ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
996 posts

buddy smoke pot and u'll understand.

if you had gone to the previous page, you would have seen an explanation of how, for many people, marijuana can benefit their lifestyle. As it has been used to temporarily benefit mine.
if you legalize something and then realize 'this is extremely bad!' it will be too late to re-illegalize.

That's not true at all. The people, Senators, and Members of the House will realize that it's a really bad thing (if it IS a really bad thing) and will be in a panic to quickly illegalize.
* Marijuana seems to suppress the immune system, making it harder for your body to fight off disease and infection (Childers & Breivogel, 1998).

HA! Quite the opposite. Maybe while high, but otherwise, no.
9,821 posts

buddy smoke pot and u'll understand. Right now thats a hypocritical statement. I dont care if it was explained last page.. The explaination was bull f'n sh't... I used to smoke marijuana, and it was for an extensive amount of time. It doesn't do anything you said it does, nor do anything your so called sources say. Instead of me making another extrememly long topic discussing how all your sources and theories are wrong (like what noname did.. Btw nice post, i thought it cleared alot up, and its all true so good on yea!).. Heres the thing.. German your coming in here, not even having smoked a pinner before, describe what you THINK marijuana is like. Your thinking all this stuff about it, and therefore you have many false interpretations and theories about it. Me and Noname came in here KNOWING what its about, having smoked it before, understanding what it actually does. So based on that it should be enough for you to realize your incredibally wrong... You say all the stuff i said is lies? Is false? And that you explained it on the last page??? Well your explaination is a false statement on marijuana, extrememly biased to the point of a direct lie to the publics face...

Lol @ how you made this huge paragraph about how German doesn't know what marijuana is about when German is a total pothead. Dude, know your opponent or else you'll end up monumentally failing like this.
1,573 posts

It's the family's responsibility, or their friend's responsibility, to make sure someone doesn't smoke. But the government isn't our baby sitter. It's time we meddle in our children's and friend's lives rather than asking the government to do it just because you think meddling is wrong and that it's not your responsibility (which is ironic).

Its funny how people are going onto the health risks etc, not that Im complaining, as the time and effort you guys are putting into this is phenomonal.

But Im thru explaining myself. I dont give a rats ass if pot is illigal. I want to smoke it. I make some of the best f**king music when Im high. Im not causing problems in my life anymore than being a NORMALY lazy person, regardless of pot.

I refuse to be babysat by the goverment any longer.
1,714 posts

There is just as much exposure to cancer-causing chemicals from smoking one marijuana joint as smoking five tobacco cigarettes.

I found this part hilarious. Tobacco companies add things like rat poison and tart to the tobacco in their cigarettes. So with marijuana having nothing added to it and tobacco have a ton of carcogens added to it, they say marijuana is worse. Some things people say make me wonder how our race survived.
1,714 posts

and tart to the tobacco

sorry it should say "and tar to the tobacco".
1,026 posts

So with marijuana having nothing added to it and tobacco have a ton of carcogens added to it, they say marijuana is worse.

If pot becomes legal, then pot companies will spring up and add stuff to marijuana.
1,714 posts

If pot becomes legal, then pot companies will spring up and add stuff to marijuana.

Thats not something we can know untill its legal, plus it wouldn't be that hard to keep an eye on what goes on with marijuanas production. The only reason tobacco gets away with that is they spend a ton of money to make the government look the other way, and something tells me that marijuana users/dealer/growers would not add carcogens to their product.
996 posts

If pot becomes legal, then pot companies will spring up and add stuff to marijuana.


Medical marijuana would be heavily inspected by the FDA or government which reports to them, especially since it runs such a heavy risk as that, and could be laced with another drug.
Also, with such a heavily controversial drug, it would have oversight.

General legal marijuana (which is a useless subject to talk about anyways) would also have that, for the same reasons (mostly the controversial drug part).
Not to mention, if there were &quotot companies", they wouldn't do that well -- kind of needs to be fresh.

There would be no pot companies if only medical marijuana were legalized (it would still be illegal for anyone other than the government to grow), and since there's no chance of it being fully legalized in the near future, we don't need to be concerned with big weed companies.
1,026 posts

There would be no pot companies if only medical marijuana were legalized (it would still be illegal for anyone other than the government to grow), and since there's no chance of it being fully legalized in the near future, we don't need to be concerned with big weed companies.

Yes, but a lot of people use it for other than medical purposes.
996 posts

Yes, but a lot of people use it for other than medical purposes.

your point is...?

there still wouldn't be marijuana-producing companies.
it would all be controlled by the government, and there's not very many problems with other prescription drugs being laced with things.
1,026 posts

your point is...?

My point is that it's unnecessary and does more harm than good when not medical.
996 posts

My point is that it's unnecessary and does more harm than good when not medical.

How is that an argument against medical marijuana?

Before you say that legalizing medical marijuana would lead to the use of marijuana non-medically, I could say the same thing about any prescription drug and say that it should be illegal.
5,043 posts

My point is that it's unnecessary and does more harm than good when not medical.

Stop weighing good vs. bad with marijuana. Marijuana MIGHT cause more harm than good, but overall it's effects are more neutral than bad. Most people who smoke marijuana aren't necessarily harmed or benefited.

The same thing can be said about video games. Video games can cause harm, but for the most part they don't hurt or help anyone.
1,714 posts

Video games can cause harm, but for the most part they don't hurt or help anyone.

The only video games that could cause harm is any game for the Wii.
5,043 posts

The only video games that could cause harm is any game for the Wii.

Video games can eat up time, cash, and it can cause lack of exercise and in rare cases, addiction.

Video games can cause harm, but if people want to spend time and cash on video games, who cares? Many people don't exercise regularly but people who play video games may lose strength from lack of doing anything to keep their muscles maintained. People may also become psychologically addicted to a video game. However, these cases are very rare.

The same goes for marijuana. There are downsides, but the extreme cases are very rare and the mild cases (such as waste of money and waste of time - opinion) shouldn't be used to keep something illegal.
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