ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
618 posts

Moe, did you find your intelligent comment that starts out: 'rehabs are not a good source of information'? read the next one.

5,043 posts

Despite your beliefs, Marijuana is at least as bad as normal cigarettes, due to people who grow it use chemicals to enhance their plants, and it reduces reaction times significantly. It also is related to premature decay of the brain, or brain damage.

That is the biggest lie. Brain damage? That is absolutely wrong that I want to kick whoever told you that till they are dead.
One argument is that the Legalization of Marijuana would reduce the amount of deaths caused by it, but that can be disagreeable as the number of Marijuana users would increase significantly should it be legalized.

There are no recorded marijuana deaths! It doesn't happen. If it does, it is very rare.
3,880 posts

Despite your beliefs, Marijuana is at least as bad as normal cigarettes, due to people who grow it use chemicals to enhance their plants, and it reduces reaction times significantly. It also is related to premature decay of the brain, or brain damage.

Where'd you get that crap? Its funny how your trying to be scientific.

One argument is that the Legalization of Marijuana would reduce the amount of deaths caused by it, but that can be disagreeable as the number of Marijuana users would increase significantly should it be legalized.

There is not a single reported death from marijuana use.
You cant overdose on it.
1,714 posts

Moe, did you find your intelligent comment that starts out: 'rehabs are not a good source of information'? read the next one.

Ok, I found it know. And now it does make sense.
1,714 posts

it should say now, not know.

206 posts

By saying communism doesnt work because people suck, I figured you had some what of an argument but since your using the same ****ty argument on this topic, it makes me lul
Well buddy, alcohol is legal too and its more dangerous to drive drunk than to be high on weed. To think that people are that dumb to get high and drive is just simply retarded
Obiously you didn't understand my point of view. Think about this for a second. Imagine if marijuana was legalized. What would happen to the production of certain companies if their emploies showed up late and stoned? The production would go down.
I have seen people who were high and they drive SO fricken SLOW. There is also the fact that when a person who smokes marijuana is known to be more sensitive to almost every thing, they will smoke it more and more just to make sure that they do not become so sensitive. That by it's self is one of the scariest things that you or your family or anyone can ever experience.

Most drug users are not rapists or murderers.

This is true. It is actually the popultion that causes rape and murder.

There is not a single reported death from marijuana use. You cant overdose on it.[quote]There are no recorded marijuana deaths! It doesn't happen. If it does, it is very rare.
Like how a user sometimes burns their own lungs, causing suffication? That doesn't happen often though, I think.
338 posts

Imagine if marijuana was legalized. What would happen to the production of certain companies if their emploies showed up late and stoned? The production would go down.

No... their emeployes would get fired for showing up stoned. and then the hired someone who isnt so fucking stupid as to go to work high. I mean people drink but they dont go to work drunk.

I have seen people who were high and they drive SO fricken SLOW

thats cuz they know they arent 100% better slow then fast

There is also the fact that when a person who smokes marijuana is known to be more sensitive to almost every thing, they will smoke it more and more just to make sure that they do not become so sensitive. That by it's self is one of the scariest things that you or your family or anyone can ever experience.

What? that doesnt make any sense.
1,714 posts

Like how a user sometimes burns their own lungs, causing suffication? That doesn't happen often though, I think.

That is a stupidity related death, marijuana did not cause that.
4,682 posts

No... their emeployes would get fired for showing up stoned. and then the hired someone who isnt so ****ing stupid as to go to work high. I mean people drink but they dont go to work drunk.

Thank you! I agree with you 100%.

And then once they fire them they would get someone more responsible.
185 posts

Marijuana is comperable to many legal substances and is usually less damaging and has less negative reactions than alcohol or salvia yet, like the 1950s taught us, if you smoke marijuana, you will rape your friends.

1,714 posts

The 1950s aren't worth remembering.

677 posts

Well, I know this topic is about legalizing in general. I just want to bring up a quick subtopic about it. I am not sure if this was mentioned already but Maine just passed the legalization of medical marijuana. (I am sure other states have this as well). If think if you are a cancer patient going through intense chemo/radiation therapy... and this helps, then they should definitely be allowed to use it.

185 posts

Yeah, washington has legal medical pot too.

206 posts

No... their emeployes would get fired for showing up stoned. and then the hired someone who isnt so ****ing stupid as to go to work high. I mean people drink but they dont go to work drunk.
Prodution goes down when they are fired.
There is also the fact that when a person who smokes marijuana is known to be more sensitive to almost every thing, they will smoke it more and more just to make sure that they do not become so sensitive.[quote]What? that doesnt make any sense.
Think about it. When your high you don't feel much of anything, right? Now if the marijuana was taken away what would happen to the user? He becomes more and more sensitive to things that involve the five senses. If you were cut while high you wouldn't notice it much. Now if a user who is no longer taking marijuana suddenly cuts himself the pain would be higher than usual.
600 posts

Think about it. When your high you don't feel much of anything, right? Now if the marijuana was taken away what would happen to the user? He becomes more and more sensitive to things that involve the five senses. If you were cut while high you wouldn't notice it much. Now if a user who is no longer taking marijuana suddenly cuts himself the pain would be higher than usual.

Marijuana kills the pain, it does not stop it from happening.
If you don't get hit in the shins with a base ball bat ever until one day 20 years later(or any time later) it will hurt because your shins will be sensitive, if you get hit in the shins every day for 20 years you will not feel it as much, whether or not you were high during it. You stop being sensitive because your skin toughens up, it has nothing to do with being high.
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