Since Christianity FTW is a debate between christians and atheists I decided to make a new thread for a debate between christians and christians alone.
This is a debate between christian who have a different veiw of the bible, how to get to heaven, etc. It's about the types of christians and which ones are right and which ones are wrong. There are Roman Catholics, methodists, baptists, etc each with a different veiw of the bible. This is a debate between the christians. State what type of christian you are and explain why you think being this type of christian is the right path.
Hey, I thought this thread is about the DIFFERENT TYPES OF CHRISTIANS!!! Not Christianity. So if you are a Christian(like I am) put your denomination,(eg. pentecostal,full gospel,weslyan...) and maybe why you believe in it.
Actually some of them has. Wars, rumors of wars, natural calameties... just turn on the tv, and it aligns with the Bible!
Wars? Natural calamities? Wow! Stuff as rare as warfare and natural disasters happening? That must mean that Regnorock is coming! I mean it isn't like warfare and natural disasters have been around for all of human civilizations, and longer in the case of disaster. Sarcasm? What sarcasm?
I guess you're referring to the most recent (I think) 'discovery' of Noah's Ark on top of Mount Ararat in Turkey. This is something like the 12th time that the ark has been discovered. There are two pieces of information that make me question this so-called finding. 1) This was not a proper scientific expedition. The group that ran the expedition is called Noah's Ark Ministries International. This means that they're going out and looking for 'evidence' of the ark. They already suppose the ark exists and then try to prove it. That's not how proper scientific research is conducted. They also haven't published any scientific journals on the finding (at least, I can't find any on Google scholar), so the whole thing just stinks. 2) The location where they found it is preposterous. There's not enough water on the Earth to raise a boat to that level.
But this isn't really the thread for this, and I don't want to get too far off topic. If you'd like to discuss it more, I'm sure there's a more appropriate thread (or feel free to make one). You can also feel free to comment on my profile.
And how exactly do you know that this is from the so-called "Big Bang"
You can feel free to look it up for yourself. I'm not an astronomer, but even the Wikipedia article is pretty informative on the matter. The CMBR just fits perfectly with a hot, expanding universe model.
And is there proof AGAINST Christianity
No, of course not. That's really not what scientists are out trying to do. But every explanation they have make this kind of 'god of the gaps' thinking more and more marginalized.
But again, this isn't really the place. I don't want to hijack the conversation.
@314d1, they are intensifying and becoming in the last few years. The world is rapidly changing. Soon, billions of people will vanish into thin air, a middle eastern peace treaty, a one world government and leader, in order to buy food, a mark(maybe an electronic device, or tatoo...) will be required on the right arm or forehead... you can read more in the Bible in Revelations.
The Bible is full of cold-reading - 'rophecies' and predictions that are vague and can be applied to a lot of different situations or people, depending on the context.
I don't think many Christians these days still subscribe to a full Rapture theory so much as a general notion. However, there are two groups when it comes to those that do believe in the Rapture, Pre-tribulations and Post-tribulations. It's more a denominational and personal thing though and some may believe in the idea more strongly than others.