Since Christianity FTW is a debate between christians and atheists I decided to make a new thread for a debate between christians and christians alone.
This is a debate between christian who have a different veiw of the bible, how to get to heaven, etc. It's about the types of christians and which ones are right and which ones are wrong. There are Roman Catholics, methodists, baptists, etc each with a different veiw of the bible. This is a debate between the christians. State what type of christian you are and explain why you think being this type of christian is the right path.
1) Trinitarians - believe that God is one entity but composed of 3 different persons (or aspects): God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
2) Non-Trinitarians - reject the above notion in a variety of ways, but basically say that God the Son (i.e. Jesus) is a separate entity from God. They pray to God, but still recognize Jesus as God's son.
Now, (1) is clearly incompatible with (2). But do those who accept (1) believe that those who accept (2) are doomed to hell? Or vice versa?
. That's about the third or fourth generation, though, I guess.
The church was not a massive power/official religion of Rome until 300AD. Christianity itself did not pick up much until 50-60 years after the death of Christ. So, Catholicism was -the- first major belief group of Christianity. It had the most accurate information, as it was closest to the time.
It's weird to think that for a few hundred years there weren't any Protestants
Protestants didn't come until over 1000 years after the death of Christ I believe.
Well, there was a maniacal power in Rome at the time that blamed the burning of the city on the Christians. He most likely wouldn't set up the same religion he blamed for the burning of Rome as the main religion.
That wasn't it. Rome's policy on religion was you could believe what you wanted, so long as you also believed in their gods. Christians, who professed a one God belief, were thus prosecuted. It was until Constantine in 300AD or so that he made Christianity the official religion.
1500 years, yes.
That's when it really flared up I think. The beliefs were appearing at around 1000AD I think.
was there even a denomination before Catholicism
Undoubtedly there were people who held different beliefs, but no, I do not think there was any "official" denominations of Christianity before Catholicism.
Just checked my facts, they started appearing 12th century. The official reformation didn't occur until mid 16th century.
It seems you know more than I do...
It helps to be currently taking a Middle Ages class.
I question their system.
After conquering someone, it causes far less problems if you aren't oppressing their religion. It would be enormously expensive and unpractical to maintain standing armies throughout the entire empire to watch every area, so they kept the peace by allowing people to still have their own god, but they also had to believe in the Roman ones (or say they did anyways) for the sake of unity.
Technically, there weren't any denominations until Protestants came about, since Catholicism means universalism...
it would be wonderful if that number shrank down big time. hopefully along the lines of "0".
Whoa there dude, why the Christian hate?
Anyway, I don't have too much qualm with Christians, most are decent-enough educated Protestants and Orthodox, nothing wrong there except the whole Not-Worshiping-Satan thing, but I digress.
It's the Catholics that really stick a stick in my side. They believe that giving money to the church will make them closer to God, barely use the Bible, which is supposed to be their essential "Manual to Christianity", and live in an outdated monarchy system where the Pope can issue any crusade he wants. Sure, it may not be like that in the modern world, but the Catholics killed a bunch of dudes in the opening centuries of the 1000's. There was the Inquisition, and because Austria didn't want to leave religion aside and just join the Lesser German Empire, their Catholic influences forced them to abuse their Orthodox provinces, eventually sparking World War 1.
it's due to the fact that I used to be one, and only recently changed my views. the hatred is strong in me, but I'll calm down, in time.
It's the Catholics that really stick a stick in my side. They believe that giving money to the church will make them closer to God, barely use the Bible, which is supposed to be their essential "Manual to Christianity", and live in an outdated monarchy system where the Pope can issue any crusade he wants. Sure, it may not be like that in the modern world, but the Catholics killed a bunch of dudes in the opening centuries of the 1000's. There was the Inquisition, and because Austria didn't want to leave religion aside and just join the Lesser German Empire, their Catholic influences forced them to abuse their Orthodox provinces, eventually sparking World War 1.
lol, thats one of the reasons so many people become atheists, because religion sparks differences in opinion, which sparks conflict, which starts opposing factions, which starts war. it always follows this cycle.
Worshiping-Satan thing
I had forgotten that you did that. I have no real qualms with satanism, and i don't plan on it since yours is one that was made to oppose mainstream christianity. I respect a guy who does something just to break the mold. it makes things interesting.
This thread is really designed for Christians. And also this thread is going in the wrong direction. If you want to discuss Christianity in general, there is another thread for that. This is between Christians.
This thread is really designed for Christians. And also this thread is going in the wrong direction. If you want to discuss Christianity in general, there is another thread for that. This is between Christians.
that won't stop the atheists from playing here.
okay fine then, if you want to discuss god then let's do it. tell me, why did god even send us to earth when it was so much better up there? did he just want us out of his dimension so he could build a condo, or is he just a power hungry jerk?
ok lets get a few things straight one the catoholic church doesn't sell salvation any more and if a priest is found doing this they can no longer be a priest end of story it is also one of the main reasons Luther left the church cause he was A CATHOLIC MONK he founded luthernism some where around the thirteen hundreds another thing calvinism and all of those are found mostly by former catholics or luthernists people. and bladerunner679 i don't know what you're obsession with this blade person who ever the **** he is. but the book charcter thing is making a good point. the closest you're going to get would be either in Revalations or Genesis the alapha and omega books. the final thing is we onlly worship the father, son, and the holy spirit we don't pray to saints we are asking them to pray for us, advice, or a miracle they are well known for.