In all religions parents and other adults make kids prey, go to church, and follow many other religious things they do. They tell kids many scary and untrue things that the kids can not understand. Is this considered forcing and brain washing the kids into the religion. Here is a video of a "Jesus camp". So do you think kids have a free will when it comes to religion, or are they being brain washed?
I really don't like the term "brainwashed" here because it has negative connotations. I don't know the technical definition of brainwashing someone but to me it seems like some subversive manner of taking a person with already formed beliefs and coercing them into changing their beliefs or behaviors. This simply isn't what's happening when a parent teaching a child about religion.
I think the analogy comes home as follows: with both brainwashing and teaching kids about religion, there is an element of developing false beliefs within the individual. I am advancing a suppressed stereotype here that suggests that only those who disagree with orthodox religiosity would object to teaching kids religious dogma. On the flip side, there is good evidence to support the notion that many people need something like religion or a god to help them be better people. Kant certainly believed that, as did many other prominent ethicists. Now the analogy comes down to this: teaching kids religion is like teaching them social standards. There is no "right" or "wrong" but merely acceptance. We all agree to abide by certain rules when we enter among society, and it is the parents' job to give the child the necessary tools to function properly within the society. And certainly society standards can be dogmatic. For example, if you don't check your mail regularly or pay your bills on time, there is a moral stigma attached to this. This is seen as a fault, just like doing something that is against a religious creed is considered a sin.
So, if you're going to argue that we shouldn't teach children about religion because it's a contentious matter, the argument falls apart when compared to societal dogma. It seems to only way to push the argument home is to say that we know religious dogma to be false and/or unhelpful in facilitating the growth of a normally functioning member of society.
I was never forced and that video is not a thing like my church, we're laid back, we have fun, we don't stand and say what that lady said, and I take the term brain-washing as an offence, seriously? How could kids be brain-washed anyways? They're little kids they don't understand and keep in they're minds whats important until they mature. So I'm just saying no they aren't brain-washed.
I was never forced and that video is not a thing like my church, we're laid back, we have fun, we don't stand and say what that lady said, and I take the term brain-washing as an offence, seriously? How could kids be brain-washed anyways? They're little kids they don't understand and keep in they're minds whats important until they mature. So I'm just saying no they aren't brain-washed.
Propaganda is a synonym of brainwashing. Many, if not every, religion uses propaganda to kids, adults, and almost everyone for that matter...
They're little kids they don't understand and keep in they're minds whats important until they mature. So I'm just saying no they aren't brain-washed
Exactly, they don't understand. If you do not understand something and others tell you it's good for you, you are more likely to go along with it to gain a feeling of acceptance. Even kids know this.
When the guy asked the kids who would die for Jesus and all the kids screamed and raised there hands I was horrified. That is how other extremist groups teach there members. If someone chooses to be religious I am fine with it. But these kids are being brainwashed. These camps disturb me.
When the guy asked the kids who would die for Jesus and all the kids screamed and raised there hands I was horrified. That is how other extremist groups teach there members. If someone chooses to be religious I am fine with it. But these kids are being brainwashed. These camps disturb me.
The camps can be horrible, but the ones in the video are worst case scenario when it comes to Christianity.
Think from a theist point of view. There's a being who created you. You view them as the most important being ever. You better be willing to die for that being! Of course, if you actually do die for the being, chances are you didn't, chances are you died for someone else with crooked intentions.
In general, kids are no more or no less brainwashed into religion as they are into "facts" spread by the media and scientists. If you teach kids that drinking soda is bad for them, it can be considered brainwashing unless you explain to them how soda is bad.
If you believe in God, as in you believe in him as much as you believe in man kind, then it's not necessarily brainwashing your children (not intentionally at least). It all depends on what you consider brainwashing.
You can technically brainwash someone to not believe in God.
I agree with NoName. I grew up into Christianity, went to a Camp like that every summer for a long time. Honestly, the feeling that there is someone out there that loves you no matter what you do, who will forgive you for all of your sins, who will accept you, is powerful on its own. I really used to be a really good kid, but I changed. I was watching this one show about God, and it said something along the lines of "God will never love you again if you turn him away on purpose". And that is what I had done a year ago. I was walking to the bus, and I knew I wasn't gonna make it. I prayed to God, that the bus would wait. It didn't. The next day I was late again, and I prayed that if God was real, he would make the bus wait. The bus left as I turned the corner. I was walking back home, ready to get yelled at and stuff, and I said in my head "God, I turn you down. I don't believe in you. The Devil is who I follow now." So after I watched that show, I got afraid. that is why I question my religion now. I don't know if he is real or not anymore. I used to believe that he was there all the time, but then I questioned, how is he watching everyone? All the time? So now I look up what everyone else says about Him, and I'm on neither side. Let the kids grow up that way. They will find their own way eventually. At least it teaches them to be good right? It is their parents choice to teach the kids, not the Church. So don't blame the Church for teaching what it thinks is right. It is doing its job. The parents are the ones that signed them up and payed for the camp. Kids believe what they are told, and as they grow up, they will learn to form opinions for themselves.
MoonFairy, This is a very good example how some of us become "Atheists" They pray once, they call is not answered and then BOOM Something breaks.
Now, this is not the point of Atheism. At all.
The point is to Rebell against Very, Very bad things the church has done before, Mostly, for their own good and wealth.
Religion is a way to keep a lot of people calm, but also gives them a lot of thoughts that aren't true. at all.
Maybe it teaches them to be good, but in a wrong way. Example:
Christian kid (just one example everyone knows)
Mom/Dad: Hell is bad, you get tortured and burnt. (kid imagines this fiery place) Kid: Oh... Mom/Dad: And, if you're a bad boy, you'll go there, and not go to heaven, where's everyone nice and happy. Kid: I'll be good and go to heaven!
Atheistic kid:
Mom/Dad: Son, be good, or you'll never make it in society. Kid: What do you mean? Mom/Dad: You can be a business man, but steal people's money, and commit fraude, Or, you could be nice, and help others. Coloured people aren't bad, Religious people aren't bad Kid probably doesn't understand it, will think about it and will find
his own answer in his OWN thoughts when he grows up. ~
Also, an Atheistic look on the world is more "realistic" Religious people trust on the help on others too much.
I read this comment on Kirby998 's profile: (quoted)
USA is better than any other country and we dont want a health care plan the people that can take care of their selves will and the poor people will die that's how America wins every war that they are in so dont make fun of us at least people come to out country for freedom people come to your country to be told to do stuff by an old lady (the queen)
By a very religious person, Is there a connection between her boxed view on life and the way she was raised?
When the woman was talking about the army of God, that just blew me away. Even though I am not religious, I have been taught that God is about love and peace, not war and trying to punish sinners. If God loves everyone, than he would never go to war or send anyone to war.
Not really. When you are a baby your brain is small and developing, if your parents are religious they will talk these stories about god etc. to you, your brain will accept that and you will become religious too and over the years follow religious traditions with your parents. Because the only way to make someone believe in such crap is to tell them when they are small and stupid, baby period, early childhood.
But yes, it is kind of a brain washing. And you see religious people today when they are having discussions with atheists, if atheists prove them wrong religious people will not accept that even if they realized that they are proven wrong. They will not accept it because they have religion installed in their brain since they were babies.
This is true. This kid down the street, is really religious. We end up in conversations about God because I am atheist. When he says that the world is 10,000 years old that is a form of brainwashing. He was not religious a year or two ago. So this was not taught wan he was a baby. He had to be taught all these wrong things when he was 9. I try to explain how everything he is saying is not true but he denies it and thinks science is fake. He is to stubborn to realize that Things have been proven and that he is wrong.