People aren't brainwashed by the Bible itself; their parents tell them these things, and they choose to believe. That's why the world has gullible people, so the rest of us can scam them. Just kidding. =P
it doesn't convince me
It's less convincing and more coercing, actually.
jesus is a F***ing lie
Harsh, and rude. That right there is pretty disrespectful.
along with other religions
Watch yourself. Try to be empathetic. If you'd believed something your whole life, and then some random dude on the internet starts cussing out your beliefs, what would you do?
there's no magical floating man in the sky
r Ouch. I was wondering; have you ever read the Bible.
if you want to see that watch harry potter
First of all, Harry Potter's a series of books. The movies are crap. Second of all, that is extremely disrespectful and rude. Third of all, Harry Potter has absolutely nothing to do with religion and it never mentions an invisible man. I know you're only using it as an example, but still.
sorry for being so blunt
Doesn't make up for it. If you're going to get a point across, try NOT blowing your top off. Present your side in a factually-backed, well-presented argument, hold the swearing.
actually i never cursed anyone out i said one word i never really blown my top but i was mad by the fact these people actually think some god is gonna micro manage their life if they pray for little things /rant about those people
That's why the world has gullible people, so the rest of us can scam them. Just kidding. =P
Actually, its true. Some people do use those gullible people to do stuff. Example (little over exaggerated, but you get the point): "Can you go get me that bread?" "No, why?" "If you do so, god will reconize you and you will go to heaven." "Okay."
hm yea. That's how you control does ignorant fools!! HAHAHA lol jk
i'm Not A racist. but I think jesus Don't Exist ... And All The Story, everybody said, he crested the world ??? HELLOOO, the earth was created little, by little, A Fragment, An Asteroid, And The Lava Heart.
i'm Not A racist. but I think jesus Don't Exist ... And All The Story, everybody said, he crested the world ??? HELLOOO, the earth was created little, by little, A Fragment, An Asteroid, And The Lava Heart.
The Roman Empire fell in the 14th century AD. Early modernism (as we know it) is not considered to started until post colonialism which started after WWI
Even as early as the 4th century there were people in power to forge documents who felt that lying was an acceptable and eve in some cases necessary method to use to get people to convert to Christianity.
First of all, Harry Potter's a series of books. The movies are crap. Second of all, that is extremely disrespectful and rude. Third of all, Harry Potter has absolutely nothing to do with religion and it never mentions an invisible man. I know you're only using it as an example, but still.
1) The Bible is actually a collection of books all put together. I thought the Passion was pretty crappy. 2) Respect should be earn, what has this religion done to earn respect? 3) No, but it is full of magical, impossible, illogical things just like the Bible. Harry does have an invisibility cloak. I would say it's a pretty good example to use.
So is this thread anything more than just a bunch of flaming?
Yes basically, in the past 3 months or so all religious debates have devolved to, well this. Occasionally only two members of opposing viewpoints will be online leading to a good discussion but that's becoming rarer.
My last post may have been a tad bit flamish but, I mean, the post really wasn't very well thought out.
Respect should be earn, what has this religion done to earn respect?
Many things unfortunatly many negative things have also been done, honestly most beliefs, or the lack there of, haven't really done much for society. Most of them contribute in some way but the belief itself has no actual power.
1) The Bible is actually a collection of books all put together.
He said "Go watch Harry Potter". I was telling him HP was books, not movies. You took what I said out of context.
I thought the Passion was pretty crappy
I'll say it again; snuff film. That's all it was.
2) Respect should be earn, what has this religion done to earn respect?
There is a difference between not respecting something and insulting it. He crossed that line. And by the way, I apply to the school of thought where respect in itself is earned or lost, but you at least TREAT people(and their beliefs) with respect as a default.
No, but it is full of magical, impossible, illogical things just like the Bible. Harry does have an invisibility cloak.
True enough.
I would say it's a pretty good example to use.
I know it's magical, but even so. He failed at using it as an example.
Many things unfortunatly many negative things have also been done, honestly most beliefs, or the lack there of, haven't really done much for society. Most of them contribute in some way but the belief itself has no actual power.
Then I see no reason to respect it, though we can still be cordial.
Then I see no reason to respect it, though we can still be cordial.
But you ask people to respect atheism? If so them your logic is flawed because as a whole atheism really hasn't contributed to society and because respect of ones belief is usually repaid by respecting other's.