this kid did what his parents told him to do to get on the 6:00 news that is all no free speech deal just some parents getting the 15 min of fame through the kid who will have to deal with this for ever
I dont say the pledge of the allegiance! I respect america and the flag. im also atheist, but i dont say it because of that, i say it because its a pledge and pledges should only be said once, right?
The pledge is an interesting symbol of the American Government. Because America has gained a certain Notoriety in the recent years, the pledge symbolizes something that is not nearly as good as it can be (i.e. the government, as well as freedom and liberty, but there is nothing wrong with either of those.) In essence, the government is far from perfect. However, it is a citizen's basic right to Freedom of Speech, and I suppose this would fall under that category. I simply go silent while the rest of the class says the words " nation under God," because I do not see myself as a religious person, and therefore that is my right.
I think that he is justified for not desiring to stand for the Pledge.
yes that is the way they will rule to bad they should make the kid do community service for wasting the court's time
So if it DID go to court, you would want to punish the kid for being... and lets get this straight... taken to court... really. Did you think that thru?
Hypothetical situation of someone accused of stealing... "we think you stole this tv/pc/donkey rubarb, but the CCTV footage proves your innocence.. but we gonna make you scrub donky doo doo cos you have to make up for our mistake of spending money taking you to court in the first place... we is smart... hu hu huh..."
He is either smart, or he soaks up information from his parents like a sponge. Either way, he has the right not to stand up. Even though not standing up won't change anything, standing up has the same effect. He's 10, what is he supposed to do to protest?
its a pledge and pledges should only be said once, right?
Told my friends the same thing, even though I stood for it everytime > <
This story is a meh to me, when I went to school you would have days where nobody stood up. There was even a day that people would put tape over their mouth for gay rights.
I will give the kid credit for one thing, smart or not, he was brave. Kids that age enjoy being mean, and a boy standing up for homos would be a likely target for bullying.