Alright I have been researching theories talking with other Atheists and I have discovered some people who are Atheists but for the wrong reasons like... 1.Settling a score with God because they hate him for (whatever)reasons. 2.Just because. Some good reasons... 1.There is no evidence. 2.A book written by primitive people is no proof for any God/Gods. 3.Nothing can be omniscient and omnipotent. Any other reasons can be stated for I am interested in some of your reasons or reasons not to be.
Like I said before I have nothing against religious people, as long as they respect my choice. If they try to force their beliefs on me, than I get mad.
Oh no, I am not trying to force beleifs on you just my opinion.
I was fascinated by religions, mysticism, Occultism, hypnosis, telepathy and what not. I was burning incense, listening to New Age music (that was before they called it new Age), I had a crystal pyramid... I remember staring at objects without blinking my eyes for up to 20 minutes just to see if I could make it move. I never succeeded and I ended up having dry eyes problems for a while.
Oh man, it's like hearing about my 13-year-old self. I still have an entire binder on the mystical properties of herbs, candles and such that I made sometime that year stashed somewhere. I kept it up for about three years, at which point I got interested in philosophy and switched to agnostic, finally solidifying into atheistic some four years ago.
So are atheists beleiver's in nothing then can someone fill me in.
Seriously? First, the word is 'believe'. I before E except after C, or something like that. And if you want to learn about atheism, there's this thing called the internet. Just saying something false about atheism and then acting like we're the ones who are retarded won't win you many friends here.
So are atheists beleiver's in nothing then can someone fill me in.
We all believe in something. If it's not in a supreme being it's science, sports,etc. We all ask ourselves the question eventually. Why are we? We just have different answers for it. Which in the end, nobody really knows.
My own definition of an atheist would be that the God explanation is not enough. I want to know more, something that can be proven, something concrete. If we have a brain it's for a reason. Thinking is great, I love it.
Also thanks for proving everything I said to be wrong. Ya really makes me feel good. Just cause nobody else says anything else.
Don't take it as an insult, just try to learn from the mistake and move on. That way next time you don't make the same mistake and you can be right in what you say.
So are atheists beleiver's in nothing then can someone fill me in.
A quick history on atheism. As already noted it just means a lack of belief in god/s. (Good example of why you should learn from your mistakes instead of repeating them. As noted by Kasic "2) Atheism /= no beliefs, just not having a belief in a god"
The origin of the word comes from atheosist, this was to denote "belief in no gods", "denying the gods", "ungodly", etc. It was meant as in insult. The term atheist came about during the late 16th century being derived from the French word for "one who denies or disbelieves the existence of God". The term atheist to denote someone who simply lacked belief in any god (as it's used today) didn't start until the 18th century. This was because it was thought that one couldn't simply lack belief in god. As in grew to include a simple lack of belief it evolved from atheos-ist to a-theist (without belief in god/s) which was more inclusive.
If you like I can also give you a brief run down on agnostic and how that got muddied into the belief category even though it deal with lack of knowledge.
I want to know more, something that can be proven, something concrete.
This touches on why so many atheists ask for proof that god (any god) exists. We wish to have something concrete supporting what we think is true or not. This is because for many the truth really does matter and we aren't going to arrive at what is factual on faith (belief without proof).
This touches on why so many atheists ask for proof that god (any god) exists. We wish to have something concrete supporting what we think is true or not. This is because for many the truth really does matter and we aren't going to arrive at what is factual on faith (belief without proof).
Most atheists believe in the scientific method, which deals in empirical evidence. Faith cannot be measured nor can it be objective. Faith is not fact and we can't accept it as evidence of anything. Religion might be considered a hypothesis, but since it can't be tested, it falls flat in that respect as well.
Blindly believing leads to false assumptions (and isn't that a great word to use here, considering its connotations). It's not a road to knowledge. God is not verifiable, therefore he/she/it/noodle is meaningless (keep in mind that this is only the opinion of a somewhat shaky positivist, aka me).
That was my way of agreeing with Mage.
As already noted it just means a lack of belief in god/s.
it can be argued that everyone is an atheist according to some religion in the world. As Dawkins says, "I just go one god further". (That's mostly a joke, but there's a kernel of truth in there too.)
Any fellow atheist here that would like to help me beat this one guy on YouTube in a argument? I seriously need help.
What sort of argument are you having trouble with?
it can be argued that everyone is an atheist according to some religion in the world. As Dawkins says, "I just go one god further". (That's mostly a joke, but there's a kernel of truth in there too.)