Let's get this first thing straightened out: the title isn't literal, it's metaphorical. Just think, without religion the world would be much better. No disputes over the "right" thing to believe. That means no wars over religion. We'd have more money because we wouldn't have to donate, build churches, etc. We'd have an overall better outlook on life because our consciouses wouldn't be so powerful.
It's a site that goes like this "Hell exists because it says so in the bible"
Funny, seeing how you earlier used passages from the Bible to prove your claims. If the Bible is fallible, then those passages wouldn't have been needed.
As for near death experiances, the white light is the cells in the eye dying, the visions are due to the brain dumping so many neurotransmitters into the brain it induces crazy visions and so on.
I don't see how that contributes to damaging any of my claims.
Specifically, I was referring to previous posts, not my Hell dilly. Yes, it is questionable, but it is mostly metaphors. I know I've said that before, but I don't see how that's wrong.
Show respect towards one another during times of pain.
So, when leviticus said, don't eat shellfish, what was the metaphor there?
Be careful.
Or how the altar must be X tall, what is that metaphor?
Not sure there.
I don't know every single metaphor in the Bible, nor could I find them on the internet. I'd have to go to a priest or a deacon or some other man of holy representation for God.
Show respect towards one another during times of pain.
Most women are going to get pissed at you if you ask them that question, especially if you don't know them. Also...I remember from my psych class that the mensterual cycle is not that painful, and does not cause the general things we think of it doing, it is instead an expected thing, aka the placebo effect, the same as alcohol, which does not actually make you happier/less socially inhibbited.
I'm not aware of this. Could you provide a link? Preferably one not from Wikipedia.
I will not provide a link, as it is common knowledge, according to all means of academic citation, that the United Nations began as a result of the end of World War II. This is simply how it started: the U.N. arose out of the ashes of World War II, along with the International Criminal Court. To ask for a "link" is like asking for a link explaining the date that Justin Bieber recorded his first album; this kind of information is undisputed and thus is considered "common knowledge."
We obviously aren't. I mean, look at Israel. They've been in turmoil ever since Jesus walked the holy land. They haven't learned from their mistakes yet.
Please elaborate. I'm not certain if you're referring too Jewish beliefs that Jesus was in fact NOT the first coming of the Mesiah, according to the Old Testament of the Torah, or if you're speaking from a non-theist perspective of Israel.
I'm not aware of this. Could you provide a link? Preferably one not from Wikipedia.
I will not provide a link, as it is common knowledge
You must provide a link or prove that it happened. It isn't common knowledge because I, your enemy in argument, doesn't recall this.
We obviously aren't. I mean, look at Israel. They've been in turmoil ever since Jesus walked the holy land. They haven't learned from their mistakes yet.
Please elaborate.
Jesus makes land holy. People want land. War starts. >__>
You're a bit too late to the party Elephunk...
Show respect towards one another during times of pain.
Most women are going to get pissed at you if you ask them that question, especially if you don't know them. Also...I remember from my psych class that the mensterual cycle is not that painful, and does not cause the general things we think of it doing, it is instead an expected thing, aka the placebo effect, the same as alcohol, which does not actually make you happier/less socially inhibbited
You must provide a link or prove that it happened. It isn't common knowledge because I, your enemy in argument, doesn't recall this.
It's not my problem that you do not know your history, and again under the regulations of "common knowledge" this is your issue, not mine. I will, however, provide your poor, misinformed soul with this:
The United Nations is an international organization aimed at cooperation in international law, international security, human rights and world peace. The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to prevent another World War and facilitate dialogue between nations. There are 192 member states in the United Nations.
And to discuss Israel in terms of the United Nations, the U.N. decided to create a sovereign state of Israel for the Jewish people in 1947, which incompassed sections of Palestine. Prior to this resolution, however, the Jewish immigrants to Palestinian territory moved to this region to (1.) establish a Jewish homeland centered around historic areas from the Torah, and (2.) overpower Palestinian politics through democratic means (i.e., more Jewish people means a higher proportion of "Jewish"-based votes).
So to conclude this point, the Jewish people were deemed by the United Nations as to have deserving a home state, which manifested itself in the form of Israel. Since this resolution (and prior to it) the result has ended in a conflict over land rights between Palestinians and Israelis.
Jesus makes land holy. People want land. War starts. >__>
You're a bit too late to the party Elephunk...
Again... What??? I'm looking at this from an atheist perspective, so I have no idea what you're talking about. Elaborate.
It's not my problem that you do not know your history, and again under the regulations of "common knowledge" this is your issue, not mine.
just to reiterate, asking for this kind of "roof" is like demanding proof that the Russian Revolution began in 1917. This is considered common knowledge, and I do not need to prove this to you, according to MLA, Chicago, and APA citation styles. Prove it to yourself. If you don't know this, look it up yourself.
We obviously aren't. I mean, look at Israel. They've been in turmoil ever since Jesus walked the holy land. They haven't learned from their mistakes yet.
... That spot of land. That little tiny piece. Has been in 'turmoil' Way before Jesus.
In 586 BC, Judah was conquered by the Babylonians and Jerusalem and the First Temple destroyed.[69] Most of the surviving Jews, and much of the other local population, were deported to Babylonia.
The Persian Empire fell to Greek forces of the Macedonian general Alexander the Great After his death, his conquests were divided amongst his generals, while the region of the Jews was first part of the Ptolemaic dynasty and then part of the Seleucid Empire.
I won't quote it, but we all know what the Romans did following.
And THEN people started to care about Jesus.
And Islamic invasion started after 600BC (In that area, specifically, for it's holy value but also due to the fact that the Roman Empire was doomed, and the Byzantine empire didn't even want the area until the Crusades another half century later)
Also -- It should be noted for those living in the West, the Crusades, a fight over the holy land, were a major key factor in pulling Europe out of it's Dark Ages, giving rise to a middle class of artisans and intellectuals that had no need for feudalism, and it also gave them knowledge of Chinese Gunpowder that was used for pushing ships off harbor -- which became guns -- which became money and imperialism.
I'm a little late to reply to old responses, but I will anyway.
Sure, they were also intolerant of information that wasn't according to the bible.
Better to have some information than none at all..?
So going outside with your family just to have a good time is worse than going into a Church with your family just so you can confirm your beliefs and be part of the ingroup?
That isn't what I meant. I just said if someone is religious, then they have inner incentive to talk to people, seeing as they've gotta go there -- whereas an Atheist does not.
Lastly. From Wikipedia.
The League of Nations failed to prevent World War II (1939â"1945). Because of the widespread recognition that humankind could not afford a Third World War, the United Nations was established to replace the flawed League of Nations in 1945 in order to maintain international peace and promote cooperation in solving international economic, social and humanitarian problems
And don't Bullcrap me that Wikipedia isn't a valid source. For disputed arguments, that aren't common-knowledge or changing ideas, it clearly is not -- but for history, I'm sure Wikipedia and any other site that can use valid references to historians can find general consensus between a historian or scientific community to put out some general facts. I'd have to agree with Elephunk, the UN = After WWII, nobody wanted for a third.
Anyways... Elephunk, if something's obvious then it should be very easy to prove. Just saying. You must also keep an open mind to understand what I'm talking about. If you only look at atheistic stuff whilst trying to understand why religious wars start you will never get it.
Certainly, but it's only information if it's accurate. Anything else is useless
Here comes the calvary saying the bible is all fallible. >__> The Bible is infallible because, simply put, it's all metaphors and was written by God's word. See, I didn't only go in one direction. I gave you two, yes TWO, reasons! That cycle before was naught but useless against me.