ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
4,220 posts

Yes, it would be good to legalize it. It would save a crapper load of money, and make the government even more money.

And it's as bad as booze on the short term. Maybe even less.

Not a bad idea to me.

1,532 posts

Sure would get a lot of my friends out of juvy. sure, why not

11 posts

Marijuana is crap

1,714 posts

It's not gettin fully legalized any time soon, though. besides, the gov't wouldn't be able to tax as much then.

The gov't would be able to tax marijuana, thus earning more money. What exactly do you mean?

And it's as bad as booze on the short term. Maybe even less.

Thats the thing, Marijuanas lasting effects are essentially non-existent. Alcohol has a lot of lasting effects, some of which can kill you.

Marijuana is crap

This is the kind of statement that makes me wonder how the human race has survived. There are absolutely no facts to back this up, its is just an ignorant statement.
31 posts

Marijuana is crap

Actually say something or get out.

Someone actually give me a real reason it shouldn't be legalized. What really are the problems it could cause?
13,344 posts

What really are the problems it could cause?

Typical pothead response. Is killing brain cells not a problem to you? Hallucinations that can lead to suicide? That isn't a problem either?

Nothing is a problem when you smoke pot. That's one of the reasons people do it. If you put down the joint and think about it, these things are what normal people would call "bad". Remember that word?
31 posts

I think Marijuana should be legalized. Now yes is smoke it but i have other reasons that just for that. Marijuana is the female Hemp plant, and Hemp can be used for other things like making clothes, rope and such other things. As far as addiction goes i smoke it and i have been smoking it since i was 12 im physically fine and i've gone more than 2 years without smoking it but i consider myself lucky because ive seen people who all they cna think about is the next time they smoke. Also Tobacco is legal and nicotine in cigarettes is more addicting than Heroin. Increase in crime? We already have a problem with Meth, Crack, Heroin, Speed, X and other drugs Weed would be the least of our problems and it would be good for the economy (my personal opnion). If it is legalized make it for 18 years and up like Cigarettes and you might say "well kids will smoke it anyway" well kids are smoking cigarettes and drinking hell a friend of mine works at a support group i met a 14 year old who was addicted to Heroin and a man who had been doing meth since he was 13. You know so i think it should be a persons personal decision to smoke Marijuana or grow it for whatever reason just like its someones own personal decision to start smoking cigarettes.

4,097 posts


It's probably not a very good idea to admit that you break the law on a public forum, or the internet at all for that matter.

As for the rest of your post, I can't argue with an extension of personal freedoms. I'm simply worried that if people are allowed to do drugs it may become even more of a widespread problem than it already is; however if we take a look at the 18th amendment we'll see that prohibition caused more of a problem that it was worth. If marijuana was legal would we see a decrease in users?

5,043 posts

Typical pothead response. Is killing brain cells not a problem to you? Hallucinations that can lead to suicide? That isn't a problem either?

Nothing is a problem when you smoke pot. That's one of the reasons people do it. If you put down the joint and think about it, these things are what normal people would call "bad". Remember that word?

Everything "kills brain cells" including holding your breath, singing, eating, sleeping, living. If someone ever uses the excuse "kills braincells, they are stupid and should be punched in the face. Do you know why they say kill brain cells rather than causes brain damage? Because marijuana does not cause brain damage!

Hallucinations? Is that what they are teaching you in school?

Whoever told you that marijuana causes hallucinations is either brainwashed, just like you, or an asshole who knows better and tells lies because he is "morally" against marijuana, and lacks real facts and reason to keep it illegal.. Marijuana does not cause hallucinations.

Even if marijuana did cause hallucinations, then why should that be enough to keep marijuana illegal? Yes, that would be a bad thing, but does the government really have the right to hold our hand so we don't mess up? If the mistakes aren't fatal, we should be allowed to makes them! Can you imagine the government telling people that they can't eat more than 2 hamburgers from a restaurant because the people might grow fat or have a tummy ache? People learn from mistakes, and giving the government the power to crap all over the Bill of Rights isn't going to help people learn. We should be allowed to put anything into our bodies unless what we put into them would cause harm to other people.

Oh, and people who commit suicide while high would have committed suicide anyway. Nobody commits suicide because of marijuana. That's also a fabrication. I promise you. So marijuana is nothing more than a harmless mistake someone could make (if you want to call it a mistake).

People who smoke marijuana don't grow violent. People who smoke marijuana don't grow heavily disoriented *cough*alcohol*cough*. Marijuana isn't chemically addicting *cough*tobacco*gag*cough*. You can't over dose on marijuana. The only time people shouldn't be high is while they drive or are at work operating heavy machinery or equipment that requires precise navigation. People wont abuse marijuana by going to work high (unless they are flipping burgers... then maybe), because they could be fired.
4,220 posts

Typical pothead response. Is killing brain cells not a problem to you? Hallucinations that can lead to suicide? That isn't a problem either?

Booze does the same, which ever way you look at it. It also causes cirrhosis of the liver, which is VERY VERY BAD. Also, hangovers are typically no fun, and vomiting can lead to severe dehydration if it occurs enough.

If marijuana was legal would we see a decrease in users?

No. Chances are we'll have more users. However, because it's not illegal (hypothetically), we won't have our little prison problem. Well, not as bad, anyway.

Also, people would have ready access to ways to kick the habit, if they so choose.
31 posts


true very true..but there are a lot of people then again they are famous that admit doing it on the internet and more. You wouldn't see a decrease in users but that brings me back to other durgs as well we all know that Cigarettes, Meth, Crack, Heroin and all those other drugs kill and im not saying Marijuana is completely healthy it can be just not the way people grow it or buy it on the street..but people know all those drugs kill but they do it anyway and i dont think the number of users on those drugs has wavered any. its a sad thing though where in countries were marijuana is legal less people have used it than in the united states where it isn't.

1,482 posts

You wouldn't see a decrease in users

A) Cigarettes are Tobacco, a major cash crop in America. There are so many reasons why its not going away -- On top of that its literally integrated to American society -- from the 1900's and up it was the ****. Its mainly based on use, and people use Cigg's a LOT less than they used to, especially after they all had nasty mouths and long-term fail diseases and said they would pwn their kids frkin butt if they Smoked, Etc.

B) Here's some evidence: Portugal. Legalized Marijuana. They don't look bad at all. Actually, to be honest, they look better than any of us. Legal Weed, and the rates are so low that its really something a kid will pick up at 21, blow some of it off, maybe use it before a test.
What are we doing? Making it illegal, making it the **** -- Something we all gotta try once, so we can be in our back yards with our pants off running in circles.

The USA doesn't realize that they're hurting themselves. I hate Drugs, I will never use them -- But I care for people. Marijuana, if made illegal to minors + kept out of public would be a good thing. It would be 20x harder to get, it wouldn't be roaming the streets, it would be a commodity to the older people who work on hooking the younger ones. No problems.

Whats even better? We have more deaths on the Mexican border than Iraq. Take a step back and realize the holy shit moment -- We are losing more lives on trying to get Weed into the USA than we are to Middle Eastern WAR.
Take another step back and realize that while we've got literal out of control problems with Mexican drug trafficking, we are partying in the Middle East.
We need to either A) GTFO and invade Mexico
Or B) Legalize Marijuana, screw over the Drug trade and party.

Illegal drugs like Meth, Crack, Heroin are rather easy to get a supply for. You can cut your arm, go to the hospital, and get a shitload of it through buying from different pharmacy retailers. One arm cut, a years supply of some crazy shit that'll keep you addicted. Fun!

But Marijuana's no big deal, and nobody should really get hurt trying to get it, or pay crazy sums and make a huge incentive to hook little kids onto it for evar and EVER! [Too much? ]
Anyway, I do not support "Weed: Legalize don't criticize". Because I'm going to critic any dumb arse druggie.
But in general, I say legalizing the stuff is way better.
5,043 posts

If marijuana was legal would we see a decrease in users?

No. We will not see a decrease in marijuana users. Keep in mind that alcohol is worse than marijuana on every line. Alcohol is a harder drug than marijuana. You can overdose on alcohol and die. Your perception is much more disoriented. Although alcohol relaxes you, your behavior is often changed and magnified. This means the effects of alcohol are much more unpredictable, and some people may become easily violent when drunk, while others may become more passive. Marijuana, you become more relaxed.

So no, we will not see a decrease in marijuana users. However, we will see less people addicted to hard drugs. We will see less victimless criminals in our prisons. We can focus on REAL crimes. The courts and lawyers wont have to put victims on hold to deal with marijuana users. Teenagers who want to get high on marijuana wont have to go to pushers, who will introduce them to hard drugs such as cocaine. Marijuana can be distributed in a controlled environment, where you can be confident that it hasn't been mixed with other drugs.

Yes, more people will smoke marijuana. Have you met people who are high? Sure, they may act kinda weird, but they are harmless.
1,482 posts

Yes, more people will smoke marijuana. Have you met people who are high? Sure, they may act kinda weird, but they are harmless

That was funny. :P. I can sometimes tell who's on weed in my school, they're usually pretty lightheaded.

Anyway, I don't think that we'll have more people on Marijuana. Nobody I've ever met tries to get addicted to stuff they can easily get. It doesn't make sense. Another example can be Dutch coffee shops in the netherlands -- People slowed down on the stuff after it became relatively cheaper, safer to get, and the legal access was 18. (Your big bro. won't go through trouble of getting the stuff for you when he can walk down to the shop and get it himself, you know)

Idk, America's a lot more different than other places so its hard to really use that as a good example.
But I do like your second paragraph, NoName, and it makes 100%

As for Alcohol, I hate that stuff Sadly enough, Tolerance couldn't kill it -- its just had too much of a cultural impact on the world.
31 posts

Typical pothead response. Is killing brain cells not a problem to you? Hallucinations that can lead to suicide? That isn't a problem either?

Nothing is a problem when you smoke pot. That's one of the reasons people do it. If you put down the joint and think about it, these things are what normal people would call "bad". Remember that word?

You clearly know nothing about the drug in question.
The study used to prove that weed kills brain cells involved monkeys with gas masks getting pumped with enough smoke to cause suffocation, and the amount of damage to brain cells was roughly the same amount to be expected from such suffocation.
Also, loss of brain cells isn't brain damage. Your computer screen is killing your brain cells. Get off the computer. Its killing brain cells, which is obviously bad, right?
You don't hallucinate on pot. The closest I've gotten is a sort of stop-motion thing when I looked at fast cars. Not really hallucination, I just tried following it with my eyes and kept stopping, which looked crazy when I was high.
It's probably not a very good idea to admit that you break the law on a public forum, or the internet at all for that matter.

It doesn't matter. You can't be arrested for a statement like that. They can decide to follow you, but they aren't looking for potheads on the internet. If the DEA or something saw it, they wouldn't care. They're not looking for every pothead, they're looking for every dealer.
You can't over dose on marijuana.

Also, people would have ready access to ways to kick the habit, if they so choose.

Its not habit forming.

Also, drug-related violence and hard drug use has been known to drop significantly in countries where weed was legalized.
Just wanted to throw that out there.
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