As you may have guessed, this is a compilation, or a list if you're that kind of person, of people's birthdays. Give me your birthday and you shall be added to my list.
@Ernie15 - 1/5/1982 @Terry_Logic - 1/5/1995 @Blackbeltr0: - 1/6/15?? @Mickeyryn - 1/8/1999 @jeff2241 - 1/9/1996 @gman144 - 1/9/1998 @Skeleton_Pilot - 1/18/1987 @GhostOfHorror - 1/24/1999 @Clancy12 - 1/25/1999 @gh0sts - 1/26/1984 @Gamecholic - 1/29/1994 @Scarlet53 - 2/3/2000 @Sophie28 - 2/5/2000 @ArgamenPhish - 2/9/1996 @xeano321 - 2/14/1996 @zakyman - 2/14/1997 @MegaIPOD - 2/20/1998 @Master565 - 2/??/1995 @IceClaw247 - 2/26/1998 @eliakith - 2/26/2000 @evilsweetblock - 2/28/2011 @Salvidian - 2/29/1996 @SportShark - 3/1/1215 @Squidbears - 3/3/1994 @samiel - 3/4/1999 @ForNoReason - 3/6/1998 @Saphire24 - 3/20/1999 @Pedro97 - 3/21/1997 @minecraftsniper - 3/24/1992 @Aggazaggashoofoo - 3/31/2000 @ironblade41 - 4/1/1999 @pangtongshu - 4/3/1995 @MattEmAngel - 4/5/1992 @Sauron23 - 4/10/1999 @Loop_Stratos - 4/11/2001 @armorplayergc - 4/15/2000 @BlazingZelda - 4/17/3620 @SirLegendary - 4/24/1998 @Shenko - 4/29/1997 @sourwhatup2 - 5/1/1994 @killersup10 - 5/2/1999 @nichodemus - 5/7/1994 @PixelDude - 5/9/1999 @Jefferysinspiration - 5/9/1991 @kingjac11 - 5/10/1998 @robocop83 - 5/10/1983 @ChillzMaster - 5/13/1995 @awesomeplayer312 - 5/14/1999 @Zirco206 - 5/28/1997 @Dimf - 6/1/2000 @Redslaughterer - 6/4/1999 @Koshionos - 6/5/1991 @Darkfire45 - 6/11/1996 @partydevil - 6/17/1976 @Snag618 - 6/18/2000 @EmperorPalpatine - 6/20/1993 @thebluerabbit - 6/21/1993 @unroyalprincess - 6/22/1997 @Kasic - 6/30/1993 @Gogotank - 7/1/2001 @xXxDAPRO89xXx - 7/4/2001 @daleks - 7/6/1995 @Riptizoid101 - 7/12/???? @LaurenLouise1507 - 7/15/1999 @Kyouzou - 7/16/1994 @MachineofLight - 7/17/1999 @d_dude - 7/18/1998 @huwbert2013 - 7/22/1969 @omegap12 - 7/23/2000 @R2D21999 - 7/23/1999 @tinyb0b - 7/30/1997 @feedback123 - 8/2/1990 @armourmihnea - 8/2/2000 @MrDayCee - 8/5/1976 @goumas13 - 8/7/1992 @GhostOfMatrix - 8/10/1995 @TheGalacticGargoyle - 8//15/2001 @jezz - 8/19/1993 @Greg7077 - 8/22/1999 @akshobhya - 8/23/2000 @DarthTyrannausarus - 8/28/2001 @danielo - 8/30/1994 @MoonFairy - 9/1/1995 @UnleashedUponMankind - 9 /1/1971 @superbobdabest - 9/11/1999 @apldeap123 - 9/12/2000 @soccerdude2 - 9/19/1997 @StormWalker - 9/19/1998 @DidactUnbound - 9/19/1997 @Jeff1999 - 9/24/1999 @bingu77788 - 9/26/1998 @toemas - 9/26/1998 @Skulltivator - 10/1/1992 @pickpocket - 10/1/25?? B.C. @fireangle - 10/6/1999 @awsomejazz123 - 10/10/1998 @TheMostManlyMan - 10/31/1998 @Jazmoon - 11/3/1997 @Chapz - 11/5/1993 @Nerdsoft - 11/19/2000 @Tactical_Fish - 11/21/1996 @lildi2013 - 11/21/1994 @WHDH - 11/21/N/A @Minotaur55 - 11/26/1997 @Charlie506 - 11/26/1998 @trigon123 - 11/27/2001 @xAyjAy - 11/27/1989 @Sengokura - 11/29/1997 @Gamer_Cale - 11/30/1994 @blk2860 - 12/3/2001 @Osumnis - 12/7/1997 @etg2002 - 12/9/2001 @09philj - 12/10/1997 @Pieguyme - 12/16/1998 @Jacen96 - 12/27/1996 @Chris707 - 12/31/1997 @fantasy4life - 12/31/????
Ernie15 - 1/5/1982Blackbeltr0: - 1/6/15??Mickeyryn - 1/8/1999 jeol - 1/23/1996 GhostOfHorror - 1/24/1999 Clancy12 - 1/25/1999hardigra - 1/29/????Gamecholic - 1/29/1994DancesWithFoxes - 2/1/1996ArgamenPhish - 2/9/1996 xeano321 - 2/14/1996 zakyman - 2/14/1997MegaIPOD - 2/20/1998Master565 - 2/??/1995 Salvidian - 2/29/1996Squidbears - 3/3/1994ForNoReason - 3/6/1998 Max000_Extreme - 3/20/1999 Pedro97 - 3/21/1997 ironblade41 - 4/1/1999 pangtongshu - 4/3/1995 Sauron23 - 4/10/1999BlazingZelda - 4/17/36 A.D.IAgreeWithYou - 4/31/1998killersup10 - 5/2/1999 nichodemus - 5/7/1994 Jefferysinspiration - 5/9/1991 ChillzMaster - 5/13/95awesomeplayer312 - 5/14/1999 70_70_70 - 5/15/1991 Redslaughterer - 6/4/1999 partydevil - 6/17/1976 EmperorPalpatine - 6/20/1993 thebluerabbit - 6/21/1993 Kasic - 6/30/1993 Alexandra222 - 7/3/1996 Kyouzou - 7/16/1994 MachineofLight - 7/17/1999 R2D21999 - 7/23/1999tinyb0b - 7/30/1997 feedback123 - 8/2/1990 MrDayCee - 8/5/1976xxBoogeymaN - 8/7/1993 GhostOfMatrix - 8/10/1995 jezz - 8/19/1993 goumas13 - 9/7/1992superbobdabest - 9/11/1999 soccerdude2 - 9/19/1997 StormWalker - 9/19/1998 Jeff1999 - 9/24/1999 toemas - 9/26/1998 pickpocket - 10/1/25?? B.C. fireangle - 10/6/1999 walshymusic - 10/18/1995 skydragon720 - 10/30/1998 mattzor - 10/30/1997 ImTheMostManlyMan - 10/31/1998 Tactical_Fish - 11/21/1996 Minotaur55 - 11/26/1997 xAyjAy - 11/27/1989 Gamer_Cale - 11/30/1994 alexandrica - 12/5/1999 Osumnis - 12/7/1997 idigit - 12/21/1998 Jacen96 - 12/27/1996 thebloxxer - /12/27/1997Chris707 - 12/31/1997fantasy4life - 12/31/????To all who have the question marks, please put a year.To all who's birthdays I didn't announce happy late birthday!Next birthday is ArgamenPhish's.
Happy late birthday to ArgamenPhish, Xeano and zakyman.The next birthday is MegaIPOD's.
Manly, you want me to take care of the birthday list while you're gone?
Sure, you seem to have done a good enough job when I was slacking so go ahead.
Tsk Tsk... Seems we missed a rather important day didn't we?
Mine is 1/25/1999
Didn't he say happy late birthday to you?
So sorry your majesty, so sorry indeed. It will likely happen again...
pickpocket - 10/1/25?? B.C.
I won't be celebrating a birthday this year, but if I were it'd be in 11 days.
Mine is not up there >:O5/1/1994Turning 19 this year... Bleh.
Turning 19 this year... Bleh.
I won't be celebrating a birthday this year, but if I were it'd be in 11 days
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