ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
4,013 posts

Stalin didn't have a beard. He just had a stache. If you're talking about hippies, then yes, it speeds up the growing process, and not just on their face.

1,028 posts

Australia didn't legalize mnarijuana

1,573 posts

Any smoking speeds up the growing process. In fact, being alive can be significantly hazerdous to your health. We should come with a health warning.

684 posts

NO we already have enough drugs as it is! with legal marijuana damn life will be all about drugs with too much violence. i think if it has medical purposes and they put itin hospitals people will raid hospitals putting people's live that are in danger from illness even MORE in danger. if they have it in hospitals they should be have a HUGE police presense

333 posts

We should come with a health warning.

Yea lol.
5,043 posts

NO we already have enough drugs as it is! with legal marijuana **** life will be all about drugs with too much violence.

To everyone who thinks that legalization of weed will fill the streets with druggies, answer this. If marijuana was legalized, would YOU smoke weed? Just because it's legal doesn't mean everyone will start smoking.

Granted, more people will smoke weed. But here's the great part! Weed isn't that bad! Of course it can be abused, but it's a hard substance to abuse. Sure, you shouldn't drive when you smoke weed. Obviously laws would have to be made.

life will be all about drugs with too much violence.

How do you explain the alcohol prohibition?!?! Legalizing alcohol decreased crime rates! Alcohol is a far worse a drug than marijuana!

I see your point, but please refer to the following videohere.

Almost all people who smoke weed are good people! The people who commit marijuana related crimes DO NOT COMMIT THEM WHILE THEY ARE HIGH. In fact, they commit the crime so they can sell the drugs because of a simple equation!

Black market drugs = Cash
Cash + Prohibition = CRIME

People who do not smuggle marijuana or sell thousands of dollars worth of marijuana, and people who simply buy marijuana to smoke often do not commit crimes. Most marijuana smokers are not criminals. Most marijuana smokers are hard working (not lazy) people with families.

You know the burnout high schoolers? Want to know why they are so lazy? Because they are teenagers!

Someone who is anti-marijuana, tell me the health issues. Most marijuana related health issues are biased and improperly performed or scare tactics, also known as lies.

Even if marijuana is bad for your body, what the hell happened to freedom? As long as you are hurting nobody else, then put whatever you want into your body!

If you don't smoke marijuana, don't think it should remain illegal because you can say, "I don't smoke it, so I don't see why it should be legalized." That's stupid and you know it. Not everyone is the same. People will always seek pleasures and as long as people want to smoke weed, people will commit crimes to sell weed if it's illegal.

If you don't have to smoke marijuana to support it.

If you do smoke marijuana, then don't act like the stereotyped retard that you see on T.V. No wonder people want to keep it illegal! The stoner you see on T.V. is bad! But marijuana doesn't turn people into burnouts! People who want to act like a burnout to "stick it to the man" turn people into burnouts. If you smoke marijuana, don't act like a retard, then less people will fear the effects of marijuana!
1,026 posts

If marajuana was legalized, there would be a dozen topics in the tavern titled "Duuuude... I'm wasted."

1,101 posts

If marajuana was legalized, there would be a dozen topics in the tavern titled "Duuuude... I'm wasted."

Again another typical anti marijuana individual who is more ignorant than arogant... Buddy first off when people are high they dont say "dude im so wasted"... People say that when they are wasted... Which mean drunk. In other words please get your statements straight.. And Secondly people who are high would probably never come onto armorgames to make a topic like that because they are lazy, and probably would realize (unlike you) that its a waste of time typing something up onto armorgames, just to say that they are high...

3,896 posts

They want it to be used for medical reasons but people would just fake a prescription or bribe a doctor to get the marijuana and smoke it like the pot heads they are

5,043 posts

Again another typical anti marijuana individual who is more ignorant than arogant... Buddy first off when people are high they dont say "dude im so wasted"... People say that when they are wasted... Which mean drunk. In other words please get your statements straight.. And Secondly people who are high would probably never come onto armorgames to make a topic like that because they are lazy, and probably would realize (unlike you) that its a waste of time typing something up onto armorgames, just to say that they are high...

People who smoke marijuana aren't that lazy. But I agree that nobody would really post that they were high because that is insanely immature.

They want it to be used for medical reasons but people would just fake a prescription or bribe a doctor to get the marijuana and smoke it like the pot heads they are

Thanks for stereotyping the pothead! If you saw all the people who smoked weed, most of them would look nothing like a pot head! You need to do some research on medical marijuana as well. I have seen many videos of people who smoke medical marijuana.

Watch this

The people who need medical marijuana often have multiple sclerosis or go through cancer therapy that makes them vomit and very ill. Marijuana can also help reduce everyday stress and help people focus on work.


Granted, smoking marijuana while working on homework or at a job is always a bad idea and highly discouraged. But marijuana can help relax the body and keep a person focused when they aren't high.
2,837 posts

Lol so it helps you when you aren't using it.

1,946 posts

I think marijuana should be illegal period. No medical marijuana either. Most people who actually want marijuana legalized are either people who were hippies back in the 60's and addicts. The hippies don't realize that marijuana today is a lot more dangerous than it was when they used it.

5,043 posts

I think marijuana should be illegal period. No medical marijuana either. Most people who actually want marijuana legalized are either people who were hippies back in the 60's and addicts. The hippies don't realize that marijuana today is a lot more dangerous than it was when they used it.

You were wrong in every SINGLE way possible. Most people who smoke marijuana are not, and never were, hippies.

Marijuana is not that bad for you at ALL. But you didn't do your research. You just listened to the media who used fear tactics on you, and you listened without questioning them because that's how you were brought up.

I don't want to sound like an ass, but you need to do some research and get your facts straight before you make such bold statements.
1,633 posts

why not legalize pot? the illegal drug trade will be reduced, You can put a tax on it and tax the sh** out of it like tobacco, and the people who smoke pot will continue to while the people who don't smoke it don't.

I also heard that pot is a depressant, so you can relax easier, kinda like beer.

5,043 posts

and addicts

FYI, Marijuana is not chemically addicting. Marijuana can be mentally addicting, but so can food and almost every other thing that interacts with your life. I have seen worse withdraws from people quiting World of Warcraft than people who stopped smoking weed.
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