Why do half the people who visit the WEPR forums smear Christianity? Why don't you people realize that, yeah, Christians can be real dumb-a** mofo's from time to time, but yet there are many, many Christian organizations out there that do good all across the globe. Why must you spend your time trying to convince people that Christians are bad people when that is simply not true?
on the contrary, all of the books of the new testament were written while Jesus' twelve disciples were alive (before 100AD)
The last of the four gospels were written around 90AD by then the disciples would have been dead. Non of the books of the NT were written during the time Jesus was said to have lived, but were written decades after.
My question is simply: "Would you die for Atheism?"
If someone was saying believe or die and had the ability to carry it out I would likely lie and say yeah sure I believe.
And I still want an answer, "Who will die for Atheism?"
I have a question for you. would you die for your lack of belief in The Serengeti Monster?
That is where the belief part comes in. The bible asks you to believe in only a handful of things, and this is one of them.
Would you care to weigh in on my questions on faith in the thread titled "Faith?"
So you're saying its impossible for the God who created the entire Universe to have the Savior of the world brought into the world through a virgin?
I think when you have to resort to magic as an explanation, it's a pretty weak argument.
If you believe that, then I pity you. I will be praying for the day you understand the truth.
Come on, Ithikhar, post on this thread instead of on my profile. You ain't done here; the day isn't done. Come on. Debate with us.
Is being gay normal?
It's a minority, but that's a good thing. People are used to heterosexuality and haven't been exposed to homosexuality. I am extremely tolerant of them. The religious aren't, because they have been taught by their master to hate and kill them.
The religious aren't, because they have been taught by their master to hate and kill them.
It is true that in the bible God tells the Jews to kill any man that lays with a man as he would a woman, but he did this for a reason.
Reason- Having buttsex with a dude is more likely to give you std's than having sex with a woman is. This is just scientifical, since the anus has way more bacteria then the vagina. If the woman is infected with STD's than the fact can be debated, but since he also said not to marry out side of the Jews that cut way down on the chance of a woman getting STD's. If there were no diseases already in the camps, then there would be no STD's
Oh so then instead of God, you'll be with Hitler, and Stalin, and every other genocidal egomaniac that had died before you.
Please tell me you didn't say that--OMG he actually did. Anyone else see what's wrong with this?
Reason- Having buttsex with a dude is more likely to give you std's than having sex with a woman is. This is just scientifical, since the anus has way more bacteria then the vagina. If the woman is infected with STD's than the fact can be debated, but since he also said not to marry out side of the Jews that cut way down on the chance of a woman getting STD's. If there were no diseases already in the camps, then there would be no STD's
That is true. We also do not kill and hate those that have sex multiple times and give those STD's to other people. Besides. Killing people because they have a larger chance of giving STD's?
Oh so then instead of God, you'll be with Hitler, and Stalin, and every other genocidal egomaniac that had died before you.
God killed more people than all of them combined.
Reason- Having buttsex with a dude is more likely to give you std's than having sex with a woman is.
You're participating in a debate, have the tact and intelligence to use the correct terminology, because the credibility of that entire statement was obliterated by 'buttsex'.
Also by your logic:
God created incest God created genetic disorders God created STD's God created death
So, they god that create STD's was killing people so they wouldn't get them?
Also, I would love to enjoy time in hell with Einstein, Buddha, and various other brilliant and peaceful people. By the way Hitler was Catholic meaning he believed Jesus was the son of God and he's in heaven. Remember we're saved by faith not works.
Where was this free will when the Earth was flooded?
Where was this free will when the Tower of Babylon was shattered?
Where was this free will when children were slaughtered?
Though no longer Christian, I'll bite. All of these things happened because of free will. Or rather, the abuse of free will. So that's where free will was. <--------------I'm not saying I agree, I'm just saying what I would say if I was Christian. So don't get all flamey.
Killing people because they have a larger chance of giving STD's?
The Israelites were God's chosen people, if he wanted them to survive he had to make sure that they didn't kill each other through sex first.
We also do not kill and hate those that have sex multiple times and give those STD's to other people.
No, but he put in the clause that you can only have sex after marriage, so why would you be sleeping with other people. If you did that you got killed as well, or you had to marry the chick you banged, if you were not already married.
The last of the four gospels were written around 90AD by then the disciples would have been dead. Non of the books of the NT were written during the time Jesus was said to have lived, but were written decades after.
Luke Wrote his gospel based on the accounts of eyewitnesses and the apostles. the time of writing isnt certain, but it was definitely before 100AD
they have been taught by their master to hate and kill them.
I dont hate gays. "Love the sinner, hate the sin"
And God doesnt command people to just kill other people. He asked for the destruction of specific people who had raised up against him or his people.
The Israelites were God's chosen people, if he wanted them to survive he had to make sure that they didn't kill each other through sex first.
But he's God. They would have gone to Heaven, or even better, be protected by God. Come on. He gave Moses awesome mage powers. He couldn't protect people from STD's? Or...didn't?
Also Frank, what exactly is wrong with that statement?
Just the fact that he included Hitler in the statement. Last I checked Hitler is Christian. So Hitler is in Heaven hanging out with God.