ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
43 posts

I'm all for making in legal. Weed is fun, but like all things, too much or misuse can be bad.

879 posts

making drug legal?

Just for your information: alcohol and nicotine are also drugs... and Marijuana isn't a hard drug, at least it isn't worse than alcohol.

[/quote]it will create business opportunities for taliban[quote]

No, the talibans grow poppy (for the opium). And if weed was legal, the state could control who may sell the stuff.
5,043 posts

even then if you legalize it, it will be consumed in higher propotions which will have same effects like poppy and all that.

Please describe what happens when you are high. I don't think you know.

it will create business opportunities for taliban as it gets its reveneus from selling drugs.

You're kidding, right? Legalization. The first thing people will do is grow marijuana... in America.
18 posts

you cant legalize pot it is considered morally wrong by most old white men aka our senators and congressmen

1,573 posts

legalizing mirjauana will open rooms for other drugs to be lagalized
here is what happens when you are high
other sources

So your saying YOU dont know what happens when your high, you just look at the scary info and make a decision based on this that weed is evil and should stay illigal because the taliban would start shipping it into our country????

Are you on drugs because Im finding it hard to make sense of any general direction you are pushing in xept the weed is wrong thing.

legalizing mirjauana will open rooms for other drugs to be lagalized

This in particular would be a good thing, tho it will take time. Do you know that keeping the drugs trade underground is the most dangeruos and damaging way of dealing with it. Can you show me who is winning this "war on drugs".

Time for more bill hicks, pbuh :P

"I loved when Bush came out and said, "We are losing the war against drugs." You know what that implies? There's a war being fought, and the people on drugs are winning it. "
5,043 posts

One study found


One study found = No one else found it; since one did everyone else must be wrong.

Short-term effects of marijuana use include euphoria, distorted perceptions, memory impairment, and difficulty thinking and solving problems.

Read every word carefuly. Notice that it says short-term. This means that the effects last only as you are high. These effects are no different than most drugs! Even memory impairment is common. When you drink alcohol, you have short term memory loss. You wake up with a hang over, effects gone. Same with marijuana but to a much lesser extent!

Not surprisingly, marijuana intoxication can cause distorted perceptions, impaired coordination, difficulty in thinking and problem solving, and problems with learning and memory. Research has shown that marijuanaâs adverse impact on learning and memory can last for days or weeks after the acute effects of the drug wear off.2 As a result, someone who smokes marijuana every day may be functioning at a suboptimal intellectual level all of the time.

It says that some effects last about a week after the acute effects of the drug wear off. This sort of caught me off guard until I read the next sentence. 2 As a result, someone who smokes marijuana every day may be functioning at a suboptimal intellectual level all of the time. If marijuana will continue to effect you for days after you smoke it, why did they have to add "every day" to their result? It's a play on words.

Imagine, if you will, someone who is drunk. I can conclude that someone who gets drunk every day will be an alcoholic all the time, because he's drinking every day! So obviously you will be performing much slower if you smoke every single day!

This link is a terrible place to go if you want negative effects on marijuna. It's completely biased and using scare tactics to profit. Never use these as sources. When people are caught with marijuana, they could be first time users or they could be your average people who smoke only once so often. Very very few of the people arrested for posetion of marijuana are actually addicted, however, this raises a question; how come so many people go to rehab for marijuana? Here's your answer. You can smoke marijuana once, and you will be considered addicted according to the court. You will then have an option to go to rehab or prison. This is why marijuana addiction is very rare.

Long-term marijuana abuse can lead to addiction

Long-term marijuana abuse

Flag. Notice how they said long-term marijuana abuse. This is because there is no evidence that supports otherwise. Long-term abuse means someone has to smoke marijuana regularly for years. Yes, people may become addicted to marijuana. It is possible. However, long term addictions are caused by training the body to depend on the drug while short term addictions are often caused by other more serious problems. I have smoked marijuana and I have played World of Warcraft, a video game. Guess which one I became addicted to my freshman and sophmore year in highschool?
44 posts

that should be the best law ever :P

1,101 posts

legalizing mirjauana will open rooms for other drugs to be lagalized
here is what happens when you are high
other sources

k so first off i want to thank the fact that a moderator (noname) at least understands the facts of marijuana... otherwise there would be too many straight edge freaks taking over this thread...

Now second point i searched the other sources area. Notice the first 2 points that pop up are government sites... hmmm... Then the rest are based on health facts. Not actually people talking about it, but doctors discussing what could possibly go wrong when smoking marijuana. Im sure i can search up bad effects of dust on google and find sites that show worse things on dust than what you found on weed.

Thirdly, please dont but your ignorance and arogance towards pot on this site. If you havent smoked up you know nothing... Your reading what websites say, not wat it actually does to you. (plus it doesn't help searching the bad things of every drug)... Maybe next time search google for "the good efects of marijuana".. You'll find alot more results im sure =)

125 posts

I vote yes for the legalization of marijuana. If pot were legal, there would be a lot less people in the already overflowing jails. Also, pot is said to be a lot less dangerous than say alcohol.

1,255 posts

Isn't pot a stepping stone drug? That means that it is a gateway to nastier things like cocaine and heroine. If we legalize a stepping stone drug than the whole country will start craving the higher level drugs until the only people left not drastically affected by it are corpses.

Basically if we legalize marijuana than we are selling our souls to the person who is selling it.

5,043 posts

Isn't pot a stepping stone drug?

It depends who you ask. The reason why people say it is a stepping stone drug is because most people who do cokaine and heroin have smoked marijuana before. This is grealy misleading because most of them have tried alcohol and cigarettes too. In fact, most of them have had milk before. So using that argument, milk is a stepping stone.

Most people who smoke marijuana, however, don't do any other drugs accept maybe tobacco or alcohol.

Marijuana is not a gateway (stepping stone) drug. The reason why it seems like a gateway drug is because dealers who sell marijuana will sometimes have their customers try other harder drugs. Marijuana doesn't make people want to try cocain or heroin, the person selling the drugs make people want to try cocaine and heroine.

If marijuana is sold behind the counter, people won't be pushed into harder drugs.
2,906 posts

So using that argument, milk is a stepping stone.

makes me glad I am lactose intolerant. if only the same were true for cigarettes.
3,880 posts

1 posts

Bad idea.

818 posts

Look you found the old thread.

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