ForumsWEPRReasons to be an Atheist .

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Alright I have been researching theories talking with other Atheists and I have discovered some people who are Atheists but for the wrong reasons like...
1.Settling a score with God because they hate him for (whatever)reasons.
2.Just because.
Some good reasons...
1.There is no evidence.
2.A book written by primitive people is no proof for any God/Gods.
3.Nothing can be omniscient and omnipotent.
Any other reasons can be stated for I am interested in some of your reasons or reasons not to be.

  • 660 Replies
9,462 posts

Nice thing, that Epic of Gilgamesh (tell me, what culture is Ishtar a divinity of again? Persian?).
If you ask me, the name 'hell' comes from the old Scandinavian 'Hel', and the christian satan is just a corrupted version of the celtic figure Cernunnos.

There was also smatterings of Hades and Tartarus in there as well.

I don't think a human being can live longer than 135 years

Oldest confirmed person lived to be 122.

This may have been mentioned before, but, the Christian character of Jesus is for the most part a complete rip off of the Egyptian god Horus.

His story may have been extrapolated from Homer's Odyssey and old testament stories.

laynext=1&list=PLEDD339D43AAAAC9F">Excavating The Empty Tomb (playlist)

It irks me infinitely when someone claims that Catholics are not Christians, just shows how ignorant people can get, just because your variation of religion has some differences from mine.

Mormonism seems to maybe be borderline to being a different religion. Though I wouldn't call it that as it still has basic elements which qualifies as Christian. Voodoo is, which was born from a combination of Catholicism and African tribal religions.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Mormonism seems to maybe be borderline to being a different religion. Though I wouldn't call it that as it still has basic elements which qualifies as Christian. Voodoo is, which was born from a combination of Catholicism and African tribal religions.

Well, I would say Voodoo itself has too many elements of African religions to be counted as Christianity. I was referring to the more subtle and slight theological variations.
9,462 posts

Well, I would say Voodoo itself has too many elements of African religions to be counted as Christianity.

That's what I meant. That it is a different religion from Christianity.
585 posts

There is no good reason to be an atheist. Join a different religion that actually beleives in something. Everyone has to beleive in something right! I am Christian, Catholic and I beleive in God and Jesus that is what I grew up with beleiving in. The faith and religion you beleive in depends on what your parents and family religion is and what they beleive on. A famous quote is the Apple doen't fall far from the tree.

5,552 posts

Join a different religion that actually beleives in something.

1) You spelled believe wrong.
2) Atheism /= no beliefs, just not having a belief in a god
3) Why?

Everyone has to beleive in something right!

No, they don't. Unless you want to get into nuances of the word "believe."

It is not required to believe in a deity of any kind in order to be happy.

The faith and religion you beleive in depends on what your parents and family religion is and what they beleive on. A famous quote is the Apple doen't fall far from the tree.

In other words, you're just believing what you're told. I grew up in a Christian family, my mother and father are Christians, my Aunt is a pastor, my grandmother is/was a pastor, my siblings all believe in God (Or at least I think they do, I've never really asked) but I do not.
9,462 posts

[quote]Join a different religion that actually beleives in something.

1) You spelled believe wrong.
2) Atheism /= no beliefs, just not having a belief in a god
3) Why?[/quote]

4) Atheism isn't a religion.

The faith and religion you beleive in depends on what your parents and family religion is and what they beleive on. A famous quote is the Apple doen't fall far from the tree.

Clearly not. Anyway by this logic where would I fit? My mom was Catholic, my dad was some sort of Deistic Buddhist and my grandfather was Jewish for the time I was growing up.
154 posts

Ninja'd by Mage. Lucky I refreshed before posting.

The faith and religion you beleive in depends on what your parents and family religion is and what they beleive on. A famous quote is the Apple doen't fall far from the tree.

And that somehow makes it right? If anything, it makes it even worse. It's called indoctrination.

Besides, it doesn't always work that way. If you need another example besides those provided by Kasic and Mage, I was raised by an agnostic and a Catholic, with two incredibly religious grandparents who were Catholics, as was most of my family, in a Catholic community. Didn't make me a believer.
13,055 posts

The faith and religion you beleive in depends on what your parents and family religion is and what they beleive on. A famous quote is the Apple doen't fall far from the tree.

And that somehow makes it right? If anything, it makes it even worse. It's called indoctrination.

Besides, it doesn't always work that way. If you need another example besides those provided by Kasic and Mage, I was raised by an agnostic and a Catholic, with two incredibly religious grandparents who were Catholics, as was most of my family, in a Catholic community. Didn't make me a believer.

My story is pretty much similar. My mom (catholic) kept bringing me to church until I was 11 yo then I told her no more! I promise to make a scene if she brought me there again and she never did.
5,552 posts

4) Atheism isn't a religion.

I thought about double posting to add that in, then decided it would fall on deaf ears and wasn't worth it.

I promise to make a scene if she brought me there again and she never did.

Another reason to be an Atheist (and non religious). You don't have any things imposed on you. No sacrificing your Sunday mornings, no food restrictions, no being told (by those whom you associate with willingly) that you're born evil and you will be evil, and you have to be saved, no restrictions on what you can/cannot wear, no words you are disallowed to use, allowed to draw whatever you want, and can be whatever you want.
13,055 posts

I don't need a religion to tell me what not to do. I have my own code.
I don't steal because I think it's wrong and I don't kill or beat up someone unless he's trying to kill me or hurt someone close to me.

I do believe in and eye for an eye though. For example, A man who **** and kill a child should be ***** and killed as well.

Like I mentioned in another thread, I help my elderly neighbor because I want to, not because some religion tells me to.
When I walk in the street with my GF and I see a very good looking girl passing by, I won't turn around and look at her because I don't want to hurt my GF's feelings but that doesn't mean I don't find the other girl attractive.

I respect homosexuals even though I feel uncomfortable with the same sex idea but I won't bully them of say bad things about them because of that. The Bible would require me to hate them and I think it's wrong.

Unlike some of my friends, I respect religious people as long as they don't try to indoctrinate me or force me to do something.
If they find comfort in believing in the Bible or enjoy going to church for whatever reason then more power to them. I don't necessarily see them as idiots.

13,055 posts

Why does AG censure r-a-p-e but not kill?

585 posts

I don't know r-a-p-e is more offensive to other people than kill.

Also thanks for proving everything I said to be wrong. Ya really makes me feel good. Just cause nobody else says anything else.

13,055 posts

Another reason to be an Atheist (and non religious). You don't have any things imposed on you. No sacrificing your Sunday mornings, no food restrictions, no being told (by those whom you associate with willingly) that you're born evil and you will be evil, and you have to be saved, no restrictions on what you can/cannot wear, no words you are disallowed to use, allowed to draw whatever you want, and can be whatever you want.

The danger of religion is that you can be easily indoctrinated during a time that I call the mystic period.
I'm pretty sure anyone had this period sometimes in their life.
Mine was between the age of 13 and 15 yo.
I was fascinated by religions, mysticism, Occultism, hypnosis, telepathy and what not. I was burning incense, listening to New Age music (that was before they called it new Age), I had a crystal pyramid...
I remember staring at objects without blinking my eyes for up to 20 minutes just to see if I could make it move. I never succeeded and I ended up having dry eyes problems for a while.

I was also fascinated by a series of books written by a so-called Lobsang Rampa who supposedly was raised by Tibetan monks and learned about their science, and became some kind on superior being. I had all the books. Here's a list I found on Wikipedia. I swear I had the entire collection.

The Third Eye (1956)
My Visit to Venus (1957)
Doctor from Lhasa (1959)
The Rampa Story (1960)
Cave of the Ancients (1963)
Living with the Lama (1964)
You Forever (1965)
Wisdom of the Ancients (1965)
The Saffron Robe (1966)
Chapters of Life (1967)
Beyond The Tenth (1969)
Feeding the Flame (1971)
The Hermit (1971)
The Thirteenth Candle (1972)
Candlelight (1973)
Twilight (1975)
As It Was! (1976)
I Believe (1976)
Three Lives (1977)
Tibetan Sage (1980)

The Third Eye was my favorite.

I was a sucker for it until I got to the book where he had to change body because he was getting too old. After that I sold all my books and my beliefs were crushed. Also I discovered that physics was so much more interesting in order to feed my hungry mind.

The good things I got from this mystic period is that I improved my concentration a lot and I learned auto-suggestion which is great in my everyday life. BTW, I still listen to my Nirvana Road album by Deuter I bought years ago.
That music is great for relaxing and studying.

In a way, I wish I'd still believed in this stuff because It was a fun thing to do back then.
13,055 posts

Also thanks for proving everything I said to be wrong. Ya really makes me feel good. Just cause nobody else says anything else.

Like I said before I have nothing against religious people, as long as they respect my choice. If they try to force their beliefs on me, than I get mad.
13,055 posts

The danger of religion is that you can be easily indoctrinated during a time that I call the mystic period.

Oops, I said it wrong. I meant the danger of some Religions because I don't think all religions are bad. It's only the extremists among them that actually harm people.
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