As you may have guessed, this is a compilation, or a list if you're that kind of person, of people's birthdays. Give me your birthday and you shall be added to my list.
@Ernie15 - 1/5/1982 @Terry_Logic - 1/5/1995 @Blackbeltr0: - 1/6/15?? @Mickeyryn - 1/8/1999 @jeff2241 - 1/9/1996 @gman144 - 1/9/1998 @Skeleton_Pilot - 1/18/1987 @GhostOfHorror - 1/24/1999 @Clancy12 - 1/25/1999 @gh0sts - 1/26/1984 @Gamecholic - 1/29/1994 @Scarlet53 - 2/3/2000 @Sophie28 - 2/5/2000 @ArgamenPhish - 2/9/1996 @xeano321 - 2/14/1996 @zakyman - 2/14/1997 @MegaIPOD - 2/20/1998 @Master565 - 2/??/1995 @IceClaw247 - 2/26/1998 @eliakith - 2/26/2000 @evilsweetblock - 2/28/2011 @Salvidian - 2/29/1996 @SportShark - 3/1/1215 @Squidbears - 3/3/1994 @samiel - 3/4/1999 @ForNoReason - 3/6/1998 @Saphire24 - 3/20/1999 @Pedro97 - 3/21/1997 @minecraftsniper - 3/24/1992 @Aggazaggashoofoo - 3/31/2000 @ironblade41 - 4/1/1999 @pangtongshu - 4/3/1995 @MattEmAngel - 4/5/1992 @Sauron23 - 4/10/1999 @Loop_Stratos - 4/11/2001 @armorplayergc - 4/15/2000 @BlazingZelda - 4/17/3620 @SirLegendary - 4/24/1998 @Shenko - 4/29/1997 @sourwhatup2 - 5/1/1994 @killersup10 - 5/2/1999 @nichodemus - 5/7/1994 @PixelDude - 5/9/1999 @Jefferysinspiration - 5/9/1991 @kingjac11 - 5/10/1998 @robocop83 - 5/10/1983 @ChillzMaster - 5/13/1995 @awesomeplayer312 - 5/14/1999 @Zirco206 - 5/28/1997 @Dimf - 6/1/2000 @Redslaughterer - 6/4/1999 @Koshionos - 6/5/1991 @Darkfire45 - 6/11/1996 @partydevil - 6/17/1976 @Snag618 - 6/18/2000 @EmperorPalpatine - 6/20/1993 @thebluerabbit - 6/21/1993 @unroyalprincess - 6/22/1997 @Kasic - 6/30/1993 @Gogotank - 7/1/2001 @xXxDAPRO89xXx - 7/4/2001 @daleks - 7/6/1995 @Riptizoid101 - 7/12/???? @LaurenLouise1507 - 7/15/1999 @Kyouzou - 7/16/1994 @MachineofLight - 7/17/1999 @d_dude - 7/18/1998 @huwbert2013 - 7/22/1969 @omegap12 - 7/23/2000 @R2D21999 - 7/23/1999 @tinyb0b - 7/30/1997 @feedback123 - 8/2/1990 @armourmihnea - 8/2/2000 @MrDayCee - 8/5/1976 @goumas13 - 8/7/1992 @GhostOfMatrix - 8/10/1995 @TheGalacticGargoyle - 8//15/2001 @jezz - 8/19/1993 @Greg7077 - 8/22/1999 @akshobhya - 8/23/2000 @DarthTyrannausarus - 8/28/2001 @danielo - 8/30/1994 @MoonFairy - 9/1/1995 @UnleashedUponMankind - 9 /1/1971 @superbobdabest - 9/11/1999 @apldeap123 - 9/12/2000 @soccerdude2 - 9/19/1997 @StormWalker - 9/19/1998 @DidactUnbound - 9/19/1997 @Jeff1999 - 9/24/1999 @bingu77788 - 9/26/1998 @toemas - 9/26/1998 @Skulltivator - 10/1/1992 @pickpocket - 10/1/25?? B.C. @fireangle - 10/6/1999 @awsomejazz123 - 10/10/1998 @TheMostManlyMan - 10/31/1998 @Jazmoon - 11/3/1997 @Chapz - 11/5/1993 @Nerdsoft - 11/19/2000 @Tactical_Fish - 11/21/1996 @lildi2013 - 11/21/1994 @WHDH - 11/21/N/A @Minotaur55 - 11/26/1997 @Charlie506 - 11/26/1998 @trigon123 - 11/27/2001 @xAyjAy - 11/27/1989 @Sengokura - 11/29/1997 @Gamer_Cale - 11/30/1994 @blk2860 - 12/3/2001 @Osumnis - 12/7/1997 @etg2002 - 12/9/2001 @09philj - 12/10/1997 @Pieguyme - 12/16/1998 @Jacen96 - 12/27/1996 @Chris707 - 12/31/1997 @fantasy4life - 12/31/????
18 now.
Should I update the list? Or just wait for Manly?
I was born on the 24th of October in 1993. That's what my birth certificate tells me, anyway.
Ernie15 - 1/5/1982Terry_The_Disco_King - 1/5/1995Blackbeltr0: - 1/6/15??Mickeyryn - 1/8/1999 jeol - 1/23/1996 GhostOfHorror - 1/24/1999 articwolf23 - 1/25/1999 Clancy12 - 1/25/1999hardigra - 1/29/????Gamecholic - 1/29/1994DancesWithFoxes - 2/1/1996ArgamenPhish - 2/9/1996 xeano321 - 2/14/1996 zakyman - 2/14/1997MegaIPOD - 2/20/1998Master565 - 2/??/1995 Salvidian - 2/29/1996Squidbears - 3/3/1994 samiel - 3/4/1999ForNoReason - 3/6/1998bigjacob - 4/10/???? Max000_Extreme - 3/20/1999 Pedro97 - 3/21/1997 Aggazaggashoofoo - 3/31/2000 ironblade41 - 4/1/1999 pangtongshu - 4/3/1995 Sauron23 - 4/10/1999BlazingZelda - 4/17/36 A.D. welljordan8 - 4/19/2000IAgreeWithYou - 4/??/1998sourwhatup2 - 5/1/1994killersup10 - 5/2/1999 mdv96 - 5/6/1997 nichodemus - 5/7/1994 Jefferysinspiration - 5/9/1991 ChillzMaster - 5/13/95awesomeplayer312 - 5/14/1999 70_70_70 - 5/15/1991 CalvinKidd137 - 5/20/1998 Zirco206 - 5/28/1997Jblaze101 - 5/31/1992 Redslaughterer - 6/4/1999 partydevil - 6/17/1976 EmperorPalpatine - 6/20/1993 thebluerabbit - 6/21/1993unroyalpincess - 6/22/1997 Kasic - 6/30/1993 Alexandra222 - 7/3/1996 daleks - 7/6/1995 Riptizoid101 - 7/12/???? Kyouzou - 7/16/1994 MachineofLight - 7/17/1999 GhostOfMetal - 7/18/1995 R2D21999 - 7/23/1999tinyb0b - 7/30/1997 feedback123 - 8/2/1990 armourmihnea - 8/2/2000 MrDayCee - 8/5/1976xxBoogeymaN - 8/7/1993 GhostOfMatrix - 8/10/1995 jezz - 8/19/1993 danielo - 8/30/1994 MoonFairy - 9.1.1995 UnleashedUponMankind - 9 /1/1971 joshuawgner55 - 9/6/1998 goumas13 - 9/7/1992superbobdabest - 9/11/1999 soccerdude2 - 9/19/1997S_man98 - 9/19/1998 StormWalker - 9/19/1998 DidactUnbound - 9/19/1997 Jeff1999 - 9/24/1999 bingu77788 - 9/26/1998 toemas - 9/26/1998Skulltivator - 10/1/1992 pickpocket - 10/1/25?? B.C. fireangle - 10/6/1999 Despierto - 10/17/1997 walshymusic - 10/18/1995 Mr Automatic - 10/24/1993 skydragon720 - 10/30/1998 mattzor - 10/30/1997 ImTheMostManlyMan - 10/31/1998Jazmoon - 11/3/1997 Tactical_Fish - 11/21/1996 Minotaur55 - 11/26/1997 xAyjAy - 11/27/1989 Gamer_Cale - 11/30/1994 alexandrica - 12/5/1999 Osumnis - 12/7/1997 iZed - 12/9/1999 idigit - 12/21/1998 Jacen96 - 12/27/1996 thebloxxer - /12/27/1997Chris707 - 12/31/1997fantasy4life - 12/31/????Jezz has the next birthday on the 19th.
I am older than GoM? What?
This list was unattended for two weeks. That particular day was right on the spot... heh... figures... =P
1/9/1998- That is my B-day but it is also the day that I get my drivers license. Yay!
That is my B-day but it is also the day that I get my drivers license.
You've been driving since the day you were born.
Yikes!!!! Sorry MrDayCee! My timing really sucks!Happy late 37th birthday!!! All of you, wish him a happy birthday, NOW!Jezz's birthday is tomorrow so be sure to wish her a happy one, and in case I forget (which I likely will) happy early birthday Jezz!After that it's danielo's birthday on the 30th.
Happy birthday MrDayCee!
it is also the day that I get my drivers license.
Happy birthday to me!!!
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