ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
85 posts

EVERY single kid in my school would be getting high EVERYONE except a few excursions. Everyone would be addicted in 20 years and then other countries would look down on us and say, "Well dang it, we kind of look up to them but now they are just a bunch of pot smoking dummy heads."

Euh, here in Holland it is actually sort of legal. You can buy it at coffeeshops if you're over 18, and you may carry up to 5 grams with you, again, if you're over 18.
I think the system works great. There aren't a lot of drug users here (in comparison with other European countries as Germany, France, Belgium, England)
Since the 'coolness' is gone as it isn't illegal, it only used by those who actually enjoy it.
879 posts

Everyone would be addicted in 20 years

1. Kragoth already said it: In Holland it is legal and they don't have more problems than other countries. Maybe even less...
2. Do you really believe that? Why isn't everybody addicted to alcohol?
55 posts

Marijuanna is mainly medicinal, probably more than you know. The only reason why it is illeagal is the recreational effects. But the effects of alcohol are so much more severe, so wtf are we thinking?? Tobacco even posses a greater risk to our health.

4,871 posts


After seeing the affects of prohibition on the alcohol industry how can anyone decide that marijuana being illegal is a good thing.

In other words prohibition caused organized crime in America; marijuana being illegal is what's making it worse.

1,903 posts

I say, for the idiots who ask for it for stupid reasons...
Use it locally! If they have eye pains, just stick a joint in their eye!

Tobacco even posses a greater risk to our health.

Anything inhaled poses a risk to your health...
74 posts

I believe that whether or not marijuana is legalized, people will use it recreationally. No matter who it is legalized for, people will use it.

We spend way too much money fighting that simple fact, and it's draining our tax dollars away. Prohibition doesn't work, so we should simply legalize it for primarily medicinal purposes, and then seriously consider legalizing it for tax and recreational purposes. That would generate many tourist-based jobs, and it would cut down on the illegal sales of marijuana, so that the DEA could focus on enforcing drug laws that are reasonable, like cocaine, heroin, or designer drugs. Plenty of innocent people would flood out of the U.S. prisons, and they would make room for violent offenders. Drug dealers would lose big money, and would then be forced to get a real job like the rest of us, and the overall consumption of marijuana would start to level out.

74 posts

By the way, any activity is a gateway to any other activity. People who take harder drugs after taking marijuana are just looking for a new kind of rush because the old one either worked out or got boring. People take heroin because they're bleeping idiots that can't control their behavior. Just as there are alcoholics that will go to extreme lengths to get their fix, there are people that will always look for some other, new form of entertainment. Marijuana doesn't force or encourage the use of any other drug, it's the user that either makes that decision wisely or poorly.

21 posts

The legalization of marijuana is something I feel strongly about so I will attempt to convey my opinion as clear as possible:

Marijuana should be legal for anyone 18+ and sold just as Cigarettes are. Why?

1.) Prohibition:
Prohibition has never worked, and never will. Just like when alcohol was made illegal, the majority of the population still drank it. By banning marijuana, you are just creating a whole new problem, drug dealers. By forcing the population to get weed from dealers instead of from a safe, controlled source, you are opening them up to more hard drugs such as crack, heroin, and other horrible drugs.

2) Side effects:
There are no proven side effects that occur from smoking weed, aside from lung damage, which does not cause lung cancer like many would like you to believe. The chemicals contained in Marijuana damage your lungs as stated above, but so does any burning, carbon - emitting matter, therefore they should ban anything that emits carbon when it's burned! And besides, with the use of a vaporizer, all of the chemicals that damage your lungs are removed and instead you just get pure THC, which not only makes weed as safe as breathing air, but also created a better high.

Also, you may point out that a study shows that pot can cause brain damage. This is not true. This was a test conducted on monkeys where the recipient was equipped with a gas mask and had an absurd amount of THC pumped into their body. The monkeys suffered brain damage from lack of oxygen, not from the THC.

3) Medicine:
Already, marijuana is recognized as helping cancer patients deal with pain, and is why they are prescribed it for their condition. However, there are far more uses that marijuana can be used for. Such as: Insomnia, autism, depression, glaucoma, malignant forms of cancer, epilepsy,nausea, vomiting, chronic pain, appetite loss, multiple sclerosis, migraine headaches, and many more i cannot think of right now. It is just dumb that with virtually no side effects, and all of these beneficial effects, that it is still illegal.

4)Government Profit:
This is a fairly simple process to grasp. First, the government grows it. Second, the government sells it. Third, the government taxes it. Finally, the government makes a huge profit. It's just like tobacco and alcohol, they tax it and make huge bucks. In fact, probably the only reason tobacco is still legal is because the government makes such a huge profit out of taxing it. I'm not going to explain this any further because this is a really easy concept to understand.

4) Possible gateway drug?!?!?:
No, as stated in the first reason, the only reason it is a gate way drug is because the people who purchase it, purchase it from those who sell harder drugs. In fact, when Sweden legalized it, heroin and crack use went down drastically while marijuana use only went up slightly. I know many people who use pot in place of hard drugs, and they say that the only reason they don't do those drugs is because they know weed is a lot safer.

There are no addicting chemicals in Marijuana, anyone that says otherwise is ignorant. Marijuana is addicting in the way that potato chips and McDonalds is addicting, because it feels good, but when you want to stop you easily can, and with no withdrawal effects. However, I do believe it is possible to develop a mental dependance on weed, but the side effects are minimal compared to, let's say, caffeine?

6) HEMP!!:
Marijuana's legalization would simplify the development of hemp as a valuable and diverse agricultural crop in the United States, including its development as a new bio-fuel to reduce carbon emissions. Canada and European countries have managed to support legal hemp cultivation without legalizing marijuana, but in the United States opposition to legal marijuana remains the biggest obstacle to development of industrial hemp as a valuable agricultural commodity. As US energy policy continues to embrace and promote the development of bio-fuels as an alternative to oil dependency and a way to reduce carbon emissions, it is all the more important to develop industrial hemp as a bio-fuel source - especially since use of hemp stalks as a fuel source will not increase demand and prices for food, such as corn. Legalization of marijuana will greatly simplify the regulatory burden on prospective hemp cultivation in the United States.

7) Persistance:
Throughout the years, marijuana users have openly supported legalizing weed. Through thick and thin they have battled waves of lies and deceit while also attempting to convey the truths of pot. For too long &quototheads" have been looked down upon, but now it's time to look up to them for bringing in a new era of medicine and financial prosperity. Marijuana should be legal just due to the fact that the majority of the united states does it, and openly supports the legalization of marijuana. Only those ignorant enough to believe the distorted propoganda thrown at them by the government don't support legalization. I say legalize weed, and appease the majority of the population.

8) It would create a better society!:
Okay, this part is mostly just a joke, but think about it. If everyone smoked weed, then there would be no crime! We would all just lay on couches and play MW2 all day! Everyone would be too lazy to move and just laugh anytime someone tries to start crap.

In conclusion, I would like to say that doing drugs does not make you cool, nor smart, nor anything good, but it is really stupid that marijuana is still illegal today. Anyone who is ignorant enough to believe that weed is bad for you, should do their research and learn their facts. Legalize pot!

909 posts

In conclusion, I would like to say that doing drugs does not make you cool, nor smart, nor anything good, but it is really stupid that marijuana is still illegal today. Anyone who is ignorant enough to believe that weed is bad for you, should do their research and learn their facts. Legalize pot!

I agree that drugs doesn't equal cool. I also agree that studying the effects of any drug whether it's prescribed by your physician or &quotassed" amongst friends is wise.
Unfortunately, abuse is inevitable because we are an emotional as well as intelligent race of humans but the government profits either way.
What do I mean? The government profits from the continued illegality of marijuana and I should also add that the FBI/local police agencies can easily spot pot fields from the air, gather intelligence on dealers and fill the courts with suspects.
In contrast, the government also profits by the millions of people who misuse/abuse drugs by mandated coverage and services to 49 states and the DC.

I've watched, first hand at loved ones who would have benefited from the legalization of marijuana before they died but it isn't a cure for cancer or AIDS/HIV, it simply allows food to be comfortably digested and eases the pain of these and other chronic ailments.
I'm also in agreement by eagerly anticipating the legalization of marijuana grown for personal use and medical marijuana's legalization.
I do share some concerns, with another AG member, as to the potential tobacco industries monopoly on the manufacture of medical marijuana. I think this is the logical next step for this debate, any takers?
290 posts

there must be something wrong with u marajuana cuz can be a bad thing but can be extermely bad and y is this a topic?

5,001 posts

Freaky, please remember you are in a debate forum. Opinions not backed with facts and credible sources are not welcome.

3,085 posts

If marijuana was legal we could probably selectively grow it. We could grow marijuana with less THC cannaboids in it - perhaps then it wouldn't be as frowned upon.

61 posts

There is already legalization of marajuana in places like the Netherlands, and it is strictly controlled. They don't deal to minors or anything. And there would be no such thing as shady drug dealers because its the government dealing it out. Also, in Canada, people trade marajuana for cocaine with people in the States. If there was nothing to trade, that will actually reduce the amount of cocaine users.

2,301 posts

And there would be no such thing as shady drug dealers because its the government dealing it out.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's great.

To be on topic, I guess it would be okay if it were legalized. I still in no way condone its use, and think everyone would be better off if they just left it alone (except maybe for medical use. I don't know; I'm not a doctor). Will I think any worse of someone just because he or she smokes a little pot? Of course I will!
9,821 posts

Of course I will!

Do you think any less of someone if they ever smoke a cigarette or have a beer? Just curious.
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