We calculated the games that had the most players this year. Who do you think is #1?
Hordes of monsters surging forward in single-file, with only you and your building powers to destroy them.
The second best part about Halloween (besides loads of candy) is getting spooked by your favorite scary games and movies.
Latest News
Five Summer Games
Summertime is nice and all, but if you want to experience it without peeling skin and stinging insects, here are five games that capture the spirit.
Feature, Free Games, Summer Games
Five Strange Games
Weird is wonderful, and here are five of some of the strangest games to ever have graced the Armor Games library.
features, Free Games, News
i saw her standing there
Nick Yonge’s popular, weirdly sweet Flash game series is all about love… even if the romance is literally dead.
features, i saw her standing there, Nick Yonge
Dangerous Adventure 2 Released
DeqafStudio brings their popular puzzle/strategic RPG back for more with Dangerous Adventure 2, here on Armor Games.
features, Game Releases, News
Play This Game
Want to figure out what game to play next? Well, let’s talk about your favourite types of TV shows and go from there.
features, News, Recommendations
The Adventure Pals Demo
Can’t wait to play The Adventure Pals? You don’t have to! Check out the new demo for PC and Mac, and spread the word.
Feature, News, The Adventure Pals
World Lion Day at Armor Games
The Armor Games staff celebrates August 10th, World Lion Day, by trying to figure out what a lion actually is. We think we nailed it.
blog, features, World Lion Day
Sentry Knight Through the Ages
The Sentry Knight series has brought in millions of players over the years. How has the series changed, and what’s next?
Feature, Sentry Knight, Sentry Knight Tactics
The Adventure Pals Contest!
With The Adventure Pals Kickstarter in full swing, it’s time to celebrate with a delicious contest! Whose hot dog cuisine will reign supreme? Allez The Adventure Pals!
Contests, News, The Adventure Pals
The Adventure Pals Kickstarter!
The Kickstarter for the successor to the wildly popular platforming RPG adventure is here. Grab your giraffe and hold it tight!
Kickstarter, News, The Adventure Pals
The Top RPGs
We’ve got some of the best RPGs to play free in your browser.
Feature, Free Games, RPG, Top List
Cursed Treasure 3 Footage
Ready your hordes and check out new alpha gameplay footage from Cursed Treasure 3, featuring new graphics.
Cursed Treasure 3
scriptwelder: Developer Interview
What goes into crafting the sort of point-and-click adventures that make your skin crawl and spine tingle?
Don't Escape, Interview, ScriptWelder
Sushi Cat: A Delicious History
A look back at the evolution over half a decade of the furriest, squishiest gourmand in indie gaming history!
Armor Games, Feature, Sushi Cat
Summer Sale - 75% off!
Super Chibi Knight and GemCraft Chasing Shadows are both 75% off during the Steam Summer Sale.
GemCraft, Sale, Steam, Super Chibi Knight
Spotlight: The Player's Forge
Thanks to the community, the Player’s Forge has over two million player created levels! Here are just a few of our favourites for Crush the Castle 2!
Community, Crush the Castle, Level Share
Never Give Up: Dev Interview
If you’re a fan of the hurts-so-good brutal platforming, get your desktop ready for the upcoming release of NGU on Steam!
Massive Monster, Never Give Up, Tasselfoot
Top Ten Most Addictive Games
“Most addictive.” That’s a bold claim, eh? How do you measure that? However you define it, Armor Games has a lot of it.
Addictive, Top 10
Boxy Zombie Frenzy
Have you ever wished your head was shaped like a box and you were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse with unlimited ammo?
Gem Hunters
Check out the latest game from Krin and gmentat, and puzzle-fight your way through the lands.
iOS Game, iTunes, Krin
Post PAX Pix Post (Updated)
Armor Games was at PAX East last month for the first time ever. Check out the video and pictures below.
pax, PAX East
Warfare Online Greenlit
Warfare Online, the multiplayer successor to the massively popular Warfare series, has been Greenlit.
Early Access, Greenlight, Steam, warfare, Warfare Online
Never Give Up Greenlit
Support Never Give Up on Steam Greenlight and spread the rage with new enemies and new levels.
Give Up, Give Up 2, Greenlight, Never Give Up, Steam
Armor Games at PAX East
Armor Games is heading to PAX East in Boston next week to showcase our upcoming games.
pax, PAX East
Partnering with Atmos Games
Armor Games has partnered with Atmos Games to promote Pinstripe, from the same developer as Coma.
pax, PAX East, Steam
Showing 126-150 of 1,071