ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
1,026 posts

Allowing pot in public places is a violation of our basic rights for healthy lives. For the same reason I think smoking tobacco should be made illegal.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Sorry, after some more research I have totally changed my mind. Marijuana not only does not cause cancer but it prevents it according to studies.
Sources: 1,2,3

Mea culpa. I apologize for my mistake.

338 posts

Allowing pot in public places is a violation of our basic rights for healthy lives. For the same reason I think smoking tobacco should be made illegal.

I agree that people shouldnt be able you smoke, pot of tobacco, in a public place. Although they should be able to smoke in their apartments or a bar. Making tobacco illegal would put 1000s of people out of work and cost the government lots and lots on money. Not only because of the lose of taxable income but also the cost of enforcing the law and additionally some of the people who lost their jobs might go on unemployment and cost even more money.
1,714 posts

Allowing pot in public places is a violation of our basic rights for healthy lives. For the same reason I think smoking tobacco should be made illegal.

Neither should be illegal, however people should not be allowed to smoke either in public. They have made it illegal to smoke tobacco in some public places already so it wouldn't be to hard to legalize marijuana and put limits on where it could be smoked.
349 posts

It should never be legal!

3,137 posts

if the economy dosn't get much better then they should allow it and tax it.

1,026 posts

We should not rely on a plant to solve the economy. It's like saying, "Hey, if we murder the unemployed there will be less job demand! Recession solved!"

996 posts

Sorry, after some more research I have totally changed my mind. Marijuana not only does not cause cancer but it prevents it according to studies.
Sources: 1,2,3

Thank you very very much for being open-minded enough to change your mind.
Allowing pot in public places is a violation of our basic rights for healthy lives. For the same reason I think smoking tobacco should be made illegal.

I just got done saying that legalizing medical marijuana would not legalize the use of it in public places. â¦

It should never be legal!

1) Deadlink
2) Note the ".gov". Biased.
We should not rely on a plant to solve the economy. It's like saying, "Hey, if we murder the unemployed there will be less job demand! Recession solved!"

We rely on gas, cigarettes, alcohol, food (in some states), services, material goods and more to help the economy.

It would bring in a nice deal of revenue.

Also, the legalization and taxation of marijuana has nothing to do with murder. That was a terrible analogy.
33 posts

Problem with taxing it would be the fact that many people would still just get from their dealers so how are you gonna tax that

134 posts

A lot of countries have done it. but still not a good idea

5,043 posts

Problem with taxing it would be the fact that many people would still just get from their dealers so how are you gonna tax that

No. Most people who smoke weed will only smoke it when one of their friend's buy it. Let me use an example. I have a friend, we will call him Sam. Sam buys weed, and about 6 or 7 of his friends smoke it with him. Those 6 or 7 people don't buy from the dealer. If marijuana was legalized, half those people would buy it off the shelf, and the other half probably wouldn't even care to waste their money on it.

The people who do continue to buy from a dealer... who cares? You can't keep something illegal just because someone might find a way to abuse the substance, or the system.

Legalizing marijuana will greatly hurt business for dealers. Marijuana is expensive as hell. Even after marijuana is taxed, it would still be cheaper to buy behind the counter than what you have to pay dealers today. So even if people do go to their dealer, they won't be spending nearly as much money for the marijuana.

Either way, the drug dealer loses money, and possibly his business. Why do you think so many drug dealers WANT marijuana to remain illegal? Legalization would hurt their business!

We should not rely on a plant to solve the economy. It's like saying, "Hey, if we murder the unemployed there will be less job demand! Recession solved!"

We wouldn't be depending on a plant to solve the economy. If we depended on it, we would burn everything we have and wear leaves over our crotch. Now THAT'S a better analogy. Your's makes no sense. Murdering the unemployed? Not only is that far more drastic than legalizing marijuana, but there isn't even a parallel between the two!

A lot of countries have done it. but still not a good idea

A lot of people wash their hands after taking a crap, but it's not a good idea.

It's real easy to add "it's not a good idea" to the end of any statement without supplying any reason.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Thank you very very much for being open-minded enough to change your mind.

There's nothing to thank for.
I just try to be always open-minded and to acknowledge my mistakes. I have to admit though that very often I fail doing this.
49 posts

Problem with taxing it would be the fact that many people would still just get from their dealers so how are you gonna tax that

Why would someone deal something that you can pick up at the gas station? That would be like a dealer trying to deal advil.

If you make it legal and tax it, you increase the supply of it (since people aren't worried about getting caught growing it). With the increase in supply, the price goes down. Dealers will be making less money dealing it, so they will likely switch to dealing the harder stuff.
9,821 posts

"Psst. Hey you. Yeah you, over there. Wanna buy some fish oil supplements? I been dealin' em for a while, just got a new shipment. Make sure to take your recommended dosage each day though, this stuff's hot. Now then, down to business . . . ."

Replace 'fish oil supplements' with 'now-legal and super-cheap marijuana.' boombabam, sazhao. Wakizashizammo and all that stuff.

115 posts

Marijuana is a drug whichever way you look at it... once we get used to the idea of legal pot, and actually enact it, then I'm afraid it's only a short step from legalizing Cocaine.

*Kid comes home from school... sees his mum high, in a stupor, says "Mum, hope you left some for me!" while on the news, the broadcaster tells us that the president won't be able to address the nation, cuz he had a bad trip*

This might well be the future... people trippin' all the time maaan... no time for education, not while I got summa this weed, maaan....

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