Let's get this first thing straightened out: the title isn't literal, it's metaphorical. Just think, without religion the world would be much better. No disputes over the "right" thing to believe. That means no wars over religion. We'd have more money because we wouldn't have to donate, build churches, etc. We'd have an overall better outlook on life because our consciouses wouldn't be so powerful.
What's the difference? Science deals with what can be observed, so any "Physical" law is going to be apart of a "Scientific Theory." Also, if it's possible to be done, it obviously doesn't violate any physical/scientific laws. Why did god make it possible to do if he didn't want it done? It's like placing a baby next to a machette, lighter, pool of acid, guillotine, and gun all in one playpen.
Why did god make it possible to do if he didn't want it done?
While I'm on the spot I might as well say this: God loves us. God wants us to experience his greatest gift to a full: life. He wants us to explore life. That's why he gave us the power of redemption, like going off to fight and coming home to get healed up.
I never get any time to have debates like this; I'm always too busy. It's wonderful.
1. If God is there, I'd like to get into heaven. 2. God tries to teach us lessons, but not to an extreme where it gets too severe. 3. God can do whatever the hell he wants. I'm a God-fearer, literally and metaphorically.
Well, except if in your belief system lacking a full faith is a sin.
That's why he gave us the power of redemption, like going off to fight and coming home to get healed up.
Or like being drafted into a war and getting killed during it. Why couldn't God have just gotton rid of the things that cause sin? It's just being malevolent, a tease, however you want to frame it. He puts us here, puts everything here, says you have free will, but singles things out and says "that's a no-no" Why? You'd get your child taken away if you left guns laying around the place and just said "Don't touch, that's a no-no, but you can do w/e you want"
Congrats on being spineless. I will die on my feet before I live on my knees.
I hear that statement in every single religious thread. I always respond with the following statement: would you rather be a coward for 90-something years and then live in paradise for eternity? Or would you rather live like a brave man for 90-something years and then live in an eternity of torture?
It's like working at the nazi death camps, you could raise a fuss and be executed, or be silent, cowardly and enjoy the perks of being a guard.
What would one man do? I know that if there was a death camp overthrow panned I would definitely take part, but in any other situation, a coward I'd be.
But the thing is, there is no guarantee of heaven or of the heaven you picture. I mean, what if you spend all your life following catholic doctrine, only to find heaven is entirely muslim?
God's forgiving. I'd have way better chance getting in Islamic heaven than you.
Ah but would I hate myself afterwards?
Honestly, I'd just be laughing my *** off while you get burned in hell.
Is this an actual link, or a fake one to make you wait forever for it to "load?"
It loads for me immediately.
E1337. That cycle is complete B.S. I've seen it hundreds of times before, right before the other side ran out of things to say. Besides, I haven't followed that pattern what so ever. Care to elaborate if I'm wrong?