ForumsWEPRReasons to be an Atheist .

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1,036 posts

Alright I have been researching theories talking with other Atheists and I have discovered some people who are Atheists but for the wrong reasons like...
1.Settling a score with God because they hate him for (whatever)reasons.
2.Just because.
Some good reasons...
1.There is no evidence.
2.A book written by primitive people is no proof for any God/Gods.
3.Nothing can be omniscient and omnipotent.
Any other reasons can be stated for I am interested in some of your reasons or reasons not to be.

  • 660 Replies
5,552 posts

big bang theory>>&gt)) boom what a big coincidence. big bang..i know the ending big crack .. am i right

No, you are, in fact, no right. For one, it wasn't so much of an explosion as an expansion. Two, it was not a coincidence. Is gravity a coincidence? How convienent we don't all fly off the face of the planet as it spins at 5 miles per second.

abiogenesis? i never heard about this

Life from something non living.

evelution theory which was writed by darvin ??

Evolution* Darwin*
Do you not think evolution exists? It's pretty much 100% proven. That's why it's called, "The Theory of Evolution" and not "We think there might be something called Evolution"
9,462 posts

but u didnt believe in god but u believe evelution theory which was writed by darvin ??

I accept the theory of evolution based on the evidence.
Evidence for Evolution
Plaigiarised Errors and Molecular Genetics
Examples of Evolution.
29+ Cases for Macroevolution
Observed Instances of Speciation
Lizards Undergo Rapid Evolution After Introduction To A New Home
Ring Species: Unusual Demonstrations of Speciation

Also Darwin didn't write the theory, what he did do was discover the mechanism by which evolution works which is known as natural selection.

u just believe big bang happened by accidentally

No, I think it happened through natural processes. As to exactly what processes I'm unsure of.

ok it means some people believes dirty laundries make mice.... ?? science deny this

Spontaneous Generation is not abiogenesis. With Spontaneous Generation you have complex organisms continually emerging from non life. With abiogenesis we requiring to happen only once producing only simplistic organisms then diversifying.

you can find interesting proofs in youtube. which proved the evoloution theory is wrong...

You want to use YouTube for providing evidence? I can play that game....
The 1st Falsehood of creationism: "evolution = atheism" (Video)
The 2nd foundational falsehood of creationism: scriptures are the "Word of God" (Video)
The 3rd Foundational Falsehood of Creationism: human interpretation = absolute truth (Video)
The 4th Foundational Falsehood of Creationism: belief = knowledge (Video)
The 5th foundational falsehood of creationism: "Evolution-ism" (part I) "Evolution = the religion of atheism" (Video)
The 6th falsehood of Creationism: "Evolution-ism" (Part II) "Evolution must explain the origin of life, the universe, and everything." (Video)
The 7th foundational falsehood of Creationism: "Evolution is random." (Video)
The 8th foundational falsehood of creationism: "Mutations are rare, harmful decreases in genetic information." (Video)
The 9th falsehood of Creationism: "No transitional species have ever been found." (Video)
The 10th falsehood of creationism: "The evolutionary âtree of lifeâ is nowhere implied either in the fossil record, nor in any aspect of biology." (Video)
The 11th foundational falsehood of creationism: "Macroevolution has never been observed." (Video)
The 12th falsehood of Creationism: "Creation science" (Video)
The 13th foundational falsehood of creationism: "Evolution is a fraud!" (Video)
The 14th foundational falsehood of creationism: "Creation is evident" Part 1 (Video)
The 14th foundational falsehood of creationism: "Creation is evident" Part II (Video)
The 15th foundational falsehood of creationism: "Evolution has never been proved. Itâs still just a theory, not a fact." Part 1 (Video)
The 15th foundational falsehood of creationism: "Evolution has never been proved. Itâs still just a theory, not a fact." Part II (Video)

6 -- Natural Selection Made Easy
7 -- The Theory of Evolution Made Easy
Ring species -- the abridged version
How To Shut Up Pesky Creationists
Quest for Truth: Transitional Species
By DonExodus2 (Lets Test Them, Proof of Evolution, How Evolution Works)
Lets Test Them: Evolution vs. Creationism
Irrefutable Proof of Evolution- Part 1 (mtDNA, ERVs, Fusion)
Proof of Evolution - Part 2 (Summation)
Proof of Evolution - Part 3 (Atavisms and Fossils- censored)
How Evolution Works- Introduction (Part I)
How Evolution Works- Forces (Part 2)
How Evolution Works Part 3- DNA
How Evolution Works Part 4- Mutations
How Evolution Works Part 5- Natural Selection
How Evolution Works 6- The Constraints of Evolution
How Evolution Works 7: Speciation
By cdk007 (Evidence for Evolution, Blind Watchmaker, Evolution of, How Evolution Causes an Increase, The Origin of, Must DENY)
Evidence for Evolution, Part I
Evidence for Evolution, Part II
Evidence for Evolution, Part III
Evolution IS a Blind Watchmaker
The Evolution of the Flagellum
Evolution of the Bombardier Beetle
How Evolution Causes an Increase in Information, Part I
How Evolution Causes an Increase in Information, Part II
The Origin of Life - Abiogenesis - Dr. Jack Szostak
What Every Creationist Must DENY
15 Questions for Evolutionists they cannot adequately answer (Answered)
Answering the 15 Questions Pamphlet (Part 1 - Abiogenesis and the origins of DNA)
Answering the 15 Questions Pamphlet (Part 2 - On Intelligent Design)
Answering the 15 Questions Pamphlet (Part 3 - Multicellularity, Sex and Fossils)
By Best0fScience (Evolution Is Real Science, Facts Of Evolution, Mechanisms Of Evolution)
Does The Evidence Support Evolution?
Vitamin C And Common Ancestry
Human Evolution: Are We Descended From Viruses?
Does The Fossil Record Support Evolution?
Evolution: Where Are The Transitional Forms?
Facts Of Evolution: Universal Common Descent
Facts Of Evolution: Good Design, Bad Design
Facts Of Evolution: Speciation And Extinction
Facts Of Evolution: How Fast Is Evolution?
Facts Of Evolution: What Can Embryos Tell Us About Evolution?
Facts Of Evolution: The Molecules Of Life
Molecular Evolution: Genes And Proteins
Facts Of Evolution: Retroviruses And Pseudogenes
Mechanisms Of Evolution: How Does Variety Arise?
Mechanisms Of Evolution: How Does Variety Give Rise To New Species?

And the neat thing about my links are they are actually backed up with evidence.
8,257 posts

I ended my previous post with a 'have a nice read'. Now I must realize you didn't take the time to properly read what those are about. Luckily MageGrayWolf posted a few links so you may educate yourself about that. It makes no sense to discuss about it as long as you don't understand what the scientifical theories are really about (and your comments let me think you don't know yet). Thus, I'll repeat myself: Have a nice read!

2,911 posts

1. Your going to Hell lol yep you are, sorry mate

I've heard that even nonbelievers can be saved if they're 'righteous enough' anyone can correct me if I'm wrong.
9,462 posts

I've heard that even nonbelievers can be saved if they're 'righteous enough' anyone can correct me if I'm wrong.

It depends on what denomination you follow. Some say they can, some say they can't, some say all that matters is being a good person.
163 posts

Reasons not to be an Atheist-
No holidays. (CHRISTMAS FTW!)
No special benefits and/or food. (Mmm, latkes)
"Believers" of a religeon hate you.

Reasons to be an Athiest-
NO PRAYING! (amrite, my athiest friends?)
Considerable increase in tolerance. (No hatin' on homosexuals and stuff)
No embarrassing religeous stereotypes. (No Christian Rednecks, no Muslim Terrorists, no Greedy Judiasms...)

5,552 posts

No holidays. (CHRISTMAS FTW!)

Christmas, in America at least, no longer is solely religious. It's been highly comercialized.

No special benefits and/or food. (Mmm, latkes)

You don't have to be religious to eat food. It might be a religious food, but if you like it who cares eat it anyways.

No embarrassing religeous stereotypes

Atheism does have a sterotype - Most people assume atheists are immoral and apathetic about everything.
163 posts

Hmm. Proved me wrong there.
Athiests still don't have Haunakah. (Sorry if I spelled it wrong)
I am an Athiest myself.

5,129 posts

Athiests still don't have Haunakah.

we are free then anyway so who cares? it's a day of from work.
(Haunakah was the 1 that was together whit christmas right?)
9,504 posts

No holidays. (CHRISTMAS FTW!)

Christmas does not solely belong to Christianity; it belongs to multiple religions who have helped shape it.

No special benefits and/or food

We still have the federal holidays and Thanksgiving which also does not belong solely to Christianity.

"Believers" of a religeon hate you

I should hope not. If so they should really practice "Love thy neighbor".
166 posts

I still don't understand why the world just cannot have one good religion.

5,552 posts

I still don't understand why the world just cannot have one good religion.

Why does it need a religion at all? Why is what we can see and interact with not enough? Do we really need some almighty presence to tell us what we should and should not do like a bunch of 4 year olds?
163 posts

Oh trust me.
They NEVER practice "Love thy Neighbor".
What it really is-
"Love thy Neighbor if he does everything right. If he doesn't, BURRRN THE HEEEEAAATHEN. BUURRRRN." That just might be a stereotype...
That is followed....

3,371 posts

That just might be a stereotype...


That is followed....


I practice love thy neighbor. If that makes any difference...
3,817 posts

[quote]I still don't understand why the world just cannot have one good religion.

Because there is no such thing as "Good religion"?
Showing 136-150 of 660