learned is.
206 posts

Legalization of Marijuana?
I can see the traffic jams now... People trying to get to work after they had some pot and other people who did not have pot. And then the cops show up!

Yeah, I can see how "Legalization of Marijuana" can really help.[/sarcasm]

3,880 posts

Legalization of Marijuana?
I can see the traffic jams now... People trying to get to work after they had some pot and other people who did not have pot. And then the cops show up!

Yeah, I can see how "Legalization of Marijuana" can really help.[/sarcasm]

The stupidity I see in this thread brings up my hopes of communism working.

By saying communism doesnt work because people suck, I figured you had some what of an argument but since your using the same shitty argument on this topic, it makes me lul

Well buddy, alcohol is legal too and its more dangerous to drive drunk than to be high on weed. To think that people are that dumb to get high and drive is just simply retarded.
3,880 posts

And of course its not as if Driving high is gonna be legal if marijuana is legalized. So really, it would be such a rare case to have someone be high and drive.

And if they did, they can be caught.

And also, even if they did, the case of someone being drunk and driving is worse then being high and driving

Acknowledging these points, there is very little to worry about.

Hell with the money we'd make from taxing weed, we can use it on anti-high driving campaigns -_-

1,026 posts

You learned about pot in a gov't approved class.  The gov't is against marijuana.  I wonder how accurate the "information" you learned is.

Even the government is more accurate than you potheads.
1,287 posts

Pot slows perception of time.

This could make you drive BETTER than you do when sober

996 posts

This could make you drive BETTER than you do when sober

i'd like to support this with some evidence i've seen. solely from observing the driving actions of my brother when he is/isn't high...

1) He speeds less when high, and is very much more inclined to speed and drag race against other cars and put the car in higher gears when sober
2) Parallel parking...
high: 15 seconds. perfect the first time
sober: 3 minutes. looks like someone with cerebral palsy tried to park it

i could have more, but first hand account are often discredited here anyways.

i can honestly say that through my experiences i am more calm and collected when driving high, and actually got better grades on my driving tests when i did them high.
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