ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
2,820 posts

Alcohol is a drug - I've never heard of alchohal though.

i have said it before, I'll say it again.

grammar nazi's are sad fk's who need a real hobby.

Poor Dacer, it looks like "alchoHAL's been smoking again?

Let's try not to flame

Go to your corner for a time out.

on topic, any drug can be a gateway drug to the people with a weak sense of self moderation. hell, cough medicine abusers might think one day.. "this drug aint getting me that 'high' anymore... TIME FOR HEROINE!".
909 posts

cough medicine abusers might think one day.. "this drug aint getting me that 'high' anymore... TIME FOR HEROINE!".

That "activity" was very popular in the 1980's but the upgrade was to cocaine and then the 1990's ushered in crack-cocaine.
3,085 posts

Let's face it - although opiates are a very interesting group of drugs - cocaine is rapidly replacing them in many area's.

2,820 posts

my point is, any drug can be a gateway drug.

5,043 posts

From what I understand, people who do marijuana soon get tired of the same old high and they look for different types of marijuana that make them feel different. Eventually, along the path to find different highs, they stumble upon cocaine.

Most people who smoke marijuana or have tried marijuana have never touched hard drugs in their life. This, and this alone, is why you can't call marijuana a gateway drug.

Sure, you may be thinking "well most heroin addicts have smoked marijuana before they abused heroin, that makes it a gateway drug." Most heroin addicts have drank alcohol before abusing heroin. In fact, I bet a larger percentage of heroin addicts have drank milk before abusing heroin than marijuana!

Marijuana alone won't make you want to try these hard drugs, but your friends and drug dealers.

Also, most marijuana smokers stop building a tolerance and find a point where they are content.
2,820 posts

1,573 posts

From what I understand, people who do marijuana soon get tired of the same old high and they look for different types of marijuana that make them feel different. Eventually, along the path to find different highs, they stumble upon cocaine.

I dont think you understand. Who exactly have you sourced this info from? Is this from a few people you know or is this from drugs leaflets and/or school? I ask because its important that you DO understand. Do you feel the reasons you gave merit keeping weed illigal and criminalising plant smokers, causing more disruption to our legal system every single day.

In fact, I bet a larger percentage of heroin addicts have drank milk before abusing heroin than marijuana!

*sigh* time to cut down on the milk then, just in case I feel like jaking up.
2,420 posts

Most people who smoke marijuana or have tried marijuana have never touched hard drugs in their life. This, and this alone, is why you can't call marijuana a gateway drug.

I beg to differ. Read all of this.

Sure, you may be thinking "well most heroin addicts have smoked marijuana before they abused heroin, that makes it a gateway drug." Most heroin addicts have drank alcohol before abusing heroin. In fact, I bet a larger percentage of heroin addicts have drank milk before abusing heroin than marijuana!

I doubt it. Again, look at this link. I hardly doubt the New York Times would lie about this.

Marijuana alone won't make you want to try these hard drugs, but your friends and drug dealers.

You are right about that. Peer pressure, and hard drugs. Drug dealers, not so much as drug dealers don't offer them. They get one client that spreads the message about him.

Also, most marijuana smokers stop building a tolerance and find a point where they are content.

Can you provide a link of that?

From what I understand, people who do marijuana soon get tired of the same old high and they look for different types of marijuana that make them feel different. Eventually, along the path to find different highs, they stumble upon cocaine.

You do realize that marijuana is a gateway drug? You do know what a gateway drug is? A gateway drug is a drug that leads to harder and more dangerous drugs. I don't think you should be correcting me.

Alcohol is at the top, Tobacco is at second, and Marijuana is at third.

It's like this. Would you want to go to the same waterpark dozens of times, riding the same rides over and over again; would you rather go to different waterparks each time?

That's the same frame of mind.
1,714 posts

[quote]Most people who smoke marijuana or have tried marijuana have never touched hard drugs in their life. This, and this alone, is why you can't call marijuana a gateway drug
I beg to differ. Read all of this.[/quote]

The link you provided says that marijuana is not a gateway drug. It says that people who use marijuana are no more likely to use hard drugs as someone who doesn't.

I doubt it. Again, look at this link. I hardly doubt the New York Times would lie about this.

I will admit right now that I didn't read the whole article. I stopped when they said marijuana is stronger today than it was 30 years age. That is false and it has been proven false, though I can't remember the source.
844 posts

I hope they do not legalize marjuanna!!! it is a street drug and should not be legalized!!!!!!!!! >=(

4,220 posts

Marijuana can't kill you.

Therefore it has no reason to be illegal.

Besides, it would and does bring the government craploads of money.

5,043 posts

The link you provided says that marijuana is not a gateway drug. It says that people who use marijuana are no more likely to use hard drugs as someone who doesn't.

Thank you.

I doubt it. Again, look at this link. I hardly doubt the New York Times would lie about this.

The opening story talks about a single person who moved from marijuana to a harder drug. This is NOT common.


More adults are now admitted to treatment centers for primary marijuana and hashish addictions than for primary addictions to heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine, according to the latest government data, a 2007 report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Even though alcohol and opiates (which includes painkillers and heroin) are the two leading primary addictions, the percentage of those seeking treatment for marijuana addiction, compared with 10 years ago, has increased significantly to 16 percent in 2007 from 12 percent in 1997. The percentages of those seeking treatment for cocaine (13 percent of admissions in 2007) and alcohol addiction (22 percent in 2007) declined slightly.

This means NOTHING. The reason so many people are being treated for marijuana addiction is because they were arrested and were given the option to either go to rehab or go to jail. Most people in rehab centers are not addicted, just unfortunate users who were arrested.

What does this mean? It means someone who smoked marijuana one time can be arrested and given the option to go to rehab for a few months or go to prison. Obviously, they will choose rehab. This can happen if it's their first time smoking marijuana! I may sound like a broken record, but the above statement that I quoted from your source is BULLSHIT. If marijuana was legal, these addiction clinics would have very few people in them who were actually addicted to marijuana. Once again, the whole "we have so and so many people in rehab" argument is MOOT and BULLSHIT.

I have to stress that point, because it is VERY misleading and it even had me fooled at one point in time.

Alcohol is at the top, Tobacco is at second, and Marijuana is at third.

If taking any drug before moving on to hard drugs makes it a gateway drug, then no shit. Of course most heroin users have smoked marijuana before. People don't jump straight to the hard stuff, they use easier drugs and work their way up. In that sense, marijuana is a gateway drug, merely because it makes it easier for someone to try harder things. However, marijuana alone rarely pushes people into taking harder drugs. If marijuana made people want to take hard drugs, then most people who smoke marijuana would be abusing drugs such as cocaine.

Most hard drug users have used marijuana. Most marijuana users have never touched hard drugs. This means marijuana does not make ALMOST ALL PEOPLE want to try harder drugs.

It's like this. Would you want to go to the same waterpark dozens of times, riding the same rides over and over again; would you rather go to different waterparks each time?

That's the same frame of mind.

No, that is also wrong. Most people who smoke marijuana are smart enough not to touch hard drugs because THEY KNOW THEY ARE DANGEROUS.

Yes, some people will seek hard drugs merely because they are bored of marijuana, but once again I must stress, THIS IS RARE. Most people who smoke marijuana are content.

If what you said was true, then it would mean most people who drink alcohol would try harder drugs, because you can build a certain immunity to alcohol (as in you can drink more beers before feeling the effects of being drunk). What you said, is once again, a poor comparison.

But for the sake of argument, let me rephrase your water park example. If I got tired of going to the same water park, I would go to a different one, maybe a better one, maybe a worse one. With marijuana, this may parallel moving onto a different kind of marijuana (yes, there are different kinds).

Now, if I decided to go to a theme park that was supposed to be more fun, but was known to have a lot of accidents such as failed seat belts and harnesses, I would not go, because I would want to live. Some people, however, may find the risk worth it. MOST PEOPLE would not go to this dangerous theme park. Some probably would, but the majority wouldn't. This would parallel people who move from marijuana to hard drugs.

My comparison, which is not a valid argument, still remains more valid than your argument, because the comparisons parallel each other more in my version.

People who smoke marijuana aren't necessarily stupid. Most of them are aware of the dangers of hard drugs.
61 posts

Marijuana is a relatively soft drug, but potentially fatal in long-term, continuous or largely fatal amounts. However, it is potent enough that a person can get addicted the first time they try it, so it is still quite dangerous. Since it is addictive, it could, in some cases, be categorized as a gateway drug as eventually, such a relatively soft drug will not satisfy their high for a long period of time. This may not apply for some cases, where people smoke marijuana and they never get tired of it, like smoking cigarettes.

5,043 posts

Shadowfrye, marijuana is less addictive than caffeine. Please don't post here until you do some actual research on marijuana.

This video is over an hour long, so watch as much of it as you can. No matter who you are, before you reply to me, please post how many minutes of the video you have watched so I understand what information you have been exposed to and what information you have not been exposed to. If you don't post how much of the video you have watched, I will not reply to you.

2,770 posts

Marijuana is a relatively soft drug

It's not relatively a soft drug, it is the definition of one, it's proven safer than almost any over the counter drug including Advil, which you can actually die from(can't overdose from weed).

but potentially fatal in long-term, continuous or largely fatal amounts.

No, it's NEVER lethal in heavy amounts, ever. You can NOT overdose on marijuana it is not going to ever happen. And long term it is not fatal, at all.

However, it is potent enough that a person can get addicted the first time they try it, so it is still quite dangerous.

God I hate you, because you say all this stupid sh*t with absolutely no effort to actually look up anything, because two seconds of work would have given you clear knowledge that marijuana isn't addictive in the slightest. You are just as likely to get addicted to your favorite brand of gum. You know why people think it's addictive? Because once you realize it's absolutely awesome and not that bad for you, you keep smoking it. It's like saying Crest Toothpaste is addictive because once I used it once and realized my breath didn't smell like shit when I used it, I never stopped.

Since it is addictive,

It's not.

it could,

it cant

in some cases,

in any case

be categorized as a gateway drug

I like sky diving, then I jump off a building to my death, so now sky diving is a gateway activity to suicide. That's the same way you relate other drugs. The guy cracked out on heroin on the corner of your street was gonna be doing heroin regardless of a joint.

as eventually, such a relatively soft drug will not satisfy their high for a long period of time.

having an addictive personality and a weak mind shouldn't be scapegoated on marijuana, that's a personal flaw of stupidity. Marijuana does not leave you wanting for something more in any way, it satisfies and does it's job.

This may not apply for some cases, where people smoke marijuana and they never get tired of it, like smoking cigarettes.

No, cigarettes are worse, way worse. And "some cases" pans out to be 95% of cases, because I have never heard of a single one of my friends trying out hard drugs because of weed, they all smoke weed casually, like the rest of the normal world who isn't busy crying about banning weed because they've never even tried it so they are obviously the best to judge it.

I honestly hate these rumor spreading children who come in here and think they know what the are talking about, when they so clearly are stupid. Shadow, once you are done being homeschooled and finally see the outside world, then try and talk. Until then, shut up and watch NoName's linked movie.

I also refuse to reply to anyone who has not posted the amount of time watched. (I have watched every 105 minutes of it, at least 4 times so far, love that movie)
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