here is what woud i like to have on armor games 1. Edit (to be able to edit forum posts) 2. status (is somebody online/offline right now) 3. Last time online (date when somebody was last time online) 4. Message notification (number that show me how many messages do I have, next to my username) 5. Random Favorite (same as random game but it shows you 1 of your favorites)
well if its not in the front how are you supposed to see it?
I think what Gantic means is the most popular (read most used) tags are shown, but there are a lot of other tags present that will kick in when you use the armor games search engine on the front page.
So when you are looking for a card game and enter 'card' in the search box, you will be redirected to all card games. The search 'card' is simply not used enough to be shown in the tag-box.
I dont know if this has been said but I think something a long the lines of a notification saying someone has responded to a form you posted on. Just so I can keep in the conversation. I know many of you write on many forms but maybe there could be a favorite button to allow which forms you will get a notification from.
Also a random game button would be nice. You click on a button and it sends you to a random game. The game could be old, new and any category.
Nice ideas. Heres one for you: friend search. You can search for users on armor games. I think that would be really helpful. Also Games for you. It gives you good suggestions for games. For example you play all sports games they give you games that you have not played in the sports category.
What we need to change? The title of this thread! lol
I would really want a way to have reviews stick out more than just the vote-up system. The reviews that we work hard for should AT LEAST be recognized. having them blotted out by unwanted short/spam comments makes us sad.
dont know if this has been said but I think something a long the lines of a notification saying someone has responded to a form you posted on. Just so I can keep in the conversation. I know many of you write on many forms but maybe there could be a favorite button to allow which forms you will get a notification from.
This could end up in you having a mailbox full of email saying 'Someone commented on a thread you commented on' times 100 if you comment on a thread that is very popular...
But the easy way to let people/users have a choice if they want this or not, would be to add this to the control panel, where you could enable/disable this option if you want it!
Also Games for you. It gives you good suggestions for games. For example you play all sports games they give you games that you have not played in the sports category.
You mean like having a button or mark of some sort next to the games you already played? Now that's a thought... this way you don't need to load the game in order to see wether you already played it or not, YAY! I currently use my 'rate-and-review-system' to see if I already played the game, but I still have to load the game in order to see if I did. This would be a great way to save me some time and play the actual games I didn't play already! =D
I would really want a way to have reviews stick out more than just the vote-up system. The reviews that we work hard for should AT LEAST be recognized. having them blotted out by unwanted short/spam comments makes us sad.
It actually does... make us sad that is... Maybe there should be another mod installed who simply sifts through those short spam-like comments and removes them, leaving only the good ones for gamers to read? I know there are already a lot of mods busy with it, but somehow I never see those short 'spammy' comments deleted...
hey i would add a new game
Ahmmm... which game and in what relation to this thread topic? Btw, you CAN do this on the Submit Games Page via the link in the right top corner button.
I know there are already a lot of mods busy with it, but somehow I never see those short 'spammy' comments deleted
It takes a lot of time, actually, and I believe only Gantic and I do it on a regular basis. Gantic most likely more regularly than me. Generally new games are the hardest to remove spam from, because everyone and their dog sees it. Which is why I am working on the games in my favourites instead > >... Makes me less tired.
Yeah, cats don't care. They are all like "WER IZ MAH FUD, HOOMAN?"
Guess I can vouch for that... every time I come home, I keep thinking the cat wants to 'hug me' and play nice with me simply because she is happy that I am home again...
Yes she is happy... she is happy that I am home so I can give her food!!! Little #@!*x!!!
With what outcome? Got me wondering there... if you want to get to the knight (I presume you mean the rank of?) you simply need to be more active on AG with posting, commenting, rating and reviewing, since that is the way to gain AP and (we had the discussion several times now) that's fine the way it is! =)
Maybe a few more forum categories. For example, sports.
That would result in gamers who prefer (say) action games to ask for a separate forum about that gaming genre as well... And then the 'adventurers' want one of their own... And the 'uzzlers' feel left out, so they want one... And the people who like miscellaneous games throw in their preference... And all of a sudden Armor Games is overflooded with forums! *gulp*