ForumsWEPRGay Marriage/Adoption-Your Views.

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370 posts

I'm taking a Politics class in school and the topic of gay adoption/marriage came up and I was wondering what your opinions of it? (I looked for a pre-existing thread for it and couldn't find it)

  • 114 Replies
3,817 posts

There was one a few months ago... Maybe the title was something closer to Prop 8 but whatever.

There is not really anything bad with it, is there? It is not harming one party, while benefiting the other. Its an all win situation. The only arguments against it boil down to "its icky"...

4,005 posts

I'm in full support of both same sex marriage as well as allowing same sex partners to adopt. There is nothing which shows that same sex couples are less fit to rear children, or any reason why they should be discriminated against by refusing to recognize their partnership.

26,390 posts

I honestly don't see what the problem is. I mean, these kids are in need of a home, and these couples are unable to have children. Why not?
The argument against it boils down to "it's wrong"(religion), "they're going to be bullied for it", etc. etc.
Bullied:, not going to do that. I'm just going to say that they can still be bulled for poor parents, or being an orphan, or that their true parents are unable to care for them, or whatever, and yet the poorer people and others are still able to adopt. Why not the homosexuals?

370 posts

I feel like gay marriage should be legal.
1. If it's between two consenting adults (or a minor with permission from their parents) then it's okay.
2. I've heard people say gay marriage is an abomination in The Bible.
I feel like people used the Bible to defend slavery also. Just cause it's in the Bible doesn't always make it right. Not everyone believes in the Bible also, so why push your opinion on two consenting adults?
3. Gay adoption should COMPLETELY be legal because why make children with no homes suffer because you have a problem with who someone loves?

9,504 posts

The closer we get gay marriage legalized, the closer homosexuals have full equality within U.S. borders--the sooner the better. The most common opposition to gay marriage are mostly religious folk and a small number of people who just plain don't like the idea of gay marriage at all. Honestly, I could care less about the latter; there are many things that other people and I don't like that is deemed A-ok for societies. And the religious folk that hate the thought of gay marriage because of their religion? I pity them.

370 posts

I was talking to someone in my class and they said gay marriage shouldn't be legal because "it'll bring down the values of America." I told her the values of America was **** out the window when slavery was allowed. She then told me why do Blacks always bring up slavery.

4,005 posts

Keep in mind that less than 100 years ago, in America, the government didn't recognize African-American marriages, and did not allow them to adopt either. Did our values drop, or our nation fall apart, because we granted them the right to a federally recognized union, or the ability to adopt? Nope. And it won't happen if we grant these same rights to homosexual couples either.

3,817 posts

I was talking to someone in my class and they said gay marriage shouldn't be legal because "it'll bring down the values of America." I told her the values of America was **** out the window when slavery was allowed. She then told me why do Blacks always bring up slavery.

Next time go for witch burning, or even the WWII American concentration camps, or even the point "values of America" are liberty and justice for all, which include minorities such as homosexuals?
1,434 posts

I have no idea why the Catholics have such a bug up their *** on gay marriage and how gay couples cannot properly raise a child, that's just wrong. I mean, i worship satan and I think these people should indulge in their own wants and desires. If two people who can work together in a positive manner with a positive atmosphere want to raise a child, who's to stop them?

26,390 posts

I was talking to someone in my class and they said gay marriage shouldn't be legal because "it'll bring down the values of America."

I call shenanigans. Rather, the equalization of homosexuals in today's society will uphold the values of America(freedom, liberty, justice for all). It will, however, bring down the values of religion, which I'm going to have to say is a big reason homosexuality was not accepted long before now.
I told her the values of America was **** out the window when slavery was allowed.

Bah, you should bring up something more recent than that, and something that still exists as well. Try discrimination for religious beliefs, I'm sure that the anti-homosexual crowd will love that one. Those of the Islamic faith in particular are looked down upon today.
She then told me why do Blacks always bring up slavery.

Because African Americans are human, and some of them, like some of us, are self-entitled jerks. Just saying. Slavery ended long before anyone still alive today was born, you can't really lord mistakes over someone when they weren't born when it happened.
26,390 posts

2. I've heard people say gay marriage is an abomination in The Bible.

They're right, the Bible does say that. Let me just find the passages...
Yep, according to none other than God, homosexuality is "detestable".
And in fact, the Holy Bible tells people to kill homosexuals.
9,462 posts

I have no issue with Gay marriage or adoption. In fact if you want a first hand look into such a situation here is a nice youtube channel to check out.

I have no idea why the Catholics have such a bug up their *** on gay marriage and how gay couples cannot properly raise a child, that's just wrong.

I think it has something to do with trying to control what other people do with their bodies.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I am totally in favor of gay marriage, I really don't see any reason why the shouldn't marry, and anyway sex lives are none of the government's business.
Its just between them.

I am a tad skeptic though about gay couples adopting children. However I think they should be given a chance too, there are so many heterosexuals who are bad parents, so sure some gays are going to be bad parents, but they are not going to be the only ones.

9,462 posts

I am a tad skeptic though about gay couples adopting children. However I think they should be given a chance too, there are so many heterosexuals who are bad parents, so sure some gays are going to be bad parents, but they are not going to be the only ones.

Does this mean you are skeptical of heterosexuals adopting as well? If not then why single homosexuals out on this?
3,086 posts

If not then why single homosexuals out on this?

Because that is the topic.
I think that there are so many stereotypes it has become sad. An alcoholic that was expelled from school for bullying could be a great parent. Just like a homosexual could be a bad one. There is no real difference besides sexual preferences, and even then that is irrelevant. I'm all for Gay marriage and adoption because adopting is a wonderful thing for many reasons. On a side question, does anyone think it's selfish to have a surrogate child when adoption is much better?
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