ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
996 posts

We all know what would happen so we wouldn't do it.

if you mean that you would see absolutely no long term effects by trying weed, even several times, then yes you know what would happen.
if you mean "i don't smoke weed because i'll get cancer and be half retarded for the rest of my life" then no, you do not.

you all think you know what would happen you don't know

as i said before, you're really not helping.
if you're going to support our cause, use your words and have explanations and examples.
also, stop reinforcing this cult style of thinking that we've been trying to tear away from since the hippy age. it doesn't help.
618 posts

yielee - Like if you work in construction then it doesn't matter if drugs are legal cause your not really affecting anyone's life

[quote]German3945 - WHAT? being high in a construction zone is hazardous to your life and every single person in the construction zone. that is an extremely dangerous job to work high.

German3945 later wrote - I personally, when working (easy, un-****-up-able) construction would take weed breaks because it A) relieves most of the minor, useless pains from construction that often slow me down otherwise B) is a nice break from busting through concrete walls C) allows me to be more relaxed while making munnehmunnehmunnnneeehhhhh.

[quote]German3945 explain - the first time i said construction zone i meant an actual construction zone-- making of a house, building; use of heavy machines that need lots of focus and practice and discipline to use. Serious, real construction.

Notice how this last post, i specifically said "easy, un-****-up-able construction", meaning that the actions taken were not dangerous while high. There was no machinery involved, no platforms, nothing that could be manipulated into a bad situation even if i had been completely blown.

stop trying to pick this apart by looking at small errors that truly aren't there.

I have to say this again: Some of you aren't being honest and are just playing around.

You weren't being sincere to just discuss the issue YOU WERE PLAYING GAMES BY JUST BEING ANTAGONISTIC. Here's the proof. I talked about people who work in construction and you tried telling me off saying is was an extremely dangerous job to work in high. Now I know that you were just being a jerk, cause you said that you can work in construction and being high doesn't affect no one's life, so you are still being a jerk.

If you were sincere you would have said, "Oh, yeah. I work in construction and I get high on the job, but there are some Zones that you don't want to be high in cause there dangerous."
1,714 posts

It's pathetic that people rely on a plant to fulfill their lives.

I don't mean to insult or offend any religious people, but its pathetic that people rely on someone they haven't met and may not even exist to fulfill their lives.
1,573 posts

well yes technically you can say that, however if you're against something you normally don't try it.

if i were against the muslim religion, i wouldn't pray 5 times a day in a muslim language.

I have to pick apart this comment. Praying and smoking dope are different, Im sure you know this but the comparison is not a good one. One is a substance, the other is a complete farce (couldnt resist)...

But... regardless of having tried the substance or not you can see how people behave on it and make a personal choice to ingest etc.

There are plenty of people who have taken substances who later in life turn around and say "dont do this" etc... usually from people who abused whatever it was and messed up a part of their life by the substance abuse.

It's pathetic that people rely on a plant to fulfill their lives.

I am inclined to agree, but most people dont do this. It is, however, MUCH more pathetic, that a naturally growing plant is made illigal, when there is a mountain of evidence to suggest its illigal status is not nesseccary.
996 posts

You weren't being sincere to just discuss the issue YOU WERE PLAYING GAMES BY JUST BEING ANTAGONISTIC. Here's the proof. I talked about people who work in construction and you tried telling me off saying is was an extremely dangerous job to work in high. Now I know that you were just being a jerk, cause you said that you can work in construction and being high doesn't affect no one's life, so you are still being a jerk.

If you were sincere you would have said, "Oh, yeah. I work in construction and I get high on the job, but there are some Zones that you don't want to be high in cause there dangerous."

I don't work in a construction zone.

I work a construction-type job. I'll say again.

My first example, as was the example you used: A construction zone. Hart hat area. Lots of machines, lots of people working, lots of knowledge and experience and focus needed to complete the job. Walking on a high rise steel beam 2+ floors off the ground while high? NO.

My second example, was of (and let me clarify more) a job which did not require extensive knowledge, experience, or focus. Specifically, knocking down plaster walls and putting up drywall. Hitting a wall with a hammer while high? simply fun.
To clear up any confusion, my job was NOT a construction zone, there were no machines involved, no one's lives were at risk because (A) no one near me/under me/over me (B) 40-yr-old plaster isn't dangerous to anyone who has the strength to use a hammer.

Being in a construction zone, working with heavy machinery with lots of people near/above/below and sometimes working high off the ground, is much too dangerous.

My personal example was simply about relief while working. It was not a construction zone, there was no heavy machinery, there were no people in the vicinity, it was inside a stable building.

The two situations were not connected in any way.

I'd also appreciate it if you stopped turning this into a personal matter.
618 posts

I guess your just not that smart then.

What you did is made a mistake to use the small special type of construction work that is done in Zones to generalize about ALL TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION BEING UNSAFE for marijuana. Then you contradicted yourself to say that there was some other kinds of CONSTRUCTION WORK that was SAFE for marijuana. So I'm going to conclude that your just not that smart.


996 posts

What you did is made a mistake to use the small special type of construction work that is done in Zones to generalize about ALL TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION BEING UNSAFE for marijuana. Then you contradicted yourself to say that there was some other kinds of CONSTRUCTION WORK that was SAFE for marijuana. So I'm going to conclude that your just not that smart.

ohhh wooowwwwwwwww i made a small mistake in my wording, it's the end of the world. sorry if i'm high half the time i'm on the computer.

also, if you have a problem with mistakes i make, looks a little more mature than to parade around pointing at me and yelling.
189 posts

Dude pot smokers are total dopes. If we legalized marijuana every bumhead alive would be getting high all day long. There would be like 1% of the population doing something to help better the world and 99% sitting on their butts drowning in their own lazyness.

996 posts

Dude pot smokers are total dopes. If we legalized marijuana every bumhead alive would be getting high all day long. There would be like 1% of the population doing something to help better the world and 99% sitting on their butts drowning in their own lazyness.

I'm not starting an argument by saying this, because we've had that conversation enough, but...

You can't live on doing no work at all.
You can't smoke pot and work, because you'll be found out sooner or later and fired.
You can't smoke pot all day with a prescription for medicinal marijuana. But if it were simply legalized, then yes, some people would do that. Most people would not, as having it legalized just means it's slightly easier to sell/buy, and does not effect the fact that mostly the same people would be smoking very similar amounts of weed.
151 posts

Well i guess it would be a personal choice if it WAS legal. Well it would be a serious undertaking trying to get the government involved, i guess they could pass a bill making an extra tax on people who sell it.

60 posts

One side: let fool's ruin themselves.
Other side: We should care enough about them to stop them.
Drugs are for people who's parents don't care about them, seriously, don't do them, you get one chance in life, mess it up and it'll affect us all, so don't.

33 posts

Weed doesn't ruin anyone life and it really doesn't affect anyone but the person who smokes unless they go out an start getting in trouble and sh*t but its unlikely

996 posts

Well i guess it would be a personal choice if it WAS legal. Well it would be a serious undertaking trying to get the government involved, i guess they could pass a bill making an extra tax on people who sell it.

It already is a personal choice. It will always be a personal choice. Legalization does not change the fact that it is an option.
let fool's ruin themselves.

what's been supported in the recent pages is that marijuana does not ruin a life.

medicinal plant*
it is a medicinal plant, with some but few side effects.
it is not something manufactured in a garage or lab.
Drugs are for people who's parents don't care about them, seriously, don't do them, you get one chance in life, mess it up and it'll affect us all, so don't.

65% of baby boomer parents who used marijuana assumed their children would too
71% of baby boomers used marijuana.

if baby boomers are the mass of our population, and they are in their middle ages, and 71% used marijuana, and marijuana affects people sssooo much; then you would expect our economy to have collapsed when they became the working class (25+ years ago) and to have remained that way, with the economy not improving very far beyond the previous status until they retired.
source. (taken from a paragraph shortly before the heading Age)
1,026 posts

then you would expect our economy to have collapsed when they became the working class (25+ years ago)

The funny thing is, we actually WERE in a recession 25 years ago. Or just getting out of it.
996 posts

The funny thing is, we actually WERE in a recession 25 years ago. Or just getting out of it.

but if marijuana ruins your life, then that large percentage of the working class (baby boomers) would continue to weigh down the market, and it's obvious that that did not happen.

Also, don't give the credit solely to machines and technology, the workers are the main part of that, and if you have that large of a percentage of resources (labor) being unfulfilled, you're not going to make profit.
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