Since Christianity FTW is a debate between christians and atheists I decided to make a new thread for a debate between christians and christians alone.
This is a debate between christian who have a different veiw of the bible, how to get to heaven, etc. It's about the types of christians and which ones are right and which ones are wrong. There are Roman Catholics, methodists, baptists, etc each with a different veiw of the bible. This is a debate between the christians. State what type of christian you are and explain why you think being this type of christian is the right path.
ok lets get a few things straight one the catoholic church doesn't sell salvation any more and if a priest is found doing this they can no longer be a priest end of story it is also one of the main reasons Luther left the church cause he was A CATHOLIC MONK he founded luthernism some where around the thirteen hundreds another thing calvinism and all of those are found mostly by former catholics or luthernists people. and bladerunner679 i don't know what you're obsession with this blade person who ever the **** he is. but the book charcter thing is making a good point. the closest you're going to get would be either in Revalations or Genesis the alapha and omega books. the final thing is we onlly worship the father, son, and the holy spirit we don't pray to saints we are asking them to pray for us, advice, or a miracle they are well known for.
lol, that was the oddest rambling of a post I have ever read. martin luther left because he saw the church as corrupted, and then put his greivances against the church on a door of a cathedral in germany (I don't know which, nor do I care). the problem with that is that it is easy to have a corrupted belief in something that doesn't exist. that is why both catholics and protestants are in the wrong.
my name comes from an imaginary character I used to play back when I was 8 years old and still naieve. if you have any more questions about my name, I'm glad to answer, and any more comments about faith and I'll gladly rebuttle them.
Very true and why do Christians choose to separate themselves from the original branch other than fr political reasons and different beliefs >.>?
simple, they want to justify a sinful action of theirs by manipulating religious doctrine in order to make it at least sound like "god" is okay with their actions. truth be told, this insight was another one of the reasons I became an atheist.
simple, they want to justify a sinful action of theirs by manipulating religious doctrine in order to make it at least sound like "god" is okay with their actions. truth be told, this insight was another one of the reasons I became an atheist.
So you used to be christian right >.>? and isn;t the church corrupt cause of that >.>?
Very true and why do Christians choose to separate themselves from the original branch other than fr political reasons and different beliefs >.>?
Different people interpret the Bible different ways, even though the Bible says that it is not of private interpretation. When the Protestants rebelled agaist the Church of England (more or less the Catholic church), they separated so they could practice what they believed about the Bible. Most franchises were not formed for political reasons, I have no idea where you made that up from.
simple, they want to justify a sinful action of theirs by manipulating religious doctrine in order to make it at least sound like "god" is okay with their actions. truth be told, this insight was another one of the reasons I became an atheist.
As for you, I have to sadly agree with you there. A great chunk of of denominations out there were created simply because of different beliefs. Originaly, Protestants led a super-duper conservative life style. Look at where we are today. There are so many denominations out there you can barely count, and most were formed to justify their beliefs. This creates bad rep for us Christians.
So you used to be christian right >.>? and isn;t the church corrupt cause of that >.>?
I left because i saw it all as a bunch of bull crap. there isn't corruption in my eyes, for there is no foundation of fact to corrupt. I left because I knew that the world would be better off if religion didn't constantly try to get in the way of scientific advances. I see religion as an out-of-date tool that had the ability to once keep unruly people in line, but it is slowly being replaced by science and logic. once it has, then we shall see a real paradise.
sorry about the rant, the hatred is still strong in me.
the final thing is we onlly worship the father, son, and the holy spirit we don't pray to saints we are asking them to pray for us, advice, or a miracle they are well known for.
Wrong, wrong and WRONG! Fisrt off, the Bible refers to all beleivers as saints, so why not pray to your grandmother? Second, how can a dead person hear you asking them to pray for you? That is utter bull crap! Third, even if they could hear you, you would have to pray, because they are dead. Dead people on a different continent have a hard time hearing you talk in your house. Fourth, how on earth does a dead person give advice?
Wrong, wrong and WRONG! Fisrt off, the Bible refers to all beleivers as saints, so why not pray to your grandmother? Second, how can a dead person hear you asking them to pray for you? That is utter bull crap! Third, even if they could hear you, you would have to pray, because they are dead. Dead people on a different continent have a hard time hearing you talk in your house. Fourth, how on earth does a dead person give advice?
it makes perfect sense to me, but hey, I'm not the one who is arguing against the mass organized church.
The things you Catholics believe!
it's not as hairbrained as what many protestant sects believe
O.o What. The. Fluff. My parents are a meber of the Patriot Guard Riders, people who protect funerals from these nut cases. I was not saying that the Catholics were the only people who had a erroneous belief, just saying that they are one of the crazies.
it makes perfect sense to me, but hey, I'm not the one who is arguing against the mass organized church
O.o What. The. Fluff. My parents are a meber of the Patriot Guard Riders, people who protect funerals from these nut cases. I was not saying that the Catholics were the only people who had a erroneous belief, just saying that they are one of the crazies.
I could care less what you are, all I said was that some protestant beliefs are half-baked, then I gave an example by saying westborro baptist. hope this clarifies.
Which one of us makes sense?
the saints. jesus is apparently too "ure" for anyone other than a saint to talk to. they pray to saints as a proxy for jesus, so that the saints can argue in their favor later. I think it makes sense because we tend to be loaded with "sin" and we tend to need somebody with influence to argue in our favor.
in a way, they are like lawyers for our souls.
I still think all of it's bull crap, but this bit actually makes sense.
Not seeing it. There is a part a few verses earlier about false prophets making crap up, but that's about as close as it get's to the Bible saying it's not up to personal interpretation.
"This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature and despise authority. Bold and arrogant, these men are not afraid to slander celestial beings;"