I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.
My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.
Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?
I am for abortion. I believe that if someone cannot support their child, abortion should be an option. I am also totally against people having intercourse if they do not want a child.
If you have intercourse, you should use proper anti-baby equipment. But, if the mother believes she cannot handle the baby, than abortion is best.
Well yes, this again goes back to improper usage of contraception.
The quoted rates of success (e.g. "3 births per 100 woman years" for a condom) are only statistically relevant for proper usage of the condom. That figure above only covers manufacturing defect or just some fundamental insufficiency on the part of the condom. But the actual rate for births for people who "say they use condoms" (or other contraceptives for that matter) actually come from other deviations to proper practice, such as not putting it on properly, not withdrawing immediately after coitus, or simply saying you did and not actually putting it on (a big issue with couples who "leave contraception to the guy".
As I vaguely alluded to earlier in this thread, education is important, and education about the importance of contraception is most likely even more valuable. Furthermore contraception is not just contraception, but protection against other diseases. Australia had much success in having some of the lowest rates of VD and HIV/AIDS of any country due to their aggressive awareness campaigns of the late 80s/early 90s but unfortunately this has lapsed and the public (especially youth who weren't around in the 80s) are disturbingly complacent.
Eh, you're right. I didn't realise that the writer of a post can see their own filtered words whereas others can't.
Either way, it also appears I didn't read your post properly because of those darn ****s.
Of course, most people would bring up **** as a counterpoint. If a girl becomes pregnent because of a ****, then they should be joyful about the fact that they are bringing new life into this world.
I don't think this addresses the counterexample at all, because it completely fails to consider the psychological dimension of ****...that's it..."a forced act of non-consensual sex"/"aggravated sexual assault". Furthermore, it also ignores the social stigma of carrying an unplanned pregnancy, speaking of which...
This is why there was such rumblings of discontent especially within feminist movements. As social dynamics have it, this is still a chauvinistic society, where females are often in the position of damned if you do, damned if you don't. We play around with the idea of "mutual consent" but exactly how is this supposed to be defined? Sometimes, if a girl asserts herself and refuses to have sex, she's frigid, or she's a bitch. If a girl bows to pressure and has sex, she's a skanky ho...especially if the one time she does it results in an unplanned pregnancy (which, in my experience, happens a lot, likely due to the fact that one of the major factors in some individuals as to whether they 'consent' under duress or not whether they're in a receptive phase). Then if she aborts, it's cruel and she suffers the guilt, and if she doesn't, people point fingers at her anyway. And where's the man in all this? Usually the man's the one who's applying the pressure to abort...or not to abort...after they've already had their way on the sex issue.
Even since the emergence of the 'ost-feminist' movements such as those that actively embrace the "skank" stereotypes, the scenario as I've described above still remains highly prevalent, largely due to the increased volume of moralistic preaching that comes with any small noticeable change.
I think that it's rather degrading that we as a whole are being so patronising as to pretend to be justified to lord over the rights of one sex while sweeping issues that involve both under the carpet.
Is it illegal to murder? Yes. Abortian is murder. It's killing an unborn child. It is still murder. If you wanted a child so badly you wouldn't kill it. Abortian should be illegal.
Sorry napolian654321, but that either makes little logical sense or is very narrow-minded. I've got you well covered on the previous page, anyway.
I would not normally ask this in any argument but I do feel something's being overlooked. Can you put yourself in somebody else's shoes and walk a mile in them before setting your fingers to the keyboard?
I'm not sure I can do this, being male and not planning to do anything that would potentially have me fathering children, but being socially conscientious, I can sure try.
Strop, napolian is right..a fetus is still living THUS ITS MURDER! And yes, it IS possible for anyone to abstain from intercourse, you just need to will power AND stay away from the poeple that want to do it in the first place!
Mmhmm, as has already been pointed out numerous times, abortion clearly is not murder. 1) If abortion is murder, then it would be illegal (premise) 2) It is not the case that abortion is illegal (premise) / Abortion is not murder (MT 1,2)
This simply comes, I think, from a misunderstanding of the word "Murder"
I never expressed myself on this topic before, so I'll do it today.
I think it is bad to abort. Indeed, it's really sad to come to such extremities with all the contraception means you have at your diposition today. If you don't want a kid, then either don't have sex or use the means of contraception you have at your disposal. there are many really good means of contraception (such as condoms, or the pill). Also, these means of contraception are really cheap and get even cheaper! Some countries consider abortion as murder (such as islamic countries), some other countries don't. I haven't got enough experience to say which of these countries are right, but I personnaly think that you mustn't contradict nature. If you've bearing a child, then you have to keep it. Personnaly, I think people who abort don't assume their acts.
Of course there are extreme cases, such as rape. if a girl is raped, than it's ok for her to abort. if i were a girl, and if I were raped, I would abort without a single hesitation. how can you live with a child who reminds you the guy that raped you?
But except from these extreme cases, I think abortion should be avoided.
I'm not sure, at what point is a fetus living? We do not remember anything from before we were 3, and when do we actually start to process stuff, probably about the time we are born.
I do not think its right to abort whenever. Only for cases of rape.
But I am just giving you all something to think about. If a fetus is not considered living yet, then its just a lump of cells, like sperm, or skin cells.
But then again you might think, this lump of cells would have turned into a life, possibly a beautiful world changing one, or it could turn into a delinquent living in a dysfunctional family.
I personally think, if you started the creation of a life, don't stop it. If you didn't want children you shouldn't have been mating. And if you were raped, you didn't want to mate, and you didn't know it was coming, and that criminals genes have been passed on, so i think its okay to abort if you wish.
It depends on the situation for sure... women should not go out and get abortions willy nilly. But at the same time, if she is raped, or her health is in danger, then it should be OK.
Then again, I also don't think that it is fully in a males place to make the decisions on it... because the fact of the matter is, a man can never be in the situation. I am not saying that they can't sympathize, but I think that a man is bound to look at it differently when they know that it will never be a situation that they will have to deal with.
I do, I think that even if you are raped, you should at least give birth to it. Abortion is killing even if it is still in the womb. If the woman is in danger, you should at least try to give birth. If you can't support the baby, give it to adoption, as long as the child lives.
I know this sounds weird, but that is what my faith believes in. Only God has the right to kill.
You're probably right about that. Still i wanted to point out that women often put themselves (their lives) in danger when aborting, since some of them do it illegaly, so I think we should legislate abortion in a better way to protect the women.