Are you talking about music as a whole? If so, than that's very broad and therefore hard to talk about in this thread.
So I'll just talk about this:
Today's mainstream music... Ugh. Don't even get me started. If people actually like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and whatnot, than I have absolutely no idea why they do so. Sure, it might be catchy at some times, but that's all it is. Catchy.
Now previously in time, the "mainstream" was actually listenable. Nothing that I especially like, but it was way better than the mainstream today.
i dont like think of music as "changed" but more "evolved". one idea turns into another, another artist inspires another. music is always changing and getting better and worse. the new sounds are big for a reason, because they are new.
bands like the strokes, bullet for my valentine, LCD soundsystem, arcade fire, outkast, greenday have all made HUGE influences on modern day music. while other artists like the clash, black sabbath, brian eno, pavement, eric b. and rakim, and bad brains have influenced those artists.
it will always be this way.
there were bad artists back then and there are bad artists now.
i dont like think of music as "changed" but more "evolved". one idea turns into another, another artist inspires another. music is always changing and getting better and worse. the new sounds are big for a reason, because they are new.
it will always be this way.
there were bad artists back then and there are bad artists now.
Personally, I don't see a problem here. There is much more going on in the world of music than most people realize, and quite often, all it takes to find music one likes is to do some research on his/her own. There's lots of contemporary music that I like, and there's lots of music from the past decades that I enjoy greatly as well. So to me, as a music consumer, present is the best time for enjoying all that this art form has to offer.
Rap has, unfortunately, changed for worst in the mainstream. Everyone's listening to Lil Wayne and Drake (though 9 AM In Dallas is AWESOME) and forgets our roots. (And THE Roots.)
drake isnt that bad. he deffinatly blows lil wayne out of the water by a long shot. of all the modern day rappers, id put him up there with eminem, lupe fiasco, and kanye west
Well, music will obviously change for better or for worst and there has been horrible artist back then but, todays music doesnt have much meaning anymore except for a couple of course there are good songs out there but, mostly there are some songs that on top of them being musically bad the lyrics are just hollow. but, there are some artist out there and lady gaga i dont miuch like her music but, i was impressed by one song "i was born this way" when i heard it im like "man who is this" when i realized it was lady gaga wow blows my mind
It has evolved, and it definitely and indisputably better now than it was back in the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc. We still have all that old music out there, but there's so much more diversity today - look even just slightly below the top 200 and you'll find hundreds of genres and thousands of bands - that you can't consider previous eras out-and-out superior to modern ones. There's just so much fantastic music underground, or that's at least only semi-popular, that the only way music has worsened is that the mainstream (generally) isn't very good these days.
most forms of music have changed a lot since the 60's-80's and it will keep changing. it is supposed to be that way. however, for better of worse all depends on what u like and dont like. if u like classic rock u might say for worse cuz the world's view on rock as a whole has changed. if u like heavy metal stuff u could go either way depending on your particular tastes. if u like rap u could also go iether way because there are different ways that people rap. if u like really hard, in-your-face, screemo stuff u might say better because that is popular right now (to an extent) if u like pop u would prob say yes cuz pop is in its prime right now (bleck)
so its all according to what u like. there is no defined way that music has changed.
Rap hasn't changed for the worst, just Rap is becoming more mainstream and, unfortunately, 'famous' rappers always get more attention than anyone else does. Many of these 'famous' rappers are also experimenting with other styles of music, increasing their fame and narrowing how specific the songs can be.
And as said before, music is not getting better or worse, it is evolving. You can't say that Renaissance music is much better because modern music sucks, Music evolves with the culture and lifestyle of those listening to it. Example: Rap, Metal, Rock, Country... All of those can be somewhat linked to lifestyle changes in the general populace at the time.
There's just so much fantastic music underground, or that's at least only semi-popular, that the only way music has worsened is that the mainstream (generally) isn't very good these days.
Im going to have to agree with you there but, the thing about mainstreaming semi-popular or underground its kinda like shooting in the dark you dont know what your going to hit you might get good but, you might something bad (Rebbeca black)
Music changing for better or for worst? We keep gaining different pieces of music! I'm pretty sure we still play the good ol' classical music pieces from way back when that adopt the drum/vocals from ancient human times.
Now mainstream that's entirely different. Try reading a history book focusing on Rock n' Roll and see if any adult liked the theme of that. Sure, the children and teens loved it, but the adults loathed it.
I agree with master565 music has gotten worse cause today's songs are about money and stuff. Music back then actually made you feel something.
Are you talking about the lyrics or the cause behind it if your talking about the cause then of course its for money i mean the artist has to make money somehow but, music and mainstream aren't totally different if you see things on the mainstream its a reflection of todays music
I haven't heard a good song on the radio in almost a year. Most music today is terrible.
Same here i mean of course some good music there but, most are all the hits and all the latest hits suck i mean i was going to make my friend crash the car after the 10th time bruno mars "just the way you are' played that same day
I haven't heard a good song on the radio in almost a year. Most music today is terrible.
On the radio. On the radio. On the radio. There is GREAT music out there that's not mainstreamed into a radio station. You just have to find it. The music is so much better than what is streamed, but the only problem is that it isn't popular.