bold = counted 100, italics = previous winning participant, [#] = # of total wins, (#) = # of times counted 100
Highest Count: 15!
1. 9! - 3865 (2533) pages / 286 days, Feb 13, '15 at 5:49pm, 3 users, 6 minutes.
Gantic, Ferret, weirdlike
Note: Earned by handicap.
2. 14! - 2135 pages / 937 days, Sep 08, '17 at 1:25pm, 3 users, 6 mins.
Moegreche, nichodemus, UnleashedUponMankind
Note: Earned by handicap.
Longest Streak - 21 WINS
Current Streak - 21 WINS
1. 100! - 537 (355) pages / 94 days, Aug 6, '14 at 9:28pm, 16 users, 14 hrs 33 mins.
apldeap123, Azywng, Crickster, Chryosten (as Darkfire45), Darktroop07, evilsweetblock, JACKinbigletters, kalkanadam, Loop_Stratos, MPH_Complexity, Omegap12, Patrick2011, R2D21999, Snag618, Tactical_Fish, Voyage2
2. 100! - 455 (304) pages / 29 days, Sep 4, '14 at 7:55am, 8 users, 48 mins.
Alpha900i, bakkart, Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [2], ddevil6, eras, Fyrhazrd, JACKinbigletters [2], lion2002, Potoks, TheRed555
3. 100! - 499 (334) pages / 15 days, Sep 19, '14 at 8:26am, 14 users, 3 hrs 19 mins.
cactusjoe, Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [3], dadyrocks, halit, helpo1, Laspa, Leesie, MattEmAngel, Miraidematro, obewan007, Riffle78, Thomcore, TiSe88, Youassassin
4. 100! - 330 (221) pages / 18 days, Oct 7, '14 at 10:17am, 9 users, 2 hrs 26 mins.
ChapZ, Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [4], dragonking9, helpo1 [2], MattEmAngel [2], munkind, salty2, TheSiafu, xXxDAPRO89xXx
5. 100! - 313 (184) pages / 18 days, Oct 25, '14 at 2:02pm, 16 users, 13 hrs 36 mins.
armorplayergc, blk2860, Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [5], Crickster [2], helpo1 [3], Loop_Stratos [2], MattEmAngel [3], miklothegamer, morgul88, obewan007 [1], Omegap12 [2], R2D21999 [2], Snag618 [2], TheMostManlyMan, TheZonk, xXxDAPRO89xXx [2]
6. 100! - 74 (49) pages / 7 days, Nov 1, '14 at 1:08pm, 12 users, 4 hrs 25 mins.
Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [6], Frank_Frooton, helpo1 [4], Loop_Stratos [3], MattEmAngel [4], mongo89, Omegap12 [3], Pieguyme, SirLegendary (as LEGEND_beast), Snag618 [3], TheMostManlyMan [2], xXxDAPRO89xXx [3]
Note: Achieved during one week with no Gantic.
7. 100! - 417 (267) pages / 34 days, Dec 5, '14 at 5:58am, 17 users, 7 hrs 14 mins.
AHomoSapien, Clancy12, Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [7], destoyer153, Ernie15, helpo1 [5], Kroag_God_of_Ib, letias, MattEmAngel [5], nichodemus, Patrick2011 [2], randomblah, SirLegendary (as LEGEND_beast) [2], StormWalker, Terry_Logic, TheMostManlyMan [3], xXxDAPRO89xXx [4]
8. 100! - 143 (36) pages / 3 days, Dec 8, '14 at 3:47pm, 15 users, 12 hrs 21 mins.
Bhum, Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [8], Clancy12 [2], Dimf, Doombreed, Frank_Frooton [2], helpo1 (2)[6], JACKinbigletters [3], SirLegendary (as LEGEND_beast) [3], MattEmAngel [6], Quacksalber5, OkamiAma77, randomblah [2], red303, zdrk
9. 100! - 957 (603) pages / 37 days, Jan 17, '15 at 3:45am, 8 users, 4 hrs 52 mins.
Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [9], Clancy12 [3], Doombreed [2], Garriss, helpo1 [7], R2D21999 [3], SirLegendary [4], TheMostManlyMan [4]
10. 100! - 10 (8) pages / 0 days, Jan 17, '15 at 4:26am, 5 users, 40 mins.
Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [10], Doombreed [3], helpo1 (2)[8], Saphire24, SirLegendary (2)[5]
11. 100! - 18 (13) pages / 0 days, Jan 17, '15 at 6:49am, 6 users, 43 mins.
Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [11], Doombreed [4], Guest_Pegasus1234, helpo1 (3)[9], Saphire24 [2], SirLegendary (2)[6]
12. 100! - 28 (20) pages / 1 day, Jan 18, '15 at 5:55am, 5 users, 2 hrs 4 mins.
Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [12], Doombreed [5], helpo1 (4)[10], Loop_Stratos [4], SirLegendary (2)[7]
13. 100! - 279 (186) pages / 36 days, Feb 21, '15 at 7:18am, 15 users, 13 hrs 23 mins.
Akatsuki_Kojou, armorplayergc [2], Armourjerry, Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [13], Doombreed [5], Guest_Pegasus1234 [2], helpo1 [11], MattEmAngel [7], Nochnik, Omegap12 [4], red303 [2], Saphire24 [3], SirLegendary (2)[8], StormWalker [2], trigon123
14. 100! - 450 (301) pages / 51 days, Apr 12, '15 at 8:20am, 21 users, 18 hrs 24 mins.
Andelhofs, Arm_Candy, armorplayergc [3], Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [14], D373, Doombreed [6], eliakith, Frank_Frooton [3], Gogotank, helpo1 (5)[12], llama132, Loop_Stratos [5], MattEmAngel [8], Patrick2011 [3], red303 [3], Saphire24 [4], SirLegendary (2)[9], SSTG, StormWalker [3], TheMostManlyMan [5], trigon123 [2]
15. 50! - 100 (68) pages / 10 days, Apr 22, '15 at 4:54pm, 8 users, 32 mins.
Anders123456, apldeap123 [2], armorplayergc [4], ChapZ [2], eliakith [2], helpo1 (5)[13], StormWalker [4], xerox
Note: Earned during Halfway Hump Day.
16. 100! - 100 (84) pages / 14 days, May 6, '15 at 7:16pm, 12 users, 11 hrs 10 mins.
Andelhofs [2], Arm_Candy [2], armorplayergc [5], ChapZ [3], Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [15], Doombreed [7], Frank_Frooton [4], Gogotank [2], helpo1 (5)[14], SirLegendary (2)[10], Tatopie, trigon123 [3]
Note: Earned during Forgiving Mod-Free Half Day
17. 100! - 181 (121) pages / 28 days, Jun 3, '15 at 12:43pm, 12 users, 2 hrs 55 mins.
akshobhya, armorplayergc [6], ChapZ [4], Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [16], Clocklol, Doombreed [8], Frank_Frooton [5], Guest_Pegasus1234 [3], helpo1 (5)[15], SirLegendary (2)[10], swipenet, trigon123 [4]
18. 100! - 159 (108) pages / 31 days, Jul 4, '15 at 11:43am, 6 users, 1 hr 42 mins.
akshobhya [2], black_star305, Chryosten (as Darkfire45) [17], daydreamer01, alinberce, helpo1 (5)[16]
19. 100! - 14 (10) pages / 2 days, Jul 6, '15 at 8:21am, 19 users, 33 hours, 34 mins
akshobhya [3], awsomejazz123, black_star305 [2], ChapZ [5], Chryosten (as Darkfire45) (2)[18], daydreamer01 [2], Frank_Frooton [6], GhostOfNinja, Gogotank [3], Greg7077, HahiHa, helpo1 (5)[17], Jigili, Patrick2011 [4], red303 [6], Scarlet53, SirLegendary (2)[12], StormWalker [5], TheMostManlyMan [6]
20. 100! - 165 (111) pages / 55 days, Aug 29, '15 at 3:42am, 22 users, 2 dys 3 hours 29 mins.
akshobhya [4], Arm_Candy [3], armorplayergc [7], bavly3000, ChapZ [6], Chryosten (2)[19], cobbcannon3423, daydreamer01 [3], devansh_asthana, Doombreed [9], Ernie15 [2], Frank_Frooton [7], Gogotank [4], helpo1 (5)[18], KatPryde, lexaxssj3, nichodemus [2], Omegap12 [5], red303 [7], SirLegendary (2)[13], starswar, StormWalker [6]
21. 100! - 96 (65) pages / 18 days, Sep 16, '15 at 11:05pm, 18 users, 1 hour 29 mins.
09philj, AEtherwing, AHomoSapien [2], akshobhya [5], armorplayergc [8], Chryosten (2)[20], cobbcannon3423 [2], daydreamer01, Frank_Frooton [8], GhostOfNinja [2], helpo1 (5)[19], KatPryde [2], MattEmAngel [9], nichodemus [3], philimaster, red303 [8], SirLegendary (2)[14], will3
22. 100! - 103 (70) pages / 35 days. Oct 21, '15 at 7:42pm, 19 users, 54 hours 28 mins.
akshobhya [6], Alp_Ehni, apldeap123 [3], armorplayergc [9], Chryosten (2)[21], devansh_asthana [2], FishPreferred, Gogotank [5], helpo1 (5)[20], ivanxxxxxxx, JustSomeGuy2, KatPryde [3], Loop_Stratos [6], Patrick2011 [5], red303 [9], SirLegendary (2)[15], usArGBP15, wookie1196, xmarianek9
23. 100! - 236 (157) pages / 96 days. Jan 25, '16 at 11:18am, 14 users, 70 hours 54 mins.
akshobhya [7], armorplayergc [10], Chryosten (2)[22], doqck, helpo1 (5)[21], IIxLadyLuckxII, KatPryde [4], M00stache, nichodemus (2)[4], R2D21999 [4], red303 [10], StrikingDefender, Swarmlord2, VermilionPhoenix
NOTE: There was a forum update that caused difficulties in the count to 100. The page statistics are also different.
24. 100! - 272 pages / 190 days. Aug 2, '16 at 6:22 pm, 11 users, 6 hours 5 mins.
armorplayergc [11], BalkanRenegades, calwina, Chryosten (2)[23], Doombreed [10], Eldunari17, helpo1 (5)[22], jimmycarlos, KatPryde [5], MattEmAngel [10], SirLegendary (2)[16]
25. 100! - 44 pages / 11 days. Aug 13, '16 at 2:33pm, 11 users, 22 hours 15 mins.
akshobhya [8], Andelhofs [2], armorplayergc [12], BalkanRenegades [2], Chryosten (2)[24], devansh_asthana [2], Eldunari17 [2], helpo1 (6)[23], KatPryde [6], MalevolentDeath, SirLegendary (2)[17]
26. 100! - 328 pages / 213 days. Mar 3, '17 at 8:45pm, 15 users, 2 days 11 hours 19 mins.
apldeap123 [4], armorplayergc [13], Chryosten (3)[25], Eldunari17 [3], Frank_Frooton [9], helpo1 (6)[24], kalisenpai, KatPryde [7], mamibo, MattEmAngel [11], Poseires, Ramit12, Saiyoku, The_Devils_Advocate, will3 [2]
27. 100! - 179 pages / 128 days. Jul 9, '17 at 4:38pm, 7 users, 27 hours 46 mins.
armorplayergc [14], kalisenpai [2], PLGuy, Majestic_Fish, Ramit12 [2], Awesome751, Hardstrike
28. 100! - 10 pages / 1 day. Jul 10, '17 at 2:36pm, 6 users, 2 hours 5 mins.
Hardstrike [2], Awesome751 [2], PLGuy (1)[2], Ramit12 [3], Majestic_Fish [2], helpo1 (7)[25]
29. 100! - 21 pages / 20 days. Jul 30, '17 at 2:02pm, 6 users, 7 hours 32 mins.
kalisenpai (1)[3], Majestic_Fish [3], PLGuy (1)[3], helpo1 (7)[26], carlosbomb, VBloze
30. 100! - 42 pages / 16 days. Aug 15, '17 at 5:42pm, 6 users, 3 hours 52 mins.
Majestic Fish [4], Dino 3128, PLGuy (1)[4], helpo1 (8)[27], Hardstrike [3], Ramit12 [4]
31. 100! - 78 pages / 21 days. Sep 2, '17 at 12:15pm, 10 users, 13 hours 47 mins.
LordLazyLeopard, Hellica, Chryosten (3)[26], Majestic_Fish [5], kalisenpai (1)[4], Coral42, PLGuy (1)[5], Hardstrike [4], DiamondHunterZ, helpo1 (9)[28]
32. 100! - 43 pages / 26 days. Sep 28, '17 at 4:25pm, 17 users, 6 days 22 hours 18 mins.
helpo1 (10)[29], Chryosten (3)[27], kalisenpai (1)[5], PLGuy (1)[6], armorplayergc [15], oyaji3211, catlover192, KatPryde [8], Majestic_Fish [6], Hardstrike [5], DiamondHunterZ [2], Swarmlord2 [2], Anatheron, LordLazyLeopard [2], GhostOfMatrix, Eldunari17 (1)[4], zdrk [2]
33. 100! - Dec 02, '17 at 11:59 am, 15 users, 2 days, 21 hours 46 mins.
zdrk [3], PLGuy (1)[7], helpo1 (10)[30], Yellowcat, Majestic Fish [7], Olaffours, oyaji3211 [2], armorplayergc [16], Chryosten (3)[28], sciller45, kalisenpai (1)[6], perin106, MangoInfinity1, ranggagreat, PHLHimself
34. 100! - Feb 09, '18 at 6:13 pm, 6 users, 7 hours 14 mins.
abcdragon66, PLGuy (1)[8], lithium923, KatPryde [9], luis3141, Olaffours (1)[2]
35. 100! - Feb 18, '18 at 11:49 am, 15 users, 4 days, 22 hours 48 mins.
SirLegendary (2)[18], PLGuy (1)[9], KatPryde [10], luis3141 (1)[2], Majestic_Fish [8], sciller45 (1)[2], Ramit12 [5], XxTattyKxX, Olaffours (1)[3], TheMostManlyMan (1)[7], Yellowcat [2], abcdragon66 [2], ImSkysock, GamerNikoBellic, lithium923 [2]
36. 100! - May 06, '18 at 04:22 am, 7 users, 14 hours 23 mins.
Majestic Fish [9], PLGuy (1)[10], sciller45 (1)[3] Yellowcat [3], Hardstrike (1)[6], KatPryde [11], armorplayergc [17]
37. 100! - May 06, '18 at 04:59 am, 4 users, 37 mins.
Hardstrike (1)[7], PLGuy (1)[11], Majestic Fish (1)[10], sciller45 (1)[4]
38. 100! - July 03, '18 at 4:43 pm, 10 users, 10 days 23 hours 50 minutes.
sciller45 (1)[5], armorplayergc [18], abcdragon66 [3], PLGuy (2)[12], hirasthegamer, KatPryde [12], NietzTheBlitz, Yellowcat [4], akshobhya [9], TheMostManlyMan (1)[8]
39. 100! - September 30, '18 at 9:20 am, 8 users, 4 days 18 hours 15 minutes.
funguy161, AmyClyne, PLGuy (2)[13], Majestic Fish (2)[11], KatPryde [13], sciller45 (1)[6], Yellowcat [5], TheMostManlyMan (1)[9]
40. 100! - December 4, '18 at 12:15 pm, 8 users, 11 days 10 hours 59 minutes.
Majestic_Fish (2)[12], PLGuy (3)[14], KatPryde [14], sciller45 (1)[7], sietkafta, velicankivrak, AmyClyne [2], funguy161 [2]
41. 100! - January, '19 at 10:30 am, 11 users, 5 days 20 hours 57 minutes.
Majestic_Fish (2)[13], PLGuy (3)[15], kalisenpai (1)[7], abcdragon66 [4], Yellowcat [6], sciller45 (1)[8], AmyClyne (1)[3], dragonmaster10902, armorplayergc [19], Ramit12 [6], funguy161 [3]
42. 100! - January, '19 at 5:07 pm, 11 users, 8 days 4 hours 1 minute.
sciller45 (2)[9], kalisenpai (1)[8], PLGuy (3)[16], armorplayergc [20], PewienCzlowiek, Yellowcat [7], AmyClyne (1)[4], Ramit12 [7], Magic_Spoon, Majestic_Fish (2)[14], funguy161 [4]
43. 100! - April 28, '19 at 10:17 am, 8 users, 3 days 13 hours 38 minutes.
Hunter902, FireDragonWarrior2, sciller45 (3)[10], PLGuy (3)[17], kalisenpai (1)[9], charlesjoseph, armorplayergc [21], buggra
44. 100! - October 11, '19 at 08:58 am, 10 users, 23 days 20 hours 57 minutes.
sciller45 (3)[11], charlesjoseph [2], disastermaster30, Bears Bears Bears, robsob20061017, Yellowcat [8], Hunter902 [2], armorplayergc [22], bensonbeagle, meaosome
45. 100! - May 09, '20 at 00:03 am, 13 users, 50 days 6 hours 5 minutes.
disastermaster30 (1)[2], RebelGamer_98, Bears_Bears_Bears [2], red303 [9], Yellowcat (1)[9], armorplayergc [23], ismael6, sciller45 (3)[12], Hunter902 [3], akshobhya [10], GhostOfMatrix [2], lozerfac3, SpiritTaker
46. 100! - January 13, '23 at 22:19 pm, 9 users, 3 days 21 hours 28 minutes.
disastermaster30 (2)[3], R2D21999 [5], Mattchstick, saint of gaming, nichodemus (2)[5], Widestsinger, sciller45 (3)[13], TheMostManlyMan (1)[10], HalRazor
47. 100! - April 29, '23, 9 users, over 29 days.
TheMostManlyMan (1)[11], saint_of_gaming [2], Widestsinger [2], SirLegendary (2)[19], nichodemus (2)[6], danwar123, sciller45 (3)[14], HalRazor [2], disastermaster30 (3)[4]
48. 100! - July 20, '23, 15 users, 52 days.
saint_of_gaming [3], TheMostManlyMan (1)[12], Solas128, Widestsinger [3], sciller45 (4)[15], ScoobySnax, nichodemus (2)[7], SirLegendary (2)[20], GhostOfMatrix [3], Yellowcat (1)[10], portarto, HalRazor [3], jimmycarlos [2], IllustriousIllusion, robsob20061017 [2]
49. 100! - December 22, '23, 11 users, 103 days.
TheMostManlyMan (1)[13], nichodemus (2)[8], saint_of_gaming [4], SirLegendary (2)[21], sciller45 (5)[16], Widestsinger [4], Hunter902 [4], JimSlaps, HalRazor [4], IllustriousIllusion [2], Solas128 [2]
50. 100! - February 12, '24, 11 users, 52 days.
sciller45 (5)[17], HalRazor [5], saint_of_gaming [5], JimSlaps (1)[2], TheMostManlyMan (1)[14], Solas128 [3], nichodemus (2)[9], Widestsinger [5], SirLegendary (2)[22], skater_kid_who_pwns, disastermaster30 (3)[5]
51. 100! - March 17, '24, 11 users, 35 days.
JimSlaps (1)[3], sciller45 (5)[18], saint_of_gaming [6], TheMostManlyMan (1)[15], Strop, skater_kid_who_pwns [2], GhostOfMatrix [4], WidestSinger (1)[6], HalRazor [6], SirLegendary (2)[23], Solas128 [4]