yes. but not standing would be frowned upon by society so it is considered wrong not to. T_T I think I am gonna be a hermit when I get to 18. I will just move out and go live in some cave. away from all of the worlds crap. well most of it anyways.
How can you call this nation free if one is forced to speak words they do not wish to speak? The right to openly disagree with your country is one of the greatest rights you can have.
The American government can't do anything to you if you decide not to stand for the Pledge.
If your school does something because you didn't stand for the pledge, then the blame lies with the school, not the government.
Oh, no you got me wrong.
I am not criticizing the US government, just the general illegitimacy of government and authority. Just one of the reasons why I don't stand for the pledge.
All I'm saying is that any authority unless voluntary, is illegitimate.
There is no reason to pledge allegiance to any nation.
The system of checks and balances doesnt eve truly work anymore. Like I said before, It was based off of good ideas, but eventually was blinded by money.
I disagree but that's another topic.
Guantanamo (I know I totally spelled that wrong) bay
No, I don't think that it doesn't really serve much of a purpose. But I was referring to the idea that "The US was found on good ideas". I somewhat disagree.
Eh, yeah. You have a legit argument there. Cause if you think about it, they left cause of religious prosecution in middle school terms. In my opinion, Thomas Jefferson did try to create an idea of a lasting government that would actually work. So that is where i got the whole 'US Good Idea thing"
Its just that when Jefferson wrote that "All men are created equal", he at the time owned more than 200 slaves. That's what essentially all the founding fathers were, rich, white males with repressive views against blacks, women, and Indians.
The phrase literally meant men, and not just men, but white man - not blacks, not Indians. And not just white man, but white man who owned property. So essentially only about 20% of the population had these rights.
What followed in the short term history after that was US aggression and imperialism against Mexico, the Indians, and Spain.
So whats the "good Idea" there? The only thing is the new style of Republican government but we don't need to look back at the constitution as some holy document, but rather look to the future.
What is this the Cold War era? Honestly I think it's time America grew up and realized that our goals were not much different from the communists, we won and therefore we get to write history.
you'd think so, but you'd also think racism would have died off with the end of the civil rights movement, but unfortunately, that isn't the case.
He believed in something and was looking for a way to express it. Unfortunately, this was the wrong way. America has basic rights, true. You can't deny someone the right to show their beliefs, But the Pledge of Allegiance, Id PLEDGING your ALLEGIANCE. That is a bit obvious. If the world went to war, as in Everybody was fighting, would you go to a different country because we don't have gay rights supposedly? You are saying that you will defend your country! Not attack it's problems! LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. Doesn't matter if your gay, black, asian, or whatever! If you are an American citizen, You have rights! The kid needs to worry about other stuff. Not wasting his childhood on something he can't change. This country was built off of good ideas and hopes. And we fell into manipulating everything and trying to trick its own citizens. Maybe someday we can do something about it, but don't fret over it while your just a kid.
Did you read the article? Did you look at any of the previous posts? I want to focus on the part where you say
You are saying that you will defend your country! Not attack it's problems!
How are we supposed to defend or improve the country if you don't attack it's problems? That's exactly what he should be doing! If he thinks there is a problem somewhere he should try to do something about it, not just sit back and take it, as you are suggesting... JUST because someone told you to pledge your allegiance...
LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. Doesn't matter if your gay, black, asian, or whatever! If you are an American citizen, You have rights!
Again, did you read the damn article? This is exactly why the kid is NOT pledging his allegiance. He doesn't agree that everyone experiences liberty and justice. Gays in particular in this case, as there are people taking gay rights away. He's refusing to pledge his allegiance because he thinks a part of that pledge is extremely hypocritical.
And just because he's 10 doesn't mean he can't start doing SOMETHING to try fixing things he things are wrong in the world. Why should he just sit by and watch these wrongdoings happen like everyone else, when he could make a statement?
And uhm, He can't do anything about it. A country will not change because of a 10 year old boy. He can try all he wants, but in MY view, he is wasting his time. Do not say that my opinions are wrong unless you want to be the one seeming hypocritical.
He believed in something and was looking for a way to express it. Unfortunately, this was the wrong way. America has basic rights, true. You can't deny someone the right to show their beliefs, But the Pledge of Allegiance, Id PLEDGING your ALLEGIANCE. That is a bit obvious. If the world went to war, as in Everybody was fighting, would you go to a different country because we don't have gay rights supposedly? You are saying that you will defend your country! Not attack it's problems! LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. Doesn't matter if your gay, black, asian, or whatever! If you are an American citizen, You have rights! The kid needs to worry about other stuff. Not wasting his childhood on something he can't change. This country was built off of good ideas and hopes. And we fell into manipulating everything and trying to trick its own citizens. Maybe someday we can do something about it, but don't fret over it while your just a kid.
After reading this, the kid is much smarter than you. I honestly don't think you read the article.
And your 'he's just a kid' really irks me. He's doing something that may change things while he's still a young kid, which is great. He has probably done so much more in his 7 years of life that you have in your entire life.