ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
2,301 posts

I'm glad you asked that, Alt. I'm told that alcohol is as bad as marijuana. To which I reply: Wanna guess how I feel about drinking?

The answer to your question is: Not necessarily. I am willing to forgive absolutely anything, up to and including war crimes. So smoking or drinking is fine by me, as long as it's a thing of the past. If a person still smokes or drinks, their actions will be met with my mild disapproval.

3,562 posts

government dealing it out.

more like privatized dispensers. the government will just tax it. Like it does in colorado.

Marijuanna is mainly medicinal, probably more than you know. The only reason why it is illeagal is the recreational effects. But the effects of alcohol are so much more severe, so wtf are we thinking?? Tobacco even posses a greater risk to our health.

the only reason for it being illegal, is because of the severe mood altering effects, and the smear campaign launched during the bush sr campagin.

Anything inhaled poses a risk to your health...

tobacco also has over 4000 carcinogens. where as weed has 0

I believe that whether or not marijuana is legalized, people will use it recreationally. No matter who it is legalized for, people will use it.

well even when it is illegal people still use it
Prohibition has never worked, and never will. Just like when alcohol was made illegal, the majority of the population still drank it. By banning marijuana, you are just creating a whole new problem, drug dealers. By forcing the population to get weed from dealers instead of from a safe, controlled source, you are opening them up to more hard drugs such as crack, heroin, and other horrible drugs.

exactly , the prohibition allowed the rise of street gangs and such, including the famous al capone.

there must be something wrong with u marajuana cuz can be a bad thing but can be extermely bad and y is this a topic?

please l3rn 2 type and th1nk g3wd b4 coming in2 forumz and regurgitating your BS DARE education you received in 5th grade. kthxbai.

Unfortunately, abuse is inevitable because we are an emotional as well as intelligent race of humans but the government profits either way.

uh yea. I mean for anyone who knows what OXYCODINE is. it is basically legalized heroine. that shet is abused up the wazzoo in florida.
oxycotin express this is a vanguard report on just how bad the abuse of this PERSCRIPTION LEGAL drug is.
Will I think any worse of someone just because he or she smokes a little pot? Of course I will!

well it's better than drinking.

I'm glad you asked that, Alt. I'm told that alcohol is as bad as marijuana.

alcohol actually damages your body significantly. it is actually poisonous for your body. as alcohol is treated as a poison and you liver as to work hard to get rid of it.
61 posts

Meh, in the end, all abused substances are bad for you, but not in tiny moderation. Also gets rid of the money going to gangsters and such who make black money selling drugs. Solves a big pile of problems, but only if the government is actually up to it and not contracting it off to private pharmaceutical companies who THEN MAKE THEIR OWN BLACK MONEY by illegally selling it to a bunch of really desperate people.

3,562 posts


Meh, in the end, all abused substances are bad for you, but not in tiny moderation.

true, in the end in comparison using no substances is better than using. but why not legalize something that is not even half as harmful as smoking?

Bad idea. The reason marijuana is illegal is because of addiction. If there were no such thing as addiction, then illegal drugs like marijuana would be legal.

you can't be addicted to marijuana.... it doesnt work like that. I mean you can if you have a really weak psychological health
1 posts

It's not going to happen. If you look around you, tobacco is being taxed so much, because government is trying to prevent the use. If there is already one product with similar properties to marijuana, and they're trying to get rid of it, why would there be another?

[quote]Meh, in the end, all abused substances are bad for you, but not in tiny moderation

Do you really think marijuana users would stop at a tiny moderation? If it gives you a high, you are definitely going to use more and more of it. Self control will only go so far.

109 posts

Marijuana is not illegal because of addiction. Simply because well... it really isn't addicting. The pure herb form that is. Whatever they throw in there now, no one knows.

Many believe that marijuana was made illegal for economical reasons. It was a way cheaper and just as effective substitute for paper, and other chemicals. So some major logging companies, some chemical companies, etc. fought to make it illegal by saying it was terrible for your health and is a gateway drug. When truly, it is not.

There is no real proof that the plant ITSELF (no added chemicals) is in fact addicting. What has been proven is that marijuana is actually LESS DANGEROUS to your body then alcohol, by a large factor.

So should be legalized? I don't know. And quite frankly, either way is just fine with me.

61 posts

Should alcohaol and tobacco also be deemed illegal? They are as equally addicting, so why are they deemed acceptable?

109 posts

They themselves are even more addicting, and not to mention more dangerous. It really gets one thinking.

3,817 posts

They tried banning alcohol once, raising crime rates, giving the Mafia an easy way to make money, and generally being useless...

109 posts

I'm not saying it should be banned. I personally think it shouldn't. If you don't want to drink alcohol, then just don't drink it. That's that. But I think that maybe it should be the same for marijuana as well. People have the ability to be responsible.

2,820 posts

All drugs should be legalized, it would cut down on crime immensely.

I'm not a druggy or nothin, but thats my viewpoint.

if you really want me to go in depth...

4,871 posts

They tried banning alcohol once, raising crime rates, giving the Mafia an easy way to make money, and generally being useless...

In fact it was responsible for the creation of nearly all organized crime and the drug &quotroblem" continues to fuel it. This point alone should convince anyone to legalize marijuana but unfortunatly it isn't.
260 posts

If i had a button in front of me that killed every trace drug addiction i would press it. I know this person, im not even going to say who, but i was in a car with them one day and there was a conversation (there were 5 people in the car) and the person i mentioned said that they think every drug addictee or dealer shoul be shot. I found this...entertaining, as this person doesnt usually have such extreme views on things.

I wonder if anyone thought i was going to say kill everyone lol.
oh and this is weird i posted this on post 666 just throwing tha out there that number means nothing to me, a number cannot be evil

36 posts

Should alcohaol and tobacco also be deemed illegal? They are as equally addicting, so why are they deemed acceptable?

Actually, it was proven by researchers that the addiction Marijuana causes is so minor, you wouldn't notice it even after two months of daily consumption. Also, tobacco is more damaging to the body than marijuana, it's just that it doesn't affect the brain too much, and that's probably why it's still legal.

But still, it's discredited. In america, film directors must pay a special fee every time they introduce a smoking scene, and cigarettes are getting more and more expensive, day by day.

As for alcohol, it does not kill you biologically unless you ingest a REALLY high amount, but it causes a lot of violence, traffic accidents, and even deaths can occur in such altercations.

My argument here is not that some legal stuff are less safe than Marijuana, and that thus it should be legalized. What I'm saying is that they should also be banned, for today's society's sake.
3,562 posts

Do you really think marijuana users would stop at a tiny moderation? If it gives you a high, you are definitely going to use more and more of it. Self control will only go so far.

but it doesnt have addictive properties.

Marijuana is not illegal because of addiction. Simply because well... it really isn't addicting. The pure herb form that is. Whatever they throw in there now, no one knows.

uaually they don't throw anything in there. because first of all it makes the herb alot more expensive. and many user are not willing to pay more than their original prices for the same amount of herb.

There is no real proof that the plant ITSELF (no added chemicals) is in fact addicting. What has been proven is that marijuana is actually LESS DANGEROUS to your body then alcohol, by a large factor.

right this is what most advocates of the legalization say.
Should alcohaol and tobacco also be deemed illegal? They are as equally addicting, so why are they deemed acceptable?

well during the prohibition alcohol was deemed illegal. and this gave rise to organized crime ect. and mafyias popping up all over the united states.

All drugs should be legalized, it would cut down on crime immensely.

I'm not a druggy or nothin, but thats my viewpoint.

if you really want me to go in depth...

i see where you are going with this, but some drugs should be set as illegal since they really do a lot of harm to your body.

Actually, it was proven by researchers that the addiction Marijuana causes is so minor, you wouldn't notice it even after two months of daily consumption. Also, tobacco is more damaging to the body than marijuana, it's just that it doesn't affect the brain too much, and that's probably why it's still legal.

on the addiction scale it is almost 1, whereas soda and coffee are 1.5
, it does not kill you biologically unless you ingest a REALLY high amount,

even not so high amounts, will damage your liver slowly causing cirrhosis.

I'm saying is that they should also be banned, for today's society's sake.

as much as I'd like to agree with you on other things besides marijuana being banned, the reality of it is, that even if illegal people will still find a way to get it. (i mean think of marijuana users now)
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