Why do half the people who visit the WEPR forums smear Christianity? Why don't you people realize that, yeah, Christians can be real dumb-a** mofo's from time to time, but yet there are many, many Christian organizations out there that do good all across the globe. Why must you spend your time trying to convince people that Christians are bad people when that is simply not true?
I want to ask all of you; Would you rather deny God, then die and find out that there is a God then burn in Hell because sin is punishable by death, or Accept God and find out there isn't one?
There is probably no God. Now get out there and enjoy your life! I deny God, because he does not exist. I deny God, because he gives words to people and those people in turn have done terrible things. That may be the peoples' fault alone, but remember--it was God's word! God told you to do this!
Bring on the fire, God's a tyrannical, hypocritical, homophobic, lying, back stabbing, hating being why exactly would I want to spend eternity with him instead of enjoying what time I have left on Earth?
and where do you get that opinion from? give me a specific example as to why you think God is so evil.
You don't think! You see someone else's reply that isn't for Christianity and say, "Oh, that must be right!" and then continue smear whoever defended against that? You all are as bad as children! I would expect elementary children to behave like this, but young adults?
You sir are a hypocrite. You have no inkling of what was going through her mind when she said. Did you consider that perhaps she was agreeing that it wasn't that hard of a connection to make? No. You instantly assumed that she was saying something derogatory, and you have the audacity to compare us to third graders. I suggest you take a look at yourself, before you insult others.
This is directed at that bit about recruiting. Are you perhaps talking about how Christians will go so far as to attempt to convince a child to switch religions?
Bring on the fire, God's a tyrannical, hypocritical, homophobic, lying, back stabbing, hating being why exactly would I want to spend eternity with him instead of enjoying what time I have left on Earth?
Because I really don't see you handling eternal fire and pain vey well. If you trust Jesus you don't have to burn forever.
Oh, and about the Homophobic thing, don't try and convince me that being gay is normal. If anything it is the least from normal there is. A man can't impregnate another man, and since the whole point of sex is so you can carry on you gene pool, why would a gay couple have sex?
You sir are a hypocrite. You have no inkling of what was going through her mind when she said. Did you consider that perhaps she was agreeing that it wasn't that hard of a connection to make? No. You instantly assumed that she was saying something derogatory, and you have the audacity to compare us to third graders. I suggest you take a look at yourself, before you insult others.
Well. I could of defended myself. But yeah. that pretty much covers my entire page of a come back. ~delete-delete-delete~
Samy, You are a brave soul. RIP.
This is directed at that bit about recruiting. Are you perhaps talking about how Christians will go so far as to attempt to convince a child to switch religions?
Extremist type Christians. Not ALL. Frank, your previous post even said there are varying degrees of any religion. Don't contradict it please.
God killed millions of people in the bible, all those that died in the flood and all those unfortunate enough to have settled in the holy land. God slaughtered babies whose parents didn't put lamb's blood on their doors. God commanded bears to kill 42 youths for making fun of a prophet for being bald. God commanded homosexuals to be stoned, God commanded that women were unclean on their period (mind you he created that). God created Adam and Eve knowing full well that they would sin. God gave use logic and mental abilities but won't let us use them when it comes to his existence.
This is directed at that bit about recruiting. Are you perhaps talking about how Christians will go so far as to attempt to convince a child to switch religions?
I suppose it's any recruiting really; I wasn't specific about it. You have what you said, and you have the common Christians that walk to your doorstep and "invite" you, but then throw propaganda and dogma at you. The pastor at my Grandpa's funeral did the same thing.
don't try and convince me that being gay is normal.
Actually. I will Hormones dude. Hormones. It isn't set in stone that every gal will have the same amount of girly girl ness and every dude will have the same macho ness. People that have an imbalance of hormones can result in them liking more manly or more girly things. So...... Yeah.
Oh and he also punished his own angels. His own angels. "No! You cannot make babies with humans! Only humans can make babies with humans! You see the Nephalim? That's not what a human's supposed to be...." He punished his angels...for having sex with humans... Sorry, this does not go well with me in two ways.